Canadian PA'ers: Sign the Petition Against Metered Internet

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by fearless_fx, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. If you have, say, a 60GB plan, which costs roughly 45 bucks, you'd have to pay like (guessing) 20 bucks, plus $2 times 35 GB on top, which is 70 bucks. you'd be paying close to $100 bucks for something that's less than half the price you're currently paying.

    This is theft.
  2. no more hung lo for me :(
  3. person

    person Well-Known Member

    Pssh, I'm sure he can hook you up with some free dvds.
  4. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    lol hit up pacific mall for some pirated asian pronz on VCD :D

    actually come to think of it... I wonder if the sale of porn magazines and DVD's will go up as a result of this... :spank:
    #24 fearless_fx, Feb 1, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2011
  5. person

    person Well-Known Member

    lol sucks for the regular porntube users.

    Who spends money on porn, pfft.
  6. Dh_135

    Dh_135 Well-Known Member

    SIGNED. 25gb/month.. wtf.

    There's black ops running all day on the ps3, 4 computers on at all times and my bro's watching videos and shit. I myself download lots of crap and browse youtube every now and then.. 25GB is like a week usage..
  7. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    damn this canadian chica knows her shit right :shifty:-hay1
  8. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    are you one of those regulars? gfight1
  9. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    25GB is a day usage.
  10. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    correct me if im wrong but i don't think this effects cable users? bell offered me 140gb afor $45 a month on fibe 6 after i switched to teksavvy cable
  11. It will on July 1st.

    Canadian Internet is fucked.
  12. The_Jelly

    The_Jelly NSFW? :P

    That's not too bad a deal, in terms of the bandwidth cap, however, 6 Mbps? I've been using 10 Mbps for a while. It'd be quite painful to have to use lower speeds.
  13. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

  14. she knows bout that 1080p HD streaming.. -cool2
  15. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    and i just signed up for teksavvy too

    its on my file, i guess if this does happen i need to sign a contract and get my GB's..i went from fibe25 to 10mb dl with teksavvy cable
  16. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    Teksavvy will be affected too.. they even made a notice on their website too
  17. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    Donate Here

    Go Go Go! Just got this email right now. [Feb 2]
    #37 Jeff, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2011
  18. signed some time ago this is 330,000 votes harper going against harper
  19. person

    person Well-Known Member

    Damn straight. =p

    No lol. I don't want that on my internet history =p