Presentation - PowerPoint

Discussion in 'School Work Help' started by SUSIE-DANG-1988, Oct 21, 2011.

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  1. SUSIE-DANG-1988


    Anyone good at presentation and spare a few minutes to look at mine to see if there's anything I can add/change please.

    Will do:
    - The notes at the bottom is what I'm going to say as I have to include a voice-over.
    - Add a relevant video.
    - Reference on the slide to show where I got the information from.

    I have included my c/w brief for you guys to look at what I'm supposed to be doing.

    Much appreciated. :)

    Note: The link to download my presentation (Only take a few seconds to download so don't worry). -lol
  2. spider-man

    spider-man Well-Known Member

    Nice notes. I like how it's in point form. Just make sure you have a clear voice with proper tone. That way, your listeners knows you really understand your topic.
  3. Hartia

    Hartia Well-Known Member

    Whos the audience? Class type? Formal/informal?

    I mean you can spend hours making the slides good, but if it's for like a high school ppt, then really it's not worth too much time. but if it's a graduate level ppt then i'd suggest you talk to a prof or like the TA. But i think i should be quiet until i see what it is lmao, maybe answers all my q's xP
  4. SUSIE-DANG-1988


    Thanks for your feedback - yeah.. I'm trying with this sound recorder that comes with windows 7 but I have to put volume all the way up to hear myself haha.

    Did you understand who he was then? [Without researching who he is and just looking at my presentation] 'Cos if you didn't then the viewers whose going to look at it, won't understand either. lol.

    haha, yeahh... Maybe if you read the doc file you will know who it's for and what it's about and have I did enough research for the pupil to understand about the topic.

    Also it says I need to put interactive in it.. my lec. says ask them questions, then if they don't understand go back to that slide.. I dunno how I'm going to do this. If you read my c/w I'm not delivering this presentation.
  5. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    presentationsss... gotta love those... we have to do so many of em -_-

    ur presentation looks very neat n it is well structured :)

    tips to make it more interactive:

    before u start ask them what they think of e-learning n afterwards c if their opinion has changed or ask them if they know the guy ur gonna tell em abt

    if it needs to be interactive u could tell the audience to write down key words of what they think is important n say that they will get a quiz afterwards abt what ur going to tell them n have a lil prize like a chocolate bar or something to make it more competitive/like a game

    u could leave out the numbers n have people in the audience guess!

    what we do a lot is have them discuss it in pairs DURING ur presentation n then point out a few people who can share his/her thoughts in the group or how they think e-learning has effected/helped them u could do this before ur presenting them the slide with the advantages & disadvantages. u could aslo have pupils debate, one group should be in favor while the other is against to have get them activated

    if u want to u can do a short recap at the end, summarizing ur presentation (something we do a lot in class esp when we've given the pupils a lotta information)

    btw, i hope u dont mind me saying but there are some errors on ur slides e.g. shouldnt it be "children were involved" insteada "was involved" since its plural? n u tend to use different tenses in the same slide while ur referring to the same time i think
  6. SUSIE-DANG-1988


    haha. thanks misscheeks! No, of course - I don't mind! But yeah lol. I always get confused about past tense and now and my English is really shit! lol. Should really proof read! But yeah.. if you see anymore errors or grammer etc please let me know. :)

    But other than that, lol. I think you didn't read the doc file. I'm no exactly presenting this presentation... this is for a primary school teacher then he/she will be delivering it to their pupils in the class. But of course, this is just a scenario it's not real... so this will mean my presentation isn't really going to be handed to a primary school teacher lol. So I can't really ask them question and tell them to get into groups etc. lol. I'm only doing this and then hand it in to my lec. to mark.

    But yeahh.. I will be asking questions.. maybe towards the end, like you mentioned a quiz or something?? Thanks for the advice. Then a summery/conclusion and a "the end" last slide with my voice-over saying "thanks for listening blah blah blah. haha.

    But I think I need more slides... :/ as it needs to last for 10 minutes. But I don't know what else I can mention about the topic!! Any ideas? Or what have/haven't I included?

    Also how do you reference on a slide, not a list. But the text and image I got it from on a slide.. how do I reference it?? Also, anyone know how to do this 'text document'.. my lecture said something like if the teacher only had the document would he/she be able to understand what was on my presentation., so basically for those who has disability reading from presentation. Again, all part of e-learning.
  7. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    Hey, yeah i only read through the the ppt...n im on mobile right now so dont have a chance to check out the word doc! If u need more material u could compare him to other ppl who used elearning or show more abt the results of the research? Or maybe u could see what role e-learning plays in India's modern education because of him?
  8. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    awww its pretty good....the way you referenced it on the slide is okies...

    if ya want put it on a separate word doc. and attach it that way..?? like if its for adults on a slide is okies..bu if for kiddies
    they mebe a ickle freaked out with a slide ful of text etc...and dun really need to know all the refs.?

    spelling error on slide 7 ads and disads 'coorect'...should be correct...autocorrect highlighted it too...

    if the notes bits are the bits ya gonna be saying..mebe an intro from you like 'hi my name is.."
    and a closing a summary..??
  9. SUSIE-DANG-1988


    ahh okies... this presentation is for the primary school teacher then she's going to read/look at it then deliver it to the children. I still have to reference lol.

    My new version:

    ['ve added summary and the end slide lol. A video, more information and notes. Double check.. there shouldn't be any spelling mistakes or grimmar. If there is, please let me know. And I've disabled the 'click' so they will have to use the navigation.

    All I got left to do is the voice-over.. Also I don't really like the contents page.. i dunno.. what do you guys think?
    Plus, please tell me if this presentation took 10mins or more for you guys to read.

    EDIT: ahh.. I've left the video out..cos i have my voice over in the video. But yeah.. as the image say when you click the video plays. haha. And I don't really like me voice!! haha! I sound like a man!! XD


    Thread closed as this assignment already been submitted yesterday. Thanks very much to all those who helped me! :)
    #9 SUSIE-DANG-1988, Nov 1, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2011
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