I heard there's been human trafficking in Brighton. Snake heads kidnap chinese girls then force them to work............in dodgy chinese restaurants on the continent.
Lets answer this question here. No it would not happen in Japan; because they're not a freeloading nation.
Don't scare her! Brighton is known to be a welcoming place and pretty much a must go in England. There will always be horror stories everywhere but no need to scare people like that
Snakeheads only target girls from china and have been brought over, if you go there on holiday or was born/raised there and you don't owe them anything you have nothing to worry about, providing you don't step on their toes somehow.
What are you 12? Do I really need to spell out sarcasm to you? Ok let me dissect my previous statement into easy to digest points. (Deep breath) 1. Snake heads are criminal lowlifes involved in human trafficking for financial gain. 2. Human trafficking is normally arranged for entry into the UK and not to the continent; because of wealth and benefits inherent in the UK 3. Trafficking to the continent is arranged for criminals looking to escape the UK or for girls in the sex trade. 4. Kidnappers would not restrict their targets to chinese girls as this would reduce the resource pool. 5. There is very little profit margin in applying kidnapped women as dishwashers in dodgy chinese restaurants; given the labour and transport cost involved. 6. The close proximity to the public would enable easy escape for the victim. 7. I seriously worry that the human race is doomed if this our future is to be determined by a young population with a lack of basic reasoning. 8. The tooth fairy does not exist, neither does Santa, Harry Potter, Vampires, or boogey men in Brighton. (sigh) I'm getting too old and cranky for this forum
Snakeheads do not only target girls from China. They ply their services to all ages and sexes looking for entry to the UK, as a bondage debt is arranged for the illegal immigrant. This inflated debt is to be repaid once they arrive in England through many services, normally including takeaways and restaurants, but also the sex trade. It has been known for girls trafficked to the UK to be intimidated and sexually abused during the course of travel. Yes I do have friends in the Black Society who have close association with snakeheads and lowlifes of questionable nature.
I seriously think whether you do think what you are saying half the time. 1) You are pretty much very condecending rather being sarcastic in my view 2) Like I have pointed out and to stress my point, I was only saying not to say horror stories (without any indication of "having a go" tone) 3) If you are getting to old for the forum and becoming far too patronising then I would just say don't bother 4) There are many people with different views as you can see and obviously I'm doing the same as you stating the fucking obvious and you don't need to spell out on what you are trying to mean unless someone asks you to... If I was that daft and idiotic, I would have not said what I have said End of...
While most of your assumptions are correct, your items 5 and 6 are just plain wrong. Snakes head rely on the fact that common labor work force in huge numbers actually pays the best return for their brand of criminal activity. There is no need to kidnap. The typical arrangement is, a poor uneducated but absolutely willing villager (man or woman) is illegally transported to a work site (UK, US, Australia, whatever) where they then toil for meager wages for years, slowly repaying back the $30,000 USD fee for getting them there in the first place. You heard of bot nets right; where thousands of zombie computers are force to contribute cycles to a master server somewhere? Well then, this is the zombie illegal immigrant worker net of criminal gangs, in which thousands of illegal Chinese immigrants around the world contribute a portion of their earnings to a crime gang. If any of these zombie II's don't or walk away, they would soon get a letter informing them that their (son, daughter, wife, mother, whatever) was killed in an unfortunate accident in China. Hence, there is no escape. In fact, many of these illegals purposely avoid the police and contact with the public for fear of being found out and not being able to pay back the snake heads, thereby endangering the lives of loved ones back home. Moreover, many of these illegals are even encouraged to go on public assistance (with fake paperwork provided by gangs) in order to increase their income, where a large portion of which is also skimmed by the gangs. On another note, I just read that the police arrested 2 people, charging them with murder of the guys that were run over by a car during the riots: Spoiler: Police Charged Two With Riot Murders... Police charge 2 with murder in hit-and-run deaths during British riots (CNN) -- Two men will appear in court Sunday in the hit-and-run deaths of three men during the riots that roiled Britain