it definitely takes place after the movies, probably before EU 1,2,3. if that were the facts, Laughing gor wouldnt be as memorable........
I remember after EU.. there was a page to SIGN to get Laughing Gor to revive. They had to reach a certain # before the date and obviously it happened like that. We can confirm that Turning Point is before On the First Beat.. but no one knows if Lives of Omission is after or before EU
Obviously after, in Laughing's flashback in LoO, he was with Karen and had that gangsta hairstyle, which was in Turning Point.
It's this one - definitely. -Academy 1: pak kiu and ah mun training to be a police. ah sing (3gor) trainer -On The First Beat: pak kiu and ah mun now walking on street as a PC -Turning Point: laughing gor meets karen (fala). End off the film? we see pak kiu (sammuel) and ah man (ron) on the street (which is followed by OTFB). Also at the end.. mentions hau gor -EU: laughing gor meets hau gor, pak kiu and ah mun now a higher up from a PC. A also flashbacks of pak kiui thinking hau gor is ah sing. -Lives of Omission: Laughing gor comes back from undercover and become laughing sir... has flashback with Karen (from the movie) which is now a different character which is madam. -Laughing Gor aka. Lives of Omission (Laughing Gor之潛行追擊): new upcoming film: from the title can tell it's after lives of omission.
There was an article about it in PA.. Not released yet. Dont even think they even shot the movie too yet
They created Turning Point in 3 months so they probably wont to see viewer's reaction to Lives of Omission first in order to write a script up.
im watching it like a new series...hopefully theres no old char cameos -whistle...besides the fala memory
...or maybe it's a spinoff that has alittle something to do with EU but it's a different dimension.....
Right now, it really doesn't matter, as long as this series is good than I'm happy... And so far so good.