Last Game You Were Playing

Discussion in 'Gaming Section' started by [N], Mar 15, 2009.

  1. lol damn.. that game is frustrating yet it's like crack!!

    I've completed 100% on the first world.. with a keyboard!

    hahaha I'm plugging in an xbox controller next time.. cause it's about to get way harder..
  2. SUSIE-DANG-1988


    Yoshi Island DS - word 4! lol.
    Nearly completed the game
  3. Mrboldy

    Mrboldy New Member

    starcraft 2
  4. Dh_135

    Dh_135 Well-Known Member


    Haven't played in a while.. lost most games. .__________.
  5. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    star wars force unleashed 2...can't wait to beat it and trade the sucker in.
  6. Rain

    Rain Well-Known Member

    Dead space 2~!
  7. chi_man

    chi_man Well-Known Member

    yeah, simple concept but so addicting... music and graphics are nice too. im playing it with keyboard too since i dont have a xbox =D
  8. Starcraft 2!! So noob @_@
  9. Dh_135

    Dh_135 Well-Known Member

    ^haha! youll get a hang of it once you play more and get familar with the units.

    what's your ign? =p
  10. ^Harute

    Code is 198 or 189 either one XD
  11. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    kz3 beta. owned on first day. raped on second. goddamn m82's and infiltrators with shottys
  12. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    deadspace 2
    got to the bit where you go back to the ship from the first one and i was like .. O_O oh nooooooo ... not doing this and put controller down lmao .... ill get back to it when im ready lmao
  13. Damn.. still waiting for DS2 to drop in price. Wondering if I should get AC:B
  14. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    COmpleted ds2
    i felt kinda like ... grrr hurry and finish alrready at the last few chapters but overall very good game but not about the very last ending .. kinda made me go .. :/
    absolutly loved the scene before the credits rolled .... when it went .. dun dun dun *turnes around* ... What? ... it really reminiced the first one which made me proper grin ear to ear ... and final ending :/ ....... ds3 gonna suck bad imo ....... more markers .. greaattt .... :/ ....
  15. amazon has it for 40
  16. lol I bout it already! shit's coming in now.. I don't think it's 40 now.

    anyways.. I hope it's the Limited Edition. Hey ulti. is your LE?

    what difficulty you beat it on? Can't wait to play it. So I'm guessing ending is close to that of the first one.

    Edit: nice.. just got the copy. LE. Now I can play Extractions with the move.
    #818 Great Sage Equal of Heaven, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2011
  17. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    yeah i got LE ... gonna play that when i play through more of DS2 get all guns max em up and get all suits ...... wanna at least get the full experience .. cause i only used one gun and played through normal
  18. gotta beat it hardcore so you can try out the hand cannon..

    alright.. about to do this. gonna start off at zealot. Might test out the multiplayer a bit.