Shops Torched and Looted in English Towns 8th-9th August 2011

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by KingPin, Aug 9, 2011.

  1. KingPin

    KingPin Well-Known Member

    Stupid bloody rioters have looted and torched buildings through out England, including Manchester, London, Birmingham, and Liverpool. They even torched area near my old work building in Salford, Manchester. I hope police catch these fuckers and kick 7 shades of shit out of them. :rl:

    Torched building in London:

    Source: BBC News

    Crowds of youths have set fire to buildings and cars in Manchester and Salford.
    One crowd marched into Salford's main shopping centre and began smashing shop windows and stealing alcohol.

    A separate crowd in Manchester's Market Street has set fire to a Miss Selfridge shop.
    A BBC radio car has also been set on fire in Salford and a TV cameramen has been attacked.

    It was reported that cheers went up from the crowd of about 200, some of whom carried sticks, as the window was smashed of the Bang & Olufsen store, off King Street, in Manchester.

    'Completely looted'
    Looters carried out a widescreen TV while others took smaller electrical items.

    One eyewitness told the BBC News Channel: "It's kicking off now the police are running at me. The police are coming at us now with batons."

    In Salford, another eye witness, Tom Steedman, said: "A big group of rioters started attacking some police who were defending the Lidl store.

    "They actually managed to drive the police back who are now nowhere in sight. They then proceeded to smash through all the shutters on the store. It's been completely looted and then they set the store on fire."

    At the sound of police sirens the crowds in Manchester, which included small children on bikes, dispersed down side streets, but reconvened to march down Princess Street towards John Dalton Street.

    Looters then ransacked the Tesco Express store on Princess Street.

    Large groups of people also gathered along Deansgate with looters helping themselves to bottles of alcohol from Sainsbury's Local at the corner of Bridge Street.

    UK riots: 16,000 officers policing London's streets
    Some 16,000 police officers are being deployed on London's streets in a bid to prevent a fourth night of rioting, with support drafted from 30 forces.

    Businesses in some areas closed early in a bid to avoid the kind of violence that spread through London on Monday.

    David Cameron has recalled Parliament for Thursday in response to the "sickening scenes", which prompted unrest in other cities.

    Tuesday evening saw disturbances in the West Midlands and Greater Manchester.

    West Midlands Police were dealing with sporadic disorder in Wolverhampton, while youths had smashed shop windows and set cars alight in nearby West Bromwich.

    Riot police were also surrounding Birmingham's Mailbox high-end shopping building. Five hundred officers are on duty in the city centre on Tuesday evening.

    Greater Manchester Police were involved in a stand-off with 70 to 80 young people in Salford, where a building was set alight. A Miss Selfridge store was set on fire in Manchester city centre, where some outbreaks of violence and looting are still being reported.

    Police station in Nottingham was firebombed by 30 to 40 men.
  2. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    Shits crazy.

    THey wanna fuck up the police by damaging stores.. but they actaul cause more harm to the owners than to the police =.=
  3. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    fucking leechers...those who take advantage of this situation to commit additional and unnecessary crimes don't even deserve space in prison just shoot them.
  4. KingPin

    KingPin Well-Known Member

    There's kids as young as 10 involved in the looting. WTF are their parents doing? They should be made responsible for the damage caused by these little shites.
  5. mr_evolution

    mr_evolution ( • )( •ԅ(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)

    Some people just want to watch the world burn
  6. Bulla

    Bulla Well-Known Member

    Its all for the loot.

    But its taken all the attention off that nutter racist guy who was shooting people not long ago, bet he's proper mad now everyones attention is off him.
  7. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    A part of the problem here is that there is the perception of police inability to really crack down without risk of further escalation of crowd emotions. But, on the other hand, by allowing anarchists (and that's what they are, regardless of their rationales or complaints) to essentially take over, the entire city is held hostage to gang mentality, along with its violent acts. Hundreds have already been hurt, with property damage in the millions. Like Bulla just stated, it is mostly because of criminal gain and intent.

    What the UK needs to do right now, is to establish martial law; with police given special powers to shoot and kill looters, arsonist, anarchists, or anyone who physically engages the police. Further, all cities where these demonstrations are occurring should be subjected to enforced curfews. These thugs can operate in this manner only because there is a huge perception that the police are afraid or unable to use force and hurt them. So they function and act with an attitude of impunity.

    By setting fires and burning down or looting whole swaths of town, it is no longer "class" protest; but terrorism against the state and society. Society has every right to defend itself; even with the use of lethal force.
  8. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    i hope your joking about martial law there it is extreme and many innocents will get killed and the police rep would be forever down the drain. Violence only leads to more violence in the end. If you think the riots are crazy try turning every damn humanitarian country against your government because that would definitely set it off. This whole riot thing was supposedly caused by the shooting of a so called drug dealer and has evolved into something else doing something like killing anyone that engages police would definitely set off something even more catastrophic.
  9. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    These looters are crazy, there are numerous videos out on youtube and twitter (twitvid), these ppl say they are getting their taxes back! RIDICULOUS, what are these people doing besides lazing off and taking benefits from us tax payers! They are now breakin into private homes to loot, about 10 have been broken into already. Only 520 or so are arrested out of the thousands out there, police don't do much force to them.
  10. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    The problem here is, that there are some who are willing to settle for disruptions in society, with personal property being destroyed, robberies, muggings of opportunity, arson, murder; whatever, so that the police won't be "tainted" with a perception that they're "making matters worse" so to speak. If so, then discharge the police, and hire a bunch of rent a cops who are only required to pretend to provide protection for the masses. But when trouble comes, they should scurry along until everything dies down and then come out to pretend that they have the situation under control (sort of act "mayoral" in a sense).

