^ of course..!!...hahaha...jk.. when i 1st saw it...didnt think it was that low cut...till i tried it on at home -___-"
it was featuring BoA, and one of the last item to add to my BoA collection. but no, i do not listen to Bratz... lol
^ cuteee....i likey the picture of the bus...<3....is it to hang on the wall....??...and the top ho dut yee... beanie...mar mar dai jeh........
450 mb/s right? hahaha that thing just came out a couple days ago no? I remember reading about it in Engadget. 180 dollars is a bit too steep for a router for me, but the tech in there is super high end. Nice choice!
Finally. I've been lusting after these for over a year. $150 after shipping. I broke my promise to myself that I wouldn't buy anything over 100 bucks this month :( but I'll pick up an extra day of work to make up for it next month lol