can you remember when the 'chatbox' was 1st was called 'shoutbox' was the name changed coz people were talking on it anyways...?? i still think...the chatbox...has made the forums ubbber empty...=/ so i was thinking mebe the 'chatbox' should change back to 'shoutbox'.. and perhaps the mods could limit members to only posting 1 or 2 lines in the box per hour..?.. coz then it'll really be a shoutbox...if ya know whut i mean... well just an idea anyways.. merry christmas
no offense bb but i think thats the worst idea to limit peoples shout ....... the forum isnt 'empty' you should chill more in the chatbox then ......... imo .. the forum liek threads etc are for discussions where as the chatbox if for actual conversations .... like you wouldnt see me and mui mui talking about some guy in a thread that discus about something else xD ... speak more in chatbox bb !!!!!
I just read what bb posted, and i think chatbox should still be chatbox. Chatbox was what got me into PA, not the actual threads and stuff. Yes, i agree with you saying that it might bring less discussions within the threads, but we have lots of conversation in the chatbox. From gaming, to pc talk, to sports.
i did that shit in the forums back in the days, when there was no shoutbox-rolleyes of course it wasnt about a guy
think we need more the current dramam discussion not exactly current .. cos where's "links to tempation" thread?! and home troopers? .. Also I seen quite a few posts isn't related to that partucal post.. or posting in wrong section so need mod to delete thread/post.. And also.. maybe thanks button can be in use.. Like what happens when that member has alot of thanks? im sure we had this comment before. about the 'thanks' button, cant remember.
we're gonna start working on updating PA probably next week, as in testing but u guys wont see it till maybe next month.
About the request section: - Most of the thread are posted in the wrong format! [Those threads should then be deleted]. - Link to that request should be posted in the download section, eg. A member requests a song. [song gets fullfilled by a member] a member then post a new thread in the chinese music --- single section. then refer to that rquest thread and copy and paste the url. - Thread fullfilled should be locked. - Members are requesting a film/song/series that is already avaible to download, that member should get a warning or something? ... And then delete that thread. - Have another sub topic inside the request section: Movie Request Archive ---- >All fufilled Requests will go there Also what really annoys me is that there IS search function and nobody seems to be using it! They keep requesting or making a new thread - which we already have on here! If links are broken then members tend to post on that thread and say "please re-up" etc... those posts should be deleted and give warning maybe? Nobody seems to use the Broken Links section!
Add a feature where people MUST thank the OP to view the downloading links. Its kinda iritating seeing people saying thanks by posting but not actually pressing the button @_@
Yes, I know... but even if they don't click on 'thanks' button they can still see the download link anyways. So that's why I said on my previous post... make the thanks button in use. And also what do the uploaders have in return by recieving these 'thanks'?
The thanks feature doesn't really do much. It's nice to have, but it's not like people upload stuff for the thanks. Most people just do it because they like this community and want to contribute to it.