Never hire a friend

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by babs, Feb 23, 2011.

  1. He's jus takin the p...
  2. EvilTofu

    EvilTofu 吃|✿|0(。◕‿◕。)0|✿|吃

    You should deduct what he owes you from his pay, and you better warn him, that was his last chance... He didn't even bother to come up with a good excuse.

    I always don't like mixing business with friends, if it works out, it's great but when it's bad, it's so hard to keep that friendship going. You gave him more chances than he deserves, if he doesn't respect you and take advantage of your friendship than he can take the boot.
  3. ok keep him, and deduct pay until you get your share back, but i'd fire him as soon as possible lol, it's the business on the line..
  4. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member


    No offense, but... :facepalm:

    You're being an idiot.

    From the short thread description of this guy, he sounds like he needs to be very far away from you, never mind your business. He's probably telling all his friends and relatives in Shanghai right now, how it doesn't matter if he stays an extra few weeks, because "It's in the bag, the boss is my best friend, so my job is secure; no way am I going to get fired, ha ha ha..."

    Next, why would his mom be devastated? Is she a major shareholder in your business? Does she work there too? Also, skip the whole email, he said, she said thing. Next he'll bring you a note from his doctor or say the dog ate his ticket; it's meaningless and not even worth pursuing.

    Here is a guy that is already, by your own admission, a known quantity; he's a slacker. And that's with people who he doesn't know. How many jobs has he been let go from before (he sounds like he has a track record)? So with people he feels familiar with, what do you think he will do? You asked the rhetorical question of "how dumb can I be...?" Well, you were dumb enough to hire this asshole. If I were giving you a corporate performance or employee appraisal report, I would note your actions as a key and deadly weakness on your part; that you're not able to separate profession responsibilities from that of your personal life. Thus, I would never assign mission critical objectives to you and your career would stall. Sure, you'll work hard and get periodic raises, but internally, you'll be privately known as "never promotable" beyond entry level and never put into a position of actual responsibility. You may not be dumb, but you certainly act dumb; ie. the line made famous by Forest Gump, stupid is as stupid does; meaning that although you're an intelligent person, you're being judged stupid by the stupid things that you did, like in the hiring of this guy.

    So in answer to your question of, How dumb can I be...? My response would be, I don't know, how dumb do you want to be?

    My suggestion? Call him right now, tell him to continue to enjoy his vacation and don't worry about needing to hurry back, and that his final check in is being sent via registered return signature receipt to his address. Before doing so, change all the locks (both physical and electronic) for your place of business, and monitor all log in attempts with his access code for at least a year.


    If you feel so badly for him (he's short of money to Hong Kong...? Like, WTF? I guess you'll have to Double his salary then, LOL...), marry him, support him for life; but then don't complain to people on public forums about how he doesn't do the dishes.

    That is, Stupid is as stupid does.

    Oh, and BTW, and what about the money that he owes you? LOL... (see the previous line)

    At any rate, all joking aside, you need to get rid of this guy (both professionally and personally). Forget about the money that he owes you. Chalk that up as one of life's very valuable (and expensive) lessons. But you should always consider the damage that a disgruntled employee can do (burn the place, steal from it, chase away customers, whatever...) to take revenge against you for some perceived slight or disciplinary action.
    #24 ralphrepo, Feb 24, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2011
  5. LMAO hahaha.. there's like a new theme to all of ralphs recent posts.. -rotfl

    but yea.. make him your slave! owe you for life!
  6. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    cut days. make him pay you back. have him be ur man servant.
  7. but hey.. maybe if you talk to him about his work ethics.. it may change his life forever.
  8. babs

    babs Well-Known Member

    I really didnt think I was being an idiot about this whole thing. Maybe a little bitchy but I'm not an idiot.

    His ass is fired. I dont need someone like that in my life. I have enough going on in my life that I dont need someone around that treats me like I'm dumb and has no respect for me. I have people waiting to work for me so I dont need this. And the money, it's a $1000 but I dont need it. It'll buy me my next LV purse but that's ok........
  9. Bulla

    Bulla Well-Known Member

    fire him and say "YOU'LL NEVER WORK IN THIS TOWN AGAIN!!!"
  10. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    There is nothing wrong with hiring a friend IF you know he's good. My friends hooked me up; however, I tried to stay away. It's very difficult.

    Anyway, the best suggestion is to FIRE him. If you let him slide, then other employees will do the same. That's not good for you as a person, boss, and a company management.

    As a friend and a boss, you have helped out to the best of your ability, it's just too bad that this guy doesn't know how to cherish the opportunity given to him.

