Have I lost the job already?

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Bulla, Sep 7, 2011.

  1. Bulla

    Bulla Well-Known Member

    So i got an interview for next week, when i spoke to the lady she said the interview will just go over a few things and they will check to make sure I had no prejudices like homophobia, as you could imagine, that was the only one she could think of.

    So now im thinking i may have lost the job already, I don't hate homosexuals, if a homosexual comes for debt advice (my area of work) i am not going to turn them away, but at the same time i don't support homosexuality in any way, so im guessing that would make me a big bad guy in the eyes of liberal society -roflyawn

    Ive worked at a place that had a homosexual dude before, we got on with our work, i aint gona hang out with him after work but there were never any problems during work. Anyway, ill go for the interview and see how it goes, one thing i wont do is lie like many people do apparently, as far as im concerned i go to work to work and a person comes to us for help, your sexual orientation is not an issue.
  2. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    lol try to find a job where you dont have to socialize...maybe work at home? or run your own company....or suck it up not like your a prostitute/pornstar and have to have sex with homosexuals or whatever lol. what you trying to do anyways?
  3. Bulla

    Bulla Well-Known Member

    Debt Administration, I dont mind working with them but im not gona say 2Yeah i love it all and i support it", ill try to evade the question and say that at work it shouldn't be an issue.

    I would like to start my own business in the future but i need the money to start-up so i need a normal job for now >.<
  4. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    Lol surely if they require discirmination free, shouldn't they check for racists too?
    Homosexuality is pretty common these days and I do get what you mean Bulla but not supporting them but you will get along with them if needs to be.

    Are you sure the woman asked you wasn't a lesbien? :p
  5. Aaron

    Aaron Well-Known Member

    TBH, I dont think we should judge someone based on there sexuality, personally i dont agree with same sex marriages but its their choice, What I usually judge people by is how they act and how they are as a person to me.
  6. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    must be a private firm...
  7. Bulla

    Bulla Well-Known Member

    lol naa, i can usually spot them a mile off :trollface2:

    ill just see how it goes ;)
  8. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    ^dang you have a gaydar?
  9. Bulla

    Bulla Well-Known Member

    Think so i can spot most of them a mile off, dudes are easy to tell, they are usually mincing like there's no tomorrow or they have a mannerism that just aint right, and most lesbians are butch, chequered shirts, hoop earrings and spiky hair, the lesbians who plays the role of the woman are hard to spot, i cant pick them out :trollface2:

    good job this aint facebook or ill be sacked already
  10. intraland

    intraland Well-Known Member

    checkered? i think its just fashion.
  11. Bulla

    Bulla Well-Known Member


  12. Bulla

    Bulla Well-Known Member

  13. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    This thread topic ...... What is life? ....... And Not all gays have off mannerisms or the attitude of no tomorrow .... Not only is it steroty.... You know what? ... W/e ... IMO you should have said you have no opinions on homosexuality if it got asked .... Should have got the job IMO
  14. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    good to hear u got the job! congratz!

    its a good thing they do these "checks"... it should be done more often... tho i dont think it shld only b homophobia but also to check if ur a xenophobe as there are far more immigrants than gayppl like bbgirl said..... Lotsa classmates are homophobic or xenophobic.... they just lack the ability or willingness to really learn and understand other cultures/beliefs/habits etc... so annoying at times.... just not a good thing as their all gonna become teachers....
  15. Bulla

    Bulla Well-Known Member


    I already said lying was not an option, i have strong opinions but at the same time ill help anyone who comes for help and ill treat everyone there equally regardless of sexuality.

    Thank you, yeah i find xenophobia to be far more prevalent too.

    hmm they gona become teachers, thats not nice, well as long as we have some out there like yourself i think we will manage :)
  16. Bulla

    Bulla Well-Known Member

    Annual Meeting tomorrow, im totally Knackered today after a presentation and plenty running about in my personal life, just got back in from parents house, its 11:15, i gota go clean up and somehow get refreshed with 6 hours sleep for tomorrow, the life of a salary man.... YAY :(
  17. Hartia

    Hartia Well-Known Member

    if you get the job, it depends on yourself, more than whether they will hire you or not. in the end if you dont feel comfortable in your working environment just leave
  18. Bulla

    Bulla Well-Known Member

    na it's a good job. just a busy week. after tomorrow I'm off till Tues afternoon. next week ill have client responsibility. ok back to. bed. I'm typing on phone.