So I've been thinking about this ... If your partner/other half had one of these disablities which would it be? Personally for me it would someone who is blind because (you might find this gay) I could tell her she looks beautiful everyday ahha without her slurring when speaking which just breaks my heart when I see it :( or seeing them taking the time to write back or ehhhing
deaf/mute almost the same..... we can communicate in other ways but being blind that is on a whole other level...
Like most others I rather her be mute, and second would be deaf/hard of hearing. You can still enjoy moments together but I think being blind is probably the worse because you can't enjoy the beauty of anything.
yo this is ulti's emo thread! lets not xxx it okieess :trollface2: theres stuffs that should be kept under the brown paper bag!
i would have said deaf but mute would be most preferable one for 'me', if she is deaf then its not like she can talk properly anyway so may as well be mute and hear properly. But if your wife was mute im guessing it would be awkward during 'grown up time' when she makes no sounds at all.
dont most deaf people become mute as well? since they cant/wont communicate verbally, using sign language in the end
Merked up one lol, real talks I think so too cos the person usually loses the ability to speak as they can no longer hear how it sounds like. They forget. It's like muscles being un-used for long their muscles shrink.
No, they make noises but it sounds real odd seeing that they cant be shown how to pronounce anything, but they can choose to make no noise if they dont want to or if they are self aware of it, may also depend on if they were born with it or became deaf after they had a decent command of the English language, i guess it would deteriorate over time. either way, In the hypothetical situation that has been presented by OP where you get to choose the disability of another person it would be just the one. In the real world I would have no choice and I would take it as it comes.
Not really. I think most deaf people don't speak because they either don't know how to make the correct sounds to sound out the words. My friend is only hard of hearing but is considered legally deaf. You can understand him but he slurs a lot