    Don't let this get to you. Fire him and move on. If the friendship is gone, then so be it. You don't need someone like that to be in your life anyway.
  11. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    I absolutely agree. IMHO, she basically went against better judgment in the first place (aware of all his "Do Not Hire" type character flaws) and gave him employment opportunity on the basis of their friendship*, one that she obviously valued. Unfortunately for her, the other party not only didn't value the opportunity, he clearly didn't even value her friendship, nor her generosity. If a friend or relative ever did something like that (as magnanimous as Babs did for this fellow) for me, I would feel eternally obligated to them; moral or socially responsible people would normally feel the same. This guy however, obviously isn't very normal.

    Thus, to her horror and anger, not only didn't this clown reciprocate her good will with hard work, he instead goes merrily on vacation with an absolute sense of entitlement; that this was something owed to him. He already knew well beforehand how important the time issue was to her, and that she will consider it to be a termination or discharge type offense. Further, the fact that he then tries to placate her with an amateurish lip service deception, clearly indicates that despite his being aware of how critical the time was for her; knew that what he was about to do was wrong, he nonetheless did it anyway. The offers of a lame excuse was to, how do we say, dismissively "poo-poo" her, or to just shut her up. Again, he's just paying the "boss" lip service, but it clearly shows that he doesn't really consider her a person of standing, ie. a real boss; In essence, he has very little to no respect for her at all. This, I think, was the barb that stung the most. She clearly feels aghast not so much at the waste of her generosity or kindness, but at the fact that she had horribly misjudged his character and had allowed herself to be used. IMHO, she is angry most that she's been made a fool of; or (the word I used) she feels the idiot for having misplaced her trust in him. The silver lining of course, is that she will never, ever, make such an idiotic mistake again. Life can be a harsh teacher sometimes ;)

    * This was also a very obvious case of nepotism. If this was done in anything other than a private setting she could very well have lost her own job.
    #31 ralphrepo, Feb 25, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2011
  12. shadowchi

    shadowchi ~~♫ ♫ ♪ Himitsu ♪ ♫ ♫ ~~

    Would you hire him if he wasn't your friend, answer :NO
    Would you fire him if he was just an employee, answer:YES
    Did the right thing.

    Learn from this and continue...
  13. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    all about the labels huh..!!!...pwhahaha...

    and and and babs..whut do ya do..?...lots of people work for you woww...
  14. babs

    babs Well-Known Member

    I love my labels!!! Used to be all about that but sacrificed buying expensive clothing and accessories to buy my business. It was a good decision. Life isn't just about nice stuff I'd like to start my family so having a stable business is good.

    Yeah, it was tough firing him but he made it easier when he kept trying to lie to me to save his own ass. I think I lost a friend but he knows that it's his own fault. I can't expect my other staff to take me seriously if I let him get away with that. When I commented earlier on his mother it is because I grew up with him and his mother and I are close. I was his only friend that has helped him and supported him the past 18 months and I was helping him turn his life around that's why she would be devastated. I did call her and tell her what I did and that I had to do it and she understood. She apologized to me and just started crying cause she knew that he has lost his only true friend.

    Kindof sad now. It's true that I should've known better but I have hired other friends in the past and it totally worked out. I tried to help him but he threw it back in my face. I dont feel like an idiot about this situation just betrayed.

    Oh well..... nothing I can do about this. I need to worry about other things. My sister needs brain surgery to correct a problem she has so that's my main concern now.
  15. hope everything works out for ya. Oh and for a hot steamy sexy time.. listen in to PA radio.. :naughty: :shifty:
  16. MrCooperS

    MrCooperS Well-Known Member

    Give him a chance. Talk to him about it. Give him a warning. That's the standard protocol. Tell him it's his first and final warning. Tell him it will not happen again or he will end up jobless.

    In terms of owing you money, you might as well consider it a loss. This is why I don't lend money to friends. My own code when it comes to lending money is if I am able to lend the money to my family or friend, they might as well just keep it. If I give money instead of loaning, there are no strings attached, no hard feelings and no expectations. But that also means, the people I loan money to are only people that I love. So think twice next time.
  17. Babs... you did tell him from the beginning that you separated friendship and business... do not treat this guy any better than you would your other employees... its tough that he owes you money... but in the end even if you fire him he still owes you the money. Have him come up with it another way... you gave him a chance and he took it for granted... and also is trying to duck out of responsibility for his actions.. it is clear the lesson has not gotten across to him.

    Let reality hit him in the face. Hard. and maybe he will turn around or be the guy next to the off ramp of a major high way with an empty starbucks cup with a sign.
  18. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    Absolutely no warning needed. Warning is usually given to people who are hardworking and reliable yet f--ked up due to unforeseen circumstance; not for a loser who probably has a track record of being irresponsible, immature, and untrustworthy; not to mention that he gave a pathetic excuse for the delay, disrespected the boss, and took the friendship for granted.

    Honestly, sometimes, some people just need the kick in the ass or the wall to hit their face for them to wake up .. this guy needs it badly.
  19. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    i hope your sister gets well soon..!!!!..<3
  20. babs

    babs Well-Known Member

    Thanks Brown Bear!!