reunite lol....... i don't think theres a thread about texting and BBM addicts. i do go through a lot of text monthly but im not an addict. I dont have BBM yet but i hate how some friends are so addicted to their BB that they keep focusing on it and ignore surroundings including people when chilling together.
yeshhhh...its so annoying....its like whut the hell is that phone glued to your hand...?... ive had times when my friend asks me to go shopping with them...and most of the time they're just texting on their phone...its like why ask me to come when youre having a good enough time on your own =___=" so bad manners....!!!..okies of its a now and again but like 24/7 on it come on.....!!!!
i minimize the amount of typing when I am alone or in a fairly un-noisy area.... i use the google voice command app to just voice to text my messages lol
lol, everyone has the iphone msg ringtone, so when one phone rings, everyone takes out their phones hahahahhahaha
of course la.. lots of smartphones especially Androids can allow you write your messages by voice tried it on mine it was cool! but i like the good old typing though But yesh yesh I can't stand people texting constantly i'm like how the hell did you go over your unlimited free texts limit!! max i have done is like 1500 texts lol.
lol another popular ringtone is the power rangers ringtone... but the thing is, the majority of the people THINK they have the power rangers theme on... when in fact, they have the kim possible theme, which sounds similar... every time i hear it, i facepalm myself...
I'm not addicted, but when I have my phone with me, I find myself checking it often. Only reason I don't text often is because a number of my friends don't have unlimited texting. But it is annoying when in class, the table starts vibrating from their stupid phones. Set it to silent you idiots!
-To those that hold their phones and are non-stop texting other people when you're chillin' with them.. smh. -People that just hold their phones WAITING for a text and not get one.. the likelihood of you getting a text is not gonna go up just 'cause your holding onto the damn thing.. -People that I see texting at bars, clubs, restaurants and shit when theyre with their friends "supposedly" having a good time.. wtf?
also, we're not holding our phones just because we're expecting a phone... or read text messages.. some of us subscribe to news via twitter, so we could be checking up on some recent news and headlines