Vietnam and Chinese

Discussion in 'Vietnamese Chat' started by VietBoi, Feb 16, 2006.

  1. hkm91450

    hkm91450 Well-Known Member

  2. VietBoi

    VietBoi Well-Known Member

    oh ok koo
  3. HK! Fish

    HK! Fish Well-Known Member

    Viets are more related with the southern Chinese. That's why a lot of Viet things and stuff are more into Cantonese and its relatings.
    languages, names, clothing, foods, etc.

    before, viets used to be chinese, but then they formed themselves with a new language and their own culture, so then vietnamese was created.
  4. aussiekid

    aussiekid Well-Known Member

    viet males in aus here..are arrogant..mostly often get into fights wid white ppl here when drunk.. dislike them>.<.
    oo nanking massacre.. it's avery very sad story.. juz like war n destiny..
    i cud cry reading the book on it.. japs japs.. now, jap onli have memorial once a yaer to apologize to nanking peeps rite? very sad nanking..d worst is digging rapping killling and burying them..
  5. HK! Fish

    HK! Fish Well-Known Member

    i think ur on the wrong thread to talk about this. lol
  6. VietBoi

    VietBoi Well-Known Member

    haha lol
  7. DaProdigy_718

    DaProdigy_718 Well-Known Member

    viets are chinese. Viets are chinese who migrated from china to vietnam long long time ago. All oriental nations are chinese. its true.
  8. hkm91450

    hkm91450 Well-Known Member

    Ditto in Canada too, or at least where I am. The Viet guys have a bad rep, known for their party-lifestyle and criminal activities (recently, many marijuana busts have been of Viet people...) and always think they're better - they only drive those pimped cars and wear bling and expensive clothing because it's on all their credit cards - they're actually not that rich, they're all posers, in debt, and if they are actually rich, it's all because of their grow ops.
  9. HK! Fish

    HK! Fish Well-Known Member

    ^ same here in US too. haha...

    mostly the viet guys that i see always try to act gansta and all in the hood, but they aren't... and try to act like their cool, and try to look cool with all the nice clothing and stuff. like the cool kid type, but their nothing but jerks mostly.
  10. hkm91450

    hkm91450 Well-Known Member

    Arr ya, and it pisses me off too because white people can't tell the difference between Asians, so these viet guys are giving all Asians - including Chinese - a bad rep. I know lots of people who look and frown down on Chinese people, thinking it's always us who cause trouble, when it's really the viet guys.
  11. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    it only depends on the area u live in if u live in the projects its like normal for illegal events and thats y ppl turn out to b who they r...well u can't say all the viets r to blame for the bad rep cause a lota chins too r invovled in this stuff...but ya..most of the viet guys i know r like gangsters or w/e u call them tryinto hustle to get their cash
  12. HK! Fish

    HK! Fish Well-Known Member

    ^ not really..
    i live in a safe neighborhood, but every time now and then when i go to school or go somewhere, i have to at least see some viet ppl.
    therefore, most of them that i spot, always DO cause trouble, n no chinese was involve with them. but some are, but they are not troublesome like viets.
    viets are worse! >.<
  13. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    ^ well it all depends on the person cause a lot chins r bad too...viet may be a lil more agressive..but it still dpeends on the ppl they're with
  14. chabunky2000

    chabunky2000 Well-Known Member

    Re: Vietnam and Chinese

    Many years ago, Chinese started to migrate to different unoccupied lands. One of them is Vietnam. Vietnamese used to know how to write Chinese. After many generations, they lost the skill. So now, they can only read, speak and write in Vietnamese.
  15. nitenitemrx

    nitenitemrx Well-Known Member

    didn't some eurpean went to vietnam and donated some DNA...=) .. which is why some viet girl look mix..
  16. hkm91450

    hkm91450 Well-Known Member

    Donated some DNA??? What are you talking about???

    Clearly, as it's already been established in this thread, Vietnamese people are descendents from Chinese people.

    You see mixed looking Vietnamese girls because maybe, they are mixed :p one of their parents is Viet and one is European.
  17. chaego

    chaego New Member

    we're cuzins yo chins and viets work good together
  18. Peacemaker

    Peacemaker Well-Known Member

    lol nice story but u better should read the other comments
    long time ago this country which is called vietnam nowadays was
    occupied by the chinese. they adapted the chinese writing, civil servants, culture (confucianism)
    etc, etc,...
    old vietnamese writing is similar to the old chinese letters and the one in HK
    but after the french colonized vietnam the vietnamese adapted the arabian letters
    coz the french didn´t bother with chinese writings
    that´s why it turned out to be like it is nowadays
    You can compare the actual vietnamese letters with the pin yin in mandarin language, with was created to make it easier for foreigners to learn mandarin
  19. Vina

    Vina Member

    same thing could be said about chinese ;)
  20. Vina

    Vina Member

    if you do not know anything about vietnamese, please stfu