yo pok guy lackeys thread asking what you guys did not what you guys didn't do! go back to shining ur dai lo's shoes laaa... or licking the sole like bai co!
In that case, I walked home from school. My fingers are also very exercised from all the writing done in school -sweat
i'll just document my benching today in detail 10 rep 135 5+3 rep of 205 8 rep of 185 8 rep 155 did situps on exercise ball/ sit up on machine/ back workout on machine/ weights/ pullups/ dip
Bit lazy on back for the last 1.5 months. Went nuts yesterday on it and pretty sore today. Good workout: Wide grip lat pulldowns: 10x4 @ 140lbs Seated cable rows: 8x3 @ 180lbs Bent over barbell rows: 12x4 @ 135lbs Hyperextensions rack: 15x3 Deadlifts: 12 @ 225lbs, 8 @ 275lbs, 4 @ 315 lbs, dropped back down to 9 @ 135 lbs. Gonna continue this next week. Aiming to push at least 10-12 on the 315 lbs dead lifts by Christmas.
no i wouldnt be here talking if it did if it fell on me at a vertical position either i'll arch backwards and my spine will snap or something....i just went halfway and tossed it forwards so nothing happened. 135lb of metal falling on you is no joke lol especially since i use strength in the dead lift position to toss it overhead.
just came back from running 3 straight miles at the treadmills in under 30 mins! good stuff! Also did ground windshield wipers and some ab workouts with the exercise ball.
Biked 14km. Shit road bikes are fast. I somehow managed to shave off 5-10min from my usual commute time... And I wasn't even trying o____o