do you understand the words you type? As long as there is something physical and is tangible it automatically can be classified to us as an existing object. I THINK, i truely believe, and you can quote me, human beings are quite tangible and they exists. throw a spanner? no.
hey guys....let's just say there is a god, without any logic behind or proof behind it, just cause its the most convenient answer there is.
sure... lets stop questioning everything an accept things in this world does stuff... lets not try to understand any sort of science, lets consciously disregard advancements.... stone age was so much better.
I know I haven't replied to this for a long time. But uhm, going back to that whole "faith" thing being the ultimate answer (yeah I know that was centuries ago). I'll agree that faith is a really really crappy answer to come up with when believing in God. There's no concrete proof. Sure you have the big bang and maybe that was God farting the world into existence. I don't know. It's fear, fear of the unknown. Think of faith as a bookmark for humanity's current inability to fully explain the universe. But at least people are curious about the universe. There's mysteries still to be had and since no one has agreed as to the truth behind it all, well it's better to have something then nothing yeah? I still argue we're talking about semantics of God based on the religions of various cultures, which seems pointless and vague when discussing God. But I will attest to people in my own faith that they follow blindly without ever questioning what it is they believe or why they believe it because they've never tried to understand something from the other side, taking another opinion or point of view. Perhaps we are gods ourselves (just like the Bible would say with us being made in God's image) and we are the universe coming to its own understanding? Who really cares. Keep asking questions . Believe what you want, your life, your destiny.
Dude someone needs to first define God before we can even argue because reading most of these replies many people seem to define God differently. If you define God as a being that Created this universe then i will take a shot at trying to convince you that God exist This was a theory by British Philosopher William Paley it is called the Watch maker I'm gonna try to sum up this complex theory in a few short sentences. Suppose you were walking along the side of a road and you happen to come across a watch you pick it up. Would it be reasonable to believe that to believe this watch was created by someone or it has always existed ( Aristotle's fountain theory) or that it just it just came into existence by itself hence the big bang theory. When you come to preserve the watch you would notice that every part is framed together for a specific purpose, if for any single part is miss framed or is of a different size then the watch would not be able to function properly. Paley is saying the universe is kind of like the watch and the purpose of the universe is to sustain life. Did you know when the earth's atmosphere was was first created that certain heating and cooling processes had to occur and if the temperature was off then earth would not be able to sustain life. Then the planets had to be specifically a lined to with the sun, moon, planets, and ect to maintain life on earth and component parts like gravity had to exist as well. These various components all play a key part in sustaining life and if any part was to be missing of off then it would distort the purpose of maintaining life. Thus there must exist a being that created all these components/ variables and we call this being God/ the creator. The existence of the Omnipotent God. The arguments consist of if god is omnipotent can he defy the laws of physics, logic, and ect. This is my personal thought to this argument. Physics and reason are ultimately rules that are in place to keep the order in the universe. Many argue God cannot be drinking and not drinking and can't defy the law of physic and ect, because they defy the law of reason and physics. I can't disprove that, but i can say that these law only exist in a finite universe/ realm. The Universe is finite because abiding by the laws of logic no matter how vast the universe is it can't be infinite. But, God is define as being an omnipotent being of infinite power so how can he exist? Well he can exist, but not in a finite realm like our realm he can exist outside a finite realm. Okay assuming the existence of God has been established, but for the sake of arguing what if God was evil. 1. If god is Omnipotent then it is in his power to be evil as well. 2. God exist and the earth is plagued with more evil than good then God is more evil than good( war, suffering, politics, and ect). ... would a good and loving god punish the good and the bad. hurricanes, diseases, and tornadoes have taken the lives of countless innocent children and babies. Hurricane Katrina is an example of one. 3. If God is loving and caring then why did he abandon us( I know about the book of Genesis so don't bring that up) It is sort of like a dead beat dad or mom that abandons their children(humanity) and leaves them to kill themselves and suffer. There does not seem to be the slightest bit of love and compassion to show on his part. 4. Since God is omnipotent and all knowing and he created us then he would know that Adam, Eve, Lucifer and many other angels would disobey and betray him so with his foreknowledge why didn't did he create Adam, Eve, Lucifer and the rest like this unless he wanted this to happen. 5. We were created in Gods image and all of us have greed, lust, pride, and all these vices within us so wouldn't that mean that God may have them as well. ... God made us in this image and we make dolls and toys in our image and we end up disposing of them when we are not playing with them. ... So this is my augment for an Evil God. So what's your thoughts or counter augment. I already have one counter that can counter all five arguments.
When it comes to GOD then it is just MAGIC what GOD does. But needles to name like Johnson. God made everything, without creating boundaries. What good is a canary in a cage? The universes and everything else you can think of all nicely and neatly packaged. Or expanding and creating space from nothingness along the way. Or shrinking and leaving nothingness behind.
If God exist, God is benevolent, omniscient, and omnipotent. If God is benevolent. God will stop all evil. If God is omnipotent. God will know when any evil exist. If God is omnipotent, God will have the power to stop all evil. Evil exist. Therefore GOD DOES NOT EXIST.
Sorry, but your logic is flawed. Benevolent does not mean initiative to stop evil. It means well-meaning and kind, which both do not imply initiative to stop evil. Therefore your logic has been invalidated.
Faith is oh so natural as it can be, haVing no faith is truly blind. You only see what you want to see. Say you are in the Enterprize, how far do you think you have to travel to find at last your precious wall ? Science desperately wants a wall, but ignoring the nothingness on the other side, also denying his soul for a mere piece of brain.
Cute: God will have the power to stop all evil. Evil exist. I just luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuv evil Sunnywootxp only to be good.
Man... you totally butchered Epicurus. "Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?"
If i knew Epicurus i would counter by saying "Read a bible M8", isnt he in the Circle of Heresy.. ohh couldn't help it >.<
For myself God is not a being, not a SHE or even a mere HE, not even a IT. The fact for my self is; what you see is what you get. God gave us a whole package with of course the ability to feel. And that is all you need to get around. God feeling as in wrath, or loving is for myself too silly and belittlling for God. Like the genital Gods of the romans or the greeks. A human like God just does not compute for myself.God has no image, God gave us one. The Bible , the Kor-an, or the Tora are for myself book written by really wise men , but at the dawn of time. Too bad that science is just looking feverishly looking for answers, and the Pope , the Imam, and the Rabby are just sitting there alone and doing not one thing. Sitting pretty, and knowing all. Man stopped writing 2000 years ago, living for nothing and knowing nothing. All of us dying ignorant.
Running with Omnipotence..... since it is one of characteristics that define a higher being... could this being build a wall that thyself could not tear down?
The wall that some would like to see around the universes and what not ? A nice clean scientific border, that one? Any ways it is REAL easy to tear this wall down, to tare ones mind inside out. Scientists miscounted stars by a billion or so, and are still stuck with a mere scientific molecule theory.