Well, I see on the suggestions page many members are wanting a new banner. Here are the rules you must follow:- Rules 1) Banner creators must not sign their name on it. 2) No nudity, swearing, copyright material, etc etc on the banner. 3) The banner must be this exact size height: 139px width: 839px 4) The banner must have a uniform background.* 5) The banner should match the current theme/color we have for PA 6) Be creative! How to submit your banner: Post your banners here -> CLICK HERE EDIT: I will make an official banner contest thread once we decide what color scheme we are going to use, banner size, requirements, prize, etc. For now, I just ask everyone to be patient, we'll get this started as soon as we can. - b-lee Examples! Any questions? Post in this thread!
^ wouldnt it be better before the update..coz then ya can update and have a new banner too...?..-huh kung kung i thought you did it teeem.....kung kung so lazzzzyyy..... good job susie...!!!.
do the measurements for the banner need to be changed...? the banner nows is sorta small aint it...even on my 13".. doesnt seem to fit..
uhh... to be honest BB - I just copied and pasted those rule from the past years. lol. What do you think best size then you think? But yeah - true;kinda is small. Make the width bigger?
Is anyone going to enter? lol. If not - this thread will be closed for the time being. The deadline is not exact btw.
^ arent you going to submit any yourself susie..?? kung kung will prolly submit some later gah la dun worry =]
haha. nahh.. im not going to submit one but i'm looking forward seeing the other - if there is anyone involved. lol
We should do this after the update in case the look of PA changes, then people can design for the way PA looks at that time, instead of now. But here's my submission anyway. I think we can all agree.