People Wearing Same Clothes As You

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by ultim8camper, Aug 2, 2010.

  1. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    actually that comment was aimed at akki but you posted before me ..... but any who ... commenting on your comment ... i dont read fashion mags and this jumper wasnt even a 'fashion trend' it was a jumper that had mickey mouse on it smashing a guitar but suddenly months later i bought it .. more people bought it....... if i was a 'following the trend' i would have bought those plaid jackets that every single person has and i would have bought that jumper when every other person was wearing it .... but ive not and thats not the case ... its the point of oh i see someone else wearing exactly the same jumper .. which clashes and makes me think euurrrgghhh and i guess ill admit that sometimes a cross some one that was some what disgusting (facially) which makes me think eurgghhh im wearing same thing as him :/ ....

    and btw im actually 16 and whats wrong with mickey mouse .. nothing wrong with him at all ... hes an iconic cartoon figure all over the world why does that have to be sectioned off into different age groups at all ?
  2. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    MIckey mouse is reserved for kid .. like my daughter .. lol

    Seriously, if that's a prob for you, then perhaps you should start making your own clothes. At least, it's for sure, one of a kind outfit that you won't find else where .. lol

    I personally have no prob; though I have never been in such situation before. I only wear two brands and I shop online...
  3. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    take off your shirt? no you would probably like that nvm haha jp, bring sharpies and white tees with you at all times.
  4. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    that first picture is kinda funny..the way your are positioned...are you trying to take a pic with those girls? lol

    i actually bought a mickey t-shirt in Japan from a popular clothing store and it looks good when i rock it..but the shirt you got just isn't the ones for grownups..but i guess you're still young
  5. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    In Sydney unless you're gay or a fem otherwise we won't care about same shirt or same style.

    Also why ya trying to blend in with da Indian chicks? lol
  6. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    i wasnt .. they photo bombed me first... XD
  7. person

    person Well-Known Member

    Well no freakin wonder you're all anal about other people wearing the same shit. Every kid your age cares and worries 'oh I want to be original and unique! oh shit, that person is wearing the same shirt! FML I'm gonna cry in my room and be all emo!'

    Don't worry about it. Unless you start making your own clothes, you'll be bumping into tons of others with the exact same clothes as you.
  8. gyyr2

    gyyr2 Well-Known Member

    if it's a nice and cool design you'll see others wearing the same outfit. Otherwise how can retailers mass produce garments for sale. The odds, however have been slim for me to see another person wearing the same design as me.
  9. balitaevents

    balitaevents Active Member

    If one of my friends compliments something I wear and then they go out and buy the same outfit then I take it as a compliment because that means that they think I have good taste in fashion and clothes. So don't be upset and smile because it means that you look super stylilsh!! :)
  10. to emphasize on what person said... to see someone with the same clothes as you is kind of like a compliment.. you/they got good taste

    in fact, if i see someone wearing something cool, i'd like to find something similar too. it's a compliment to them lol
  11. [mJ9]

    [mJ9] Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't mind if you're in a crowded place or class.

    i nearly happened to wear the same cardigan my classmate wore.Now,i really can't wear it since we're only 30 in the class and she wears it each week :s
    I can wear it to go out with my non-university friends
  12. Marcus0328

    Marcus0328 Active Member

    lol if you can rock it better than them why the long face?
    you should think of yourself as the model selling the merchandise and they are the one copying you to look as good as you =D.
  13. KuriousKutiexoxo

    I know what you mean! But this time, it isn't clothes. I started to put pins and ribbons etc on my backpack because it looked really cute. Then all of a sudden, the Asian population in my school started doing the same thing! D:< I was at first happy to see everyone doing so, then I heard "people" saying that "they" started it. I was so mad because "they're" in my class and asked about the things on my backpack! I finally took them off because it was not unique anymore.
  14. ao_xxx

    ao_xxx Well-Known Member

    I remember one time I was at a party and this guy turned up with the same printed shirt as me at the same time. It was really weird when both walked through the door together and everyone looked at us and thought we were friends. In actual fact we have never met each other.
  15. Awareness

    Awareness Active Member

    That is what you get when you follow trends. Even the adjective trendy is just scociety BULLSHIT. Even your fantasy world you made up as a child deserves more recognition then what our world makes up.
    #35 Awareness, Apr 12, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2011
  16. What are you talking about? I understand your first sentence, and then everything else after that is gibberish
  17. peppermint

    peppermint Well-Known Member

    ^ Limited Company! Try translating into Chinese, it might work -clapclap
  18. See here's the thing... I'm not chinese lol.
  19. peppermint

    peppermint Well-Known Member

    ^ No worries, Im chinese but I don't understand too.

    Heres google translate: 即使你做你的幻想世界作為一個孩子應該得到更多的認同那麼我們的世界構成。

    :xd: Anyone understand?
  20. Any reason why we're assuming that the poster is chinese? =P