That's if the reasons for being there was not oil.. but Obama may have another method to Bush so they may pull out. I would like to see these videos if they exists.. but even that aint proof, imagine if a 'Bush' double got killed, thrown into the sea then videos were released saying Bush is dead. but we will have to see if we are shown any form of proof, im sure the government wouldnt lie to us (sarcasm) but i need to see proof. i found this, lets see if we get some more stuff soon. [video=youtube;nNsBVahA7IM][/video]
^ lol that's photoshopped, how could someone die with the same mouth position. It was even outlined in that yeah let the officials reveal first. I though he died again but seems like he was found and captured...6.4" He is TALL!!!
Forgive me, but your argument, while valid, has the makings of an OJ jury; that is, they were so innately convinced of his "innocence" that even if they were witness to the murder, they would have found a reason to find him not guilty. Do any of us personally know that Hitler, Mao, or for the matter, any historic figure is really dead? We could say that it's possible that space aliens came and gave Qin Shi Huang the elixir of life that he sought for so long and he's actually still living it large with his coterie of hot concubines in that subterranean necropolis that the PRC government refuses to open; so, just WHY are they REALLY refusing to open it, hmmm...? The problem with many "theorists" in this country is that they often don't really appreciate the difference between possible versus probable and improbable. In fact, many conspiracy people would cling to just "possible" as nearly ironclad evidence as court of law factual. Of course, I'm sure that once all the hoopla dies down, many more of these "questions" will be raised. I fully expect that Tea Party and right wing groups will tirelessly question and demand more proof as they no longer have the "birther" issue to bolster their sagging following. I also love the grammar and spelling in your video, LOL... But, if one only used a little reasoning in this; how can the US claim that they killed him, when he calls into Al Jazeera later today to give an interview? Bill Cosby, who was reported to have died many times, did just that; paraphrasing Mark Twain, he noted that the reports of his death were greatly exaggerated. Hence, if Bin Laden doesn't call in to disprove this story, then either he's dead, or the US is in so much control of him that he cannot call. That would effectively be the same thing, IMHO. My final analysis? Homey is dead as a doornail. Whether he was really buried at sea (and not locked in one of Area 51's vaults, frozen in liquid Nitrogen), is another question entirely. He was actually in the same city as the Pakistani Military Academy (their version of West Point or Sandhurst), in a house located within a 1000 yards from their compound. Thus, the Pakistanis (who have long denied that he was even in their country) have some major explaining to do. Oh, and BTW, before clicking on any hot story links, just be sure that it's not an executable file as this is exactly the type of event that hackers and virus writers use to pass on malware.
People are going to try to cast doubt, but the one with the most to gain from disproving this is Bin Laden himself, if he were still alive. Thus, all this talk about photoshop, no public showing of the body, et cetera; is really inconsequentially moot. Silence, or no future answer from Bin Laden is the proof that he's really dead. I'm sure that there were likely a few "contingency" tapes made in the event of his death that will be released by his followers in an attempt to disprove his demise. However, as time goes on and no further voice of Bin Laden is heard, then he is effectively dead.
^ i was thinking about those contingency tapes.. i wonder how soon they will be released. and or if Osama had prepared for that.
Was watching a TV show and I was like, dam Obama got something to say this late in the evening... I'm surprised by the news but I want to see his corpse, this trash is having party with the fishes now but there are more things to be done. It's not over yet.
Here's the speech from last night. I still want to see some proof though if he is dead or not [video=youtube;zqAMkDstPiU][/video]
From what i know they have some DNA that matches a sibling of his. we have to trust the DNA is Osamas and one of his siblings or many relatives... The proof is the body... i wonder who gave the order for the body to be throw into the sea? it just strips it of all credibility imo.
Agreed, The body should have been shipped back to documented and autopsied and then disposed of at sea