Nintendo 3DS drops to $169.99

Discussion in 'Gaming Section' started by [N], Jul 28, 2011.

  1. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

  2. lol Tony! :trollface:

    their problem is it's got no games.. none.. :facepalm:

    that new DoA looks pretty coo tho..
  3. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    Imo, no need for 3D :p. Dont find it that amusing too.
  4. runtohell121

    runtohell121 ........................

    I'll get one because of the price drop! -rolleyes.. Nah..
  5. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Resident evil revelations look cool too
  6. Bulla

    Bulla Well-Known Member

    Yeh 3Ds has no games, im not even gona buy one till MK is released, and maybe when they improve that battery.
  7. The_Jelly

    The_Jelly NSFW? :P

    I really don't understand this 3D craze...
  8. Bulla

    Bulla Well-Known Member

    Thats why i lol at people who spend big bucks on a stupid 3d LCD TV
  9. Tony

    Tony Well-Known Member

    I got it early and I got a few games for it. The problem is the games right now. The hardware is fine. The 3d is just like an extra perk but there are not enough games coming out with it. If they delayed it by a few months more, the launch titles could be more strong.

    Anyways, I would have liked some free DS games or SNES virtual consoles. Not NES/GBA. Some of the early adopter incentive titles are supposedly not gonna be for sale later? I duno.

    Whatevers! It's still a nice device. I hope it sells well this holiday season or Nintendo is gonna go retreat out of making stuff. I got... SSF43D, Zelda3D, RidgeRacer3D and preordered StarFox3D. I didn't have the older DS handhelds so this was my first. If you had the older DS portables I would see that it may not have been a great investment to drop $250 for the 3DS for sure. Though, I do envy the bigger screen on the DS XL.

    And there's nothing wrong to get the 3D TVs early.. if there was a good library of stuff to use it then yeah. Just because it didn't pick up too greatly in the mainstream doesn't mean you were a sucker for buying--if you use it enough and enjoy it, it's fine. Which is what my stand on the 3DS is at the moment.
  10. Bulla

    Bulla Well-Known Member


    Its not a matter of getting it early, its dud technology, a fad at best, some people jumped on the bandwagon to soon, 3D gone the wrong way, its 2011, the last time I wore those glasses was in the mid 90's at Blackpool pleasure beach, actually im surprised my dad didn't buy one. i don't think that technology will ever take off, and i reckon in a few years we would have forgotten about it or it will be a very niche thing. sure some people may get some enjoyment out of it till they get bored of wearing glasses every time they want to watch a movie but i dont think youll get $1000+ worth of enjoyment out of it. thats my stance on it.

    The 3DS is in the right direction providing 3D without need for glasses, TV's are still using the ancient technology because its still to expensive to make 3D panels, when 3D panels are used, THEN i reckon it will take off and all those who bought the rubbish that's out there today will have to just buy another 3d TV.
  11. Tony

    Tony Well-Known Member

    The glassless 3D is a nice perk. I didn't have the older DS so I got this when it was coming out to catch up on some classics as well.

    I watched a bunch of 3D movies at the theater this year and those of course have glasses required. I was fine cuz I watched most of the stuff in IMAX 3D and some not IMAX, but I don't know how I'd feel about watching it at home.

    It's not too bad for 3D gaming on your computer too, but pretty much the software for it is pretty short. Same disadvantage to the 3DS.

    I don't see the 3DS dying out, it will probably jump up now that the price is more reasonable to the average gamer.

    I got money to throw out, no biggie. :trollface:
  12. Bulla

    Bulla Well-Known Member

    yeah i see what you are saying, im not talking about the DS, i got no issue with that, i think its heading in the right direction, that's how 3D should be, no need for glasses, probably fine if you use it a few times in the cinema, but at home... well sales speak for itself.

    For me there is no point in a 3Ds till Mario Kart comes out because that is all that matters to me, the price drop is just a bonus, hopeful they will revise the battery before MK comes out too. doubt ill use the 3D though... thinkig about it now, am i getting a 3Ds for one game... MK's worth it.
  13. Tony

    Tony Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I think this is the same mentality and approach everyone is having. So it'll hopefully shoot up in sales in the next few months when these games come out and developers are more confident in making software for it.
  14. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    For me, nintendo has been a fail to me ever since N64 came out. The legendary SNES was my best system and it had all the great classic games with it....
  15. that's so true.. super NES was bomb! N64 Mario was pretty revolutionary tho.
  16. Dh_135

    Dh_135 Well-Known Member

    Was about to get it at Costco since they already have it for $169 and it'll allow me to get the free games and shit.. but reconsidering my decision now after my friend told me he's pretty disappointed with the tech and the "lack of good games."
  17. Bulla

    Bulla Well-Known Member

    Mario 64 made me feel sick for about a week.
  18. Peloi

    Peloi Well-Known Member

    Not enough games, not buying yet, even with price drop.
  19. [N]

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