Do what you wanna do. Be what you wanna be. I'd say. I have a gay friend, he kept telling me how i'm supposed to cook food during my food science class for some odd reason. Im not that bad a cook.
how i feel about this topic matter how hard ppl try and think they have accepted the difference amonst others...they haven't.. at the end...homosexuals are still the weirdos....heterosexuals are still the normal one... When we live in a mutlicultural and a multigenerational society the differences seems to have diminished but when reality to put to the test of one individual, their true form shows. Now for thoses who have ever thought if the were ever for a split second am i a bisexual or homo? How do you determine if your one?
Being homosexual is genetic. They don't become homosexual. I don't think it's wrong being homosexual. Seriously, some people like apples, some people like orange. Same concept
Actually it is not proven to be genetic or scientific. It is by preference of choice on sexuality only so far right now. The farest prove of homosexuality development is due to psychological behavior develops during young age. Such like a boy without a father who becomes really feministic because he is raised along with so many women.
While still a debate, Homosexuality is leaning towards the side of being genetic. There are animals that practice homosexuality, these animals aren't affected by psychological developments like we are. Polygemy and monogemy are also seen throughout the animal kingdom.