The bad thing about this is that the name of video shows of each winrar file. So, I replaced them with numbers and write out the numbers corresponding with the video title in a text file. I guess this is the best to keep a secret if anyone is doing this also.
lol you make it so complicated to keep your stash a secret.... just go buy a 16GB USB, and save your stash in it. No videos stored on your computer, no need to password protect it and you can carry it around wherever you like. if you lose it, well, people are going to know your secret lol that, or invest in a computer for yourself, an ipod, a portable hard drive, or whatever.
i remember some usb have password protection app to ensure maximum security split the rar into .01 .02 .03 files then split each piece into .001 .002 files then take out the .001 file and burn to cd, delete file from computer
lol. i guess we kinda gathered what videos they are! haha. but ye.. why doing all off this?! When you can just buy an external drive and put it on there... or better way have a seperate account on your pc/laptop and put a password on there.. that way noboy can log onto your user account then.
Rather than doing that, when setting the password in Winrar, just tick the "Encrypt file names" checkbox: What this does is, when you try to open a .rar file, you'll be asked to type a password in before you even get to see what's inside, so no need to change file names. Also, if you're just keeping the files on the same computer, you could just hide the folder. It's quicker and easier, but less secure than using Winrar:
I know that. It still updates everything inthe winrar file when I delete when I delete a file inside. I remember once my dad secretly looking at files in my USB and he some those videos and he told my mom...and my mom was talking to me about these kind of videos.
For me, I watch online stream porn videos unless the video is home made. Message me if you want some good sites. Good luck.
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!! I find this thread really funny. -noclue. From deleting files in Winrar to getting information that we'd never expect.
That deleting thing is unavoidable, that's just how all compressed archives work. I was talking about you renaming all your files inside the rars, there's no need to do that if you encrypt file names. Unless you or anyone else knows the password to the rar, you or they won't be able to see what's inside it.