lol dudes bin gone for so long.. is it even worth finding him now? Now that Bin Ladens gone.. how about lowering some gas prices..
Found and dead. ::BREAKING NEWS:: Donald Trump requests birth certificate of the supposedly dead Osama Bin Laden's body!
It's funny how so many people just take the word for granted... There isn't any concrete evidence that was shown... DNA tests say the dead person was related to Bin Laden's sister, but it could be anyone in Bin Laden's family that died... It could simply be a white lie to close this chapter for good, and spend the effort in better endeavours...
I wonder how many people in Bin Laden's lineage would be 6 foot 4 inches tall? So it couldn't be just anyone in Bin Laden's family; they would have to be in the range of that height (as recalled by western reporters who had actually seen him in person, and biometric analysis from videos and photographs). There is persistent rumor that he was in renal failure which should be apparent in an autopsy. The US also has plenty of pictures of Bin Laden that they could compare the body to, unless his face was blown off during the assault. So while DNA alone wouldn't be absolutely conclusive, the fact that they have his body allows them to find many other supporting bits of evidence to make their claim legitimate.
Right. But the fact that he is or is not dead does not matter. The fact that the population believes his death would finally close this chapter, and invest effort and funds into higher priority tasks, such as the economy. Like MrCooperS said: If his apparent death yields more positive results, or redirect the nation's attention to more productive tasks, then it's a great thing.
I haven't read into it, my BF told me this before I went to sleep and I didn't find the news that uplifting. Judging from what Dan had said about it is only related to Bin Laden's sister's DNA, then of course it might not even be his. At the ned of the day, I would wanna see a video, pictures, concrete evidence etc, then maybe joy may break out!
That was an especially nice touch. That way, there isn't any place for his adherents to go and to pay their respects; ie. he won't have a shrine. I'm sure though, that they would have reams of video and other evidence before they chucked him out like so much of yesterday's trash. Truth be told, IMHO, having Bin Laden wind up as fish shit seems very satisfying to me. I also agree with the sentiments of Dan and MrCooperS, that this is going to be a productive overall. It's going to give the US the reason to finally get out of Afghanistan, genuinely MISSION ACCOMPLISHED (Bush Jr and Cheney must be burning with envy right now), and it's going to lift American spirits and give a sense of hope that this country lost during the previous years. The fact that stock markets around the world are responding positively to the news already indicates this; I think the US market is going to open to extraordinarily highs today. Moreover, the pressure given the US by people like Karimov in Uzbekistan is going to evaporate; he now needs us more than we need him. Karzai is going to also begin to toe the line because he knows once the US leaves, he'll be assassinated by the Taliban. This is a regional game changer. If one were to equate this to a hand in poker, the US just pulled a Royal Flush out of the deck. And, Obama just got his second term.
Where or how did he find him? In the mountains? But.. it'll be sad if they "lied" to us that he died.. then another 911 happens. *knock on wood*.