So it's not found in the search? As Fah said, are you sure that it's available to pre-order or to even buy it? Cause sometimes they announce they will release a CD or DVD.. but they dont give dates YET. So you'll have to wait longer
Wait, I'm on yesasia and I cannot find SNSD's dvd/blu ray for their recent tour. I also found this on ebay, but don't know if its real or not. thanks for helping
Are there sources or news saying that SNSD will be releasing a DVD of their recent tour? (from News Clip, legit newspaper source.. no rumours though) If no, then chances are they wont be for sale or not yet to be for pre-ordering.
If you go to some Korean music stores, you might get some free posters or stuff when you buy a DVD/CD. I used get tickets when I buy CDs and when I collected 10, I'll get a free CD or DVD. I chat with the employees there to see what new stuffs will be release soon and stuff. You should really check if there are releasing any concert into BR or DVD's first. Many times they don't but you can d/l it cause it was broadcasted on TV. Some are in HD and some aren't. I d/led a lot HD concerts/performances/MVs and many of them will never be available in stores or on sale. You should check out their international fan sites and see what's coming up cause sometimes they will update their idols groups new products. It's nice to see you supporting these artists...
I use the site "CDJapan" to see what's upcoming release of my favourite artist. i made an account there, and i "subscribe" to artist that i like.. so i can get a e-mail notification when something new is up for pre-order. This allows me to know when their CD is coming out.. if their recent tour will have a dvd or not.. etc. However.. the site is CDJapan.. so I'm not sure if they have Korean Entertainment goodies. if they do, then you can make an account there.. search up your favourite group(s), and suscribe to their email notification system. You don't have to buy it from there, but its good to know what your favourite artists are going to release.
I can confirm that CDJapan has ONLY Japanese merchandises. But since SNSD is going into the Japanese market, you can head over the site of CDJapan (Google it). Make an account there. Easy process. Search up SNSD or Shoujo Jidai or click Here You can see they sell SNSD's Japanese Single Gee, Genie, Hoot, and upcoming single Mr. Taxi Somewhere on the page (probably on the left margin), you can click "Submit" for your application to receive email notification whenever SNSD will have an upcoming release (In the Japanese Market). But for Korean-merchandise specialist, you can ask fah or tofu. I'm only Japanese-merchandise specialist. On a side note, you can visit YesAsia. They usually have everything. You can search up your favourite artist, then sort by "Release Date" to see what's upcoming of their releases. You can click Here for SNSD's page. As you can see, you can pre-order their Japanese Single Mr-Taxi. They also sell other goods as well, as i can see, like earrings and such. Scroll a bit more down, you can see their photobook released just a month ago..etc. I dont think YesAsia has email notification.. but YesAsia has a variety of Taiwan, Japanese, Chinese, Korean CD's. If your cart is worth over $39.. you MIGHT quality for Free Shipping depending where you live so you can either follow TokyoHive or AllKpop for their entertainment news.. which includes official news & rumours of new Singles/Album.. etc. I'm sure AllKpop will have post about upcoming DVD's & Cd's.
^What vids are you looking for? MVs? If so, you might have to get the limited edition or special edition. Hoot special edition comes with MVs and music station performance. Japanese Gee comes with Gee MV (Japanese and Dance Ver.). Baby Baby repackage comes with ITNW, Kissing You, Girls Generation and Baby Baby.
I thought like HK industry, there'd be like a karaoke or MV DVD compilation. I didn't notice they have a video out? Or do you mean the videos are just pertaining to that particular single? Looking for HOOT, OH, but mostly hoping they will make the asia tour into a dvd.
If you want Hoot MV you have to get this. For Oh! I don't think there was an edition that comes with the MV.
Yes, Mr Taxi is out in 3 different versions. Normal, Limited and Deluxe edition. And for posters, you can check out Soshified? Not sure if they'll have it tho. Like i said i go to cd stores for posters XD
I've been trying os hard on the posters of yuri but have found some custom places.. However, not sure. uggh. thansk for the link i'll try post there. whats the diff'cence in the versions?
Different front covers for sure. Sometimes maybe they have a DVD in different version. Usually regular version is a version that you can buy anytime at all. Usually just contains the CD. Limited/First Press/Deluxe has different CD covers. Since this single has 3 versions.. it should have 3 different covers. These versions may or may not have extra songs (which in this single.. no) & a dvd of their making of PV or jus a dvd of their PV's. (PV=MV) Limited/Deluxe/First Press are only on sale for a limited amount of time in stores..