first i need to jackoff to my old porn, 3 mins.. then i have to shower... and wash it... and then i have to put on clothes 7 mins. and go to school... so total 10 mins..
wow realli...ermm 4 skool it onli taks me 15-20 minz...XD but hang out its probabli half an hour?lolz
for school, it takes me about ~20 mins to be in class ~15 mins to brush, wash, dress, eat ~5 mins to walk from the dorm to classroom
Eating takes up too much valuable sleep time, so from high school onwards breakfast was cut out of my routine, cutting down my getting ready time by 15 minutes
^ LoL!! I spend like 30mins just on my hair LoL...washin, dryin and straightenin!! My parents proper screw at me coz I wash my hair everyday...>.<" *I cant help it!!*
LoL!! Nooooooooo nt OCD!! >.<" Just...!! Well look yeah...u take a shower everyday right! Why not hair!!
No, I wash my hair everyday too. I don't know how some people can stand not washing their hair for a day. It just feels too dirty for me, especially during the summer time when you're constantly sweating and out in the sun!
OmgZ!! I have to wash my hair everyday!! >.<" hair aint that long...its just past my shoulders but that aint the point!! It just feels dirty!! Like u have to shower everyday