Never hire a friend

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by babs, Feb 23, 2011.

  1. babs

    babs Well-Known Member

    I totally need to vent!

    So I gave one of my oldest friends a job when he needed it the most and from the very beginning I told him that our friendship is one thing, my place of business is another. My business is my business and if he does anything that could negatively impact it I will fire him. He agreed.

    He needed to take vacation time and I told him that he could only take 2 weeks cause it makes scheduling difficult especially since he works 6 days per week (his choice not mine cause he needs the money). I ended up letting him take 3 weeks off and he is suppose to be back to work on Thursday. I get an email from him on Saturday claiming that the airline screwed up and that he wont be able to come back till March 4 meaning he's delayed by a week and a half! He claims that he only just found out about it because the email was sitting in the spam folder. He is known to always delay his return from a trip and I specifically told him before he left that he cannot delay his trip and that it's important for him to be back on time. I do not believe that the airline screwed up and even if they did he should not be delayed by over a week! He's flying home from shanghai and it's not CNY anymore nor is there bad weather so at the very least he should only be delayed by 1 day. He is totally full of shit and a huge liar! I told him that I need to have a copy of the email from the airline about the screw up and if he doesnt show it to me then he is obviously a liar. I also went online and able to book a flight from that airline for every day this week!

    None of the other staff believes that his flight was screwed up because he told everyone how easy it is to change his flight home and that it only costs $50 to change it! I'm pissed off because he lied to me about it and that he thinks that I am stupid enough to believe his fake ass story about the airline. He fucked up his life and I'm the only person who has helped him. He fucked up life and fucked girlfriend has caused problems in my marriage and now my business. My husband is convinced our fertility treatment didn't take because I had to go and console his stupid girlfriend in the middle of the night when I was suppose to be resting.

    Lesson to all of you: DONT EVER HIRE YOUR FRIENDS!
  2. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    the all assume they have an automatic get away card. But there are good friends and bad baggage, what you have is the latter.
  3. So what fate did the guy meet afterwards? Were you able to work around his screw up?

    Yea, mixing up business and personal matters tend to turn out ugly.. When friends ask me for hook ups for employment, or into IBM, I tend to change topics quickly.. If they screw up, it would be my ass on the line...

    so, second lesson: Don't hook your friends up with a career job.
  4. mochi

    mochi Well-Known Member

    It's really unfortunate that some people take things for granted. It's tricky mixing business with family or friends so it's important to be clear. In your case, he would really be a douche if he left you in that predicament. If he was planning to do this anyway, then might as well tell you up front so you can plan accordingly (even if the plan was for him to leave the job). At least then it's mutual and you're not left angry. Hopefully he can show you some proof though it doesn't sound like he will. Good luck.
  5. Don't hire your friends or family or anyone else that's close to you. Gotta do it like a boss do.. and fire that ass.

    Guys probably spending all his money on hookers and in huge debt from gambling. Now he owes the triads money and needs to think of a way to get the money and come back alive.
  6. babs

    babs Well-Known Member

    LOL - I love you guys!!! You are all so funny!

    He's an ass and a stupid one at that. How dumb can I possibly if I am able to owe my own successful business!?!?!

    I did a bitchy thing and called his mom! She didn't even know that he's not coming home for another week. I feel so sorry for his parents. They've spent their entire life savings on him. That's what happens when you get a rich girl pregnant and lie about having a shit load of money when you're really just a broke ass that keeps getting money from daddy.

    Well, no proof means I either fire him or I cut his shifts. Cutting 1 day a week means he will be short $500 a month and for someone who has to send $2500/month to hong kong he can't afford to lose 1 day. Think that's punishment enough?
  7. I'd fire him... There's this thing in hockey right now, how my team's GM is best friends with the team's head coach, and that the head coach needed to be fired.. the GM wouldn't fire him.. So my best friend and I spoke, and if we were GM/Head coach, we'd fire each other if one was under performing.. so yea, fire him, or your business will suffer =(

    in regards to the matter of family however, family is a different thing... i doubt family members would be as selfish as friends, since the success of the business would influence the entire family. That's why there are some family businesses that are successful.
  8. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    Nope. fire him :D

    Make him suffer .
  9. I wouldn't go as far as to "wanting" a friend to suffer.. I understand the friendship may have deteriorated after this scenario, but I'd rather display my utter disappointment in this individual.. If they were a good friend, witnessing a friend's disappointment is actually pretty powerful and will impact the individual.. I'd just let him go (job termination) and let him think about the issue.
  10. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    Fire him or wait for Mr Ralph to drop by for advice xD
  11. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    Damn, went straight to the source of his birth.
    Tag and bag his ass when he rolls in. Fact, meet the fucker soon as he gets off the plane.
  12. and you can stop reading starting there.
  13. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    looks like hes coming back jobless
  14. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    umm...i think ya should cut some of his days...

    firing him...seems sorta like the last resort...
  15. Tony

    Tony Well-Known Member

    What kind of business? Hire me
  16. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    Dust his mutha fucking pay.
  17. mochi

    mochi Well-Known Member

    Not necessarily. I've heard messed up stories from sone friends. Usually it's with extended family, but not always.
  18. ^ yea, i meant immediate family. extended family would pretty much result in the same outcome as friends lol
  19. babs

    babs Well-Known Member

    IDK!!! Firing him seems so mean...... his mom would be devastated!! I think I'm gonna cut some of his days and HE OWES ME MONEY TOO!!!!!! He's owed me money for over a year now! So I have to keep him around and take his money so that I get paid back! The worst combination: lending money and hiring the same friend.... sigh...
  20. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    ^ wow for you to takey it out his pay...he must owe you quite a lot