    The fact is, society expects police to use any and all means to provide for our protection; up to and including the use of deadly force. If they decide to not use deadly force for fear solely of public opinion, then they're no longer effective in their function. Police officers are representative of the state, and are also duly empowered to enforce the rules and laws of that state. Inherent in their authority is the use of lethality, when warranted, to achieve their aims. In special situations (such as this), the rules of engagement should allow for shooting those that are clearly involved in assaulting the police.

    Frankly, even if this was a perfectly calm situation, without riots, arson, protests or looting; if a man ran at a police officer with a metal or wooden pole, about to strike the officer with it, the officer is perfectly within his rights to shoot and kill the assailant. In the presence of this rioting, if anything, the police have been showing an overabundance of restraint, and it is exactly this that has emboldened the rioters to not only continue their actions, but for the rioting to spread to other cities.

    You worry about police reputation going down the drain, I'm more concerned with London and the rest of the UK about to be flushed down the toilet by rampant thuggery.

    On a tangential note; given that riots seem to be a thing that happens with greater and greater frequency, would it be more worthwhile for commercial interests to consider riot hardening their structures beforehand? Seeing the pictures of what happened to the SONY center, might it save money in the long run to better protect retailers?





    #10 ralphrepo, Aug 10, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2011
  11. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    ^well actually their reputation is already down the drain that was supposedly the cause of this whole riot in the first place. I don't know about laws and all that but it seems lethal force against civilians such as those you mentioned sounds like methods that were used way back and society definitely won't accept that type of enforcement. It would only cause more problems and escalating these issues is not good. Weren't similar actions taken against student protests in china back then i don't know how much negative backlash it caused but i'm sure it wasn't pretty for the history books or their countries reputation.
  12. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Protests, student or otherwise, don't ever cross over into burning and looting shops, attacking police, and robbing passerby. The incident in question, the shooting of a man, Mark Duggan; is indeed being investigated as there are various conflicting views as to what actually happened. That however, is not any reason to assault another man, to burn or to take possession of his property; that isn't protest. Rather, it's battery, arson, and robbery; all of which remains against the law.

    Now, some people are finding convenient excuses for the rise in sudden violence; unemployment, lack of education, lack of opportunity, et cetera. In a word, bullshit. That's not a reason to violate or break the law. Protest is a legitimate way of the populace to express their displeasure at the quality of their governance. But, like I'd stated earlier, the riots in London isn't protest. It may have started as a legitimate questioning of the police. But it has long since turned into lawlessness that is violent, destructive and costly. Society needs to regain the upper hand on the streets, even if it means using lethal force to deal with those that obviously have no reservations about using it themselves.
    #12 ralphrepo, Aug 10, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2011
  13. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    shits just escalating
  14. Bulla

    Bulla Well-Known Member


    Hi, We wouldnt (or couldnt) have martial law because we currently have no army as they are off fighting dumn wars, actually if we were attacked we would be at the mercy of america which probably explains why our PM's kiss americas rear end all the time.

    We dont have enough police trained to use guns to make any difference so Martial Law needs the Army which we dont have, and we dont have the money to rent 'Blackwater' :trollface2:

    Our options are plastic bullets which i support and the water cannon which sounds like fun to me so i would have to see that in action before i decide if its effective or not. If anything they should add a dye to it that can not be washed off, then the police can arrest people at their leisure.

    I would not like to live through Martial Law where you could get shot with live rounds if a soldier perceives you to be messing about outdoors. making ALL of us suffer because of a minority isn't on imo.

    I see what you are saying but in the real world none of that would ever happen in the UK. I do hope that all caught at least get indefinite community service to clean up their mess and maybe a cut in their benefits if they are old enough to get it.

    The opposite, its about done now, possibly a few more people will try their luck to see if they can get some loot but its almost fizzled out now and we have reached the stage of vigilantism which i totally support and would do myself but fortunately the riots have not come to my town.
  15. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|


    I hope so. BBC was plastered with fires and riot police last evening my time.
  16. Bulla

    Bulla Well-Known Member

    yeah, im watching it live too, hopefully it will be over by Friday, i need to go places!!

    Blackberry need to hit a killswitch to turn off that messaging service, even if they could just cover the UK side of it.
  17. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    BB still have yet to turn it off, it's a shame cos police don't have no power over that. They are willing to cooperate though. Police are now allowed to shoot (rubber bullets) and water people with that water hose thing.
  18. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    pepper spray? hosing them down with water?
  19. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    its slowly fuZZling just spread to parts of nottingham yesterday -__-"

    was watching the news and they caught a few kiddies and their responses we're:

    reporter: whut do yout think to all this?
    kid: "why not it..?.hehe..."...

  20. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    no i'm just trying recall the event that they actually shot these students dead, when was that. I mean thats the solution you are proposing but like you said their are people doing worst things than that but not everyone are performing the robbery and arson, some are actually engaging the police force to push forward an ideal, but if martial law was evoked that means they will get shot too, similar to the student protests.