i've got 2 betta fish and im not sure what to feed one. usually i would catch mosquito larvae for them but its started to get cold so they're becoming hard to catch. any suggestions for other foods (live food in winter?)? this guy is too used to live foods i tihnk.. doesn't eat the flakes or pellets i feed him... -.-" the other one eats them fine.
You got pictures/ They are both males and separate? They blow bubble nests? Try flakes, or pellets. Anything that floats would be good, or brine shrimp. JUST A SMALL BIT, or it'll clog the water. I am an avid aquaculture fanatic in both fresh & salt. While live food is great, it doesn't provide the complete nutrients flakes/pellets contain. The key thing is to create a variety. You could try blood worms.
yeah. they're both males and seperate. where would i get brine shrimp or bloodworms? live? as i mentioned before just floating flakes and pellets done work. one doesn't even go near them . =(
Chekc your local fish shop. But it could take time for them to take upon the pellets.. They love to hunt floating things. Give it time, i'm sure they will take it.
You could also get brine shrimp eggs from your lfs and hatch them out yourself. Otherwise buy live adult brine shrimps. It's quite a bad habit for them to only eat live food, giving them a variety of food (flake/pellet/live/frozen) will provide them a well-balanced diet.
Not sure about where you live but at our LFS we have live tubiflex worms (black worms) that are easier to keep and maintain. Most fish would not resist black worms
what does 'LFS' mean? sorry im not familiar with this terminolgy. im just starting =) i'm tryign to incorporate different foods into their diets. one is fine. eats the flakes, pellets and live food i give.. the other is stubborn and only eats live at the moment. i might try another type of dry flake/pellet soon. thanks for the help. i might see if i can find the black worms.
lfs = local fish shop. just keep trying, these fishes are hardy. try the floating pellet. but give it time.
Here are some common acronyms that are widely used: LFS = Local fish store BBS = Baby brine shrimp BW = Black/Blood worm WC = Water change FW = Freshwater From what I know, rarely any fish could resist (blood/black) worms so it's an ideal choice to feed to your fish if they are not feeding however if it becomes a staple then it could cause problem since they may only eat the worms and nothing else, hence why you should feed a variety of food. You could try a method that usually works according to people over the internet but it's rather 'cruel'. It's to starve them for a day or two so they would almost eat anything that get placed into the tank (fish food), I've never tried this method but I wouldn't really recommend it. What I recommend is to mix the food (be it flake or pellet) with the food that they already eat, it helps encourage them to eat it. Let me know how it goes. PS: harvesting your own white worms is great too, it has high value in protein but the problem is, betta fish shouldn't really be eating high in protein diet unless they are fish like discus/angelfish and many others.