If you have, say, a 60GB plan, which costs roughly 45 bucks, you'd have to pay like (guessing) 20 bucks, plus $2 times 35 GB on top, which is 70 bucks. you'd be paying close to $100 bucks for something that's less than half the price you're currently paying. This is theft.
lol hit up pacific mall for some pirated asian pronz on VCD actually come to think of it... I wonder if the sale of porn magazines and DVD's will go up as a result of this...
SIGNED. 25gb/month.. wtf. There's black ops running all day on the ps3, 4 computers on at all times and my bro's watching videos and shit. I myself download lots of crap and browse youtube every now and then.. 25GB is like a week usage..
correct me if im wrong but i don't think this effects cable users? bell offered me 140gb afor $45 a month on fibe 6 after i switched to teksavvy cable
That's not too bad a deal, in terms of the bandwidth cap, however, 6 Mbps? I've been using 10 Mbps for a while. It'd be quite painful to have to use lower speeds.
^ This explains everything. http://www.canadianisp.ca/cgi-bin/ispsearch.cgi If you select your area of where you're living.. all these services will be affected too?
and i just signed up for teksavvy too its on my file, i guess if this does happen i need to sign a contract and get my GB's..i went from fibe25 to 10mb dl with teksavvy cable
http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/...-to-reverse-crtc-decision-on-internet-billing government to reverse the CRTC's decision.