last week. Police charged the two, ages 26 and 17, with three counts of murder in the incidents in Birmingham, Britain's second largest city. Their names have not been released. Residents say the three victims were mowed down by a car while protecting businesses from looters. Haroon Jahan, 21, along with two brothers, Shazad and Munir Hussein -- both in their 30s -- were keeping watch outside a gas station following a break-in by looters during the riots, relatives said. "The guy who killed him drove directly into the crowd and killed three innocent guys," said Tarik Jahan, father of the youngest victim. "Why? What was the point of doing that? I don't understand." Two others remain in custody while another two were bailed out pending further investigations. "All they wanted to do was to protect their business and other businesses within the community," said Abdullah Khan, an uncle of the two brothers. Shazad Hussein was looking forward to the birth of his first child in a few months, the uncle said. "A father will never hold his child, a child will never be held by his father, a wife without a husband, parents who have lost two sons. Words can never express what we are going through at this moment," he said. Khan appealed for justice, and asked witnesses to come forward. Community groups are planning a peace rally Sunday for the victims. Birmingham, like many other areas in Britain, was rocked by riots that started after the shooting death of a man who protesters said was killed by police. The violence first broke out about a week ago August 6 following protests over the death of Mark Duggan in the north London neighborhood of Tottenham. He was shot after a police unit that deals with gun crime stopped a cab carrying the 29-year-old father of four. Police have arrested more than 2,200 people around the country, many of whom have appeared before magistrates. Hearings are being held around-the-clock. CNN's Elizabeth Joseph and Faith Karimi contributed to this report. Source: http://www.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/europe/08/14/uk.riots/index.html?hpt=hp_t2 And prison sentence of four years given to two found guilty of using internet to incite others to riot: Spoiler: London Riots, Two Jailed... England 16 August 2011 Last updated at 14:57 ET England riots: Two jailed for using Facebook to incite disorder Two men from Cheshire have been jailed for four years each for using Facebook to incite disorder during riots in England last week. Jordan Blackshaw, 21, of Vale Road, Marston and Perry Sutcliffe-Keenan, 22, of Richmond Avenue, Warrington, were jailed at Chester Crown Court. The Recorder of Chester, Judge Elgan Edwards praised the swift actions of Cheshire Police. He said he hoped the sentences would act as a deterrent to others. Both men pleaded guilty under sections 44 and 46 of the Serious Crime Act to intentionally encouraging another to assist the commission of an indictable offence. The Crown Prosecution Service said Blackshaw had created a Facebook event called "Smash d[o]wn in Northwich Town", intended for the receipt of the "Mob Hill Massive Northwich Lootin'". The page went on to specify a meeting time and place of 9 August, between 13:00 and 16:00 BST, "behind maccies" - thought to be the McDonald's restaurant in Northwich town centre. 'Serious disorder' Blackshaw also added the first comment on his page, writing: "We'll need to get this kickin off all over." Police were alerted to Sutcliffe-Keenan's page when members of the public raised concerns on 9 August. The page invited people to "riot" on 10 August between 19:00 BST and 22:00 BST. Martin McRobb, from the Merseyside and Cheshire Crown Prosecution Service, said: "They both used Facebook to organise and orchestrate serious disorder at a time when such incidents were taking place in other parts of the country. "Both defendants, in Northwich and Warrington respectively, sought to gain widespread support in order to replicate similar criminality." 'Abused technology' He added: "While the judge heard the two defendants were previously of good character, they admitted committing very serious offences that carry a maximum sentence of 10 years." Assistant Chief Constable of Cheshire Police, Phil Thompson, said: "From the offset Cheshire Constabulary adopted a robust policing approach using the information coming into the organisation to move quickly and effectively against any person whose behaviour was likely to encourage criminality. "Officers took swift action against those people who have been using Facebook and other social media sites to incite disorder. "The sentences passed down today recognise how technology can be abused to incite criminal activity and sends a strong message to potential troublemakers about the extent to which ordinary people value safety and order in their lives and their communities. "Anyone who seeks to undermine that will face the full force of the law." Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-14551582