in-vitro :O though i wouldn't know why she'd would want to do that if her natural manner work fine...
This one got me thinking, I mean if you read forums its always girls going "My man won't have sex tonight, is he cheating on me? Something wrong with him?" etc etc. Fucking its a one -way street here And girls complain that if they sleep with more than one guy they assume we assume that they are sluts. Fuck! Not everyone thinks that one, I personal don't give a fuck who you fuck as long as you clean at the end of the day.
girls who don't give out --> the relation will crumble soon or later so I am certain she does know it herself and is fully aware of your intentions. I suggest you put thoughts in her head, go about on it with any method or strategic method.
^^ Your pal Akki is warning 'No No, its dangerous, you could potentially be wacked by a walking stick!' -tongue2
Umm.. maybe I'm just new but, how old is this virus dude? I didn't even see anyone ask except for the fact that he thinks "25" is a million years away. There's no reason for that girl to need to "put out" if they're young. That's usually an age where people are irresponsible. We don't need more contenders for Deadbeat dad and teen mom, thanks. If they're older, maybe she's just scared or doesn't know what she should do. The more she's scared, the more it will hurt her. Then again, maybe she might not feel you anyway (jk). I'm telling you, it hurts the first time. Worse than falling down so many times from the first day of snowboarding such that you're hurting for more than a week. Or at least I think so. I don't remember anymore. But once they've done it, they'll slowly warm up to it more and enjoy it. Girls get horny too - true story.