HK (Cantonese) live streaming

Discussion in 'Science, Technology & Car Chat' started by Phantoman, Nov 22, 2008.

  1. Phantoman

    Phantoman Well-Known Member

    If I look at this video clip you need your own wifi dongle, it's not included in the package (or at least I do not see it).


    Here is a customer demo for the ones interested.


    Looks like you need a bit of patience when changing channels though. Other than that I have no clue what the guy is saying (might come as a shock to some of you, but yeah I don't speak the language). The way I have set it up is to run 6 instances of SopCast simultaneously with each streaming different channels, so when you change channels via XBMC (multimedia center) it's quite instantaneous. Then again, I have 60Mbps both down/up without limit, so bandwidth is not really an issue for me.
  2. Phantoman

    Phantoman Well-Known Member

    BETV is completely down, so also no channels via SopCast.

    Update: Seems to be working again.
    #682 Phantoman, Oct 31, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2011
  3. cyberguerilla

    cyberguerilla Member

    Yes, you need to buy one if you go wifi. Not every wifi adapter works. The one recommended by the vendor is D-LINK DWA-125.

    That being said, I think wifi is not a good choice when it comes to network connectivity required for this type of equipment. You'll be MUCH better off with a pair of Powerline adapters and a pair of short ethernet cables.

    On a separate note, I wonder what kind of programs everyone is looking for when you look for live Cantonese TV broadcast solutions? I certainly think 6 simultaneous Sopcast sessions with XBMC is not for the average person! If it's for the TV series, there are better on-demand alternatives. Sometimes I see episodes coming out within half a day after it shows up in the TV channels. For folks in North America like me, that's considered "instant". Most of these top programs are broadcast live in Hong Kong while I go to work anyway.
    #683 cyberguerilla, Nov 1, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2011
  4. tstpier

    tstpier New Member

    When BETV can't get the channel list, put its "feedbuck" button on its up-right side and send some message, then I could get the list of channel.
    I don't know why though,,

    BETV FAQ page
    3、Why we can’t get channel list after BETV setup?
  5. Prescott

    Prescott Well-Known Member

    The force widescreen settings in divx no longer work after updating sopcast to 3.4 Can anyone help out?
  6. Phantoman

    Phantoman Well-Known Member

    In that case there is no need for the TVPad either. But ok, allow me to explain. People in HK have all these Cantonese channels on TV simultaneously. I guess in North America as well as in Europe you normally have 10+ free channels you can watch at leisure, but most people have digital TV nowadays with god knows how many channels. Don't even talk about the satellite dish. So I am trying to replicate that experience where you can just channel hop if you please. Furthermore there is no way for me to start a SopCast channel inside XBMC, at least I have not found a working SopCast plug-in the last time I looked.

    I do get your point though, if you are mainly interested in series and popular shows, then you can as well just download them instead of going through all the hassle.

    What I do not get though is why TVB and ATV do not have an online subscription option to watch the channels. I would gladly pay for that as long as I can stream it using my XBMC. I assume they do not want to compete against their partners on DirectTV, Satellite and IPTV.

    Can you not use the VLC Player option which I described on the same page where hktaxidriver explains about the divx method ?
  7. Prescott

    Prescott Well-Known Member

    ^ I managed to fix the problem. Just uninstantiated Divx and reinstalled it
  8. mastercc

    mastercc New Member

  9. David Yau

    David Yau New Member

  10. boy7404

    boy7404 Well-Known Member

    Update PPStream TVB Jade 16:9 (No advertising of China)
    #690 boy7404, Nov 19, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2011
  11. boy7404

    boy7404 Well-Known Member

    To see TVB (Jade, HD Jade, J2, Pearl...) 4:3 (Default) to 16:9 (Widescreen)
    Step 1: Download and Install K-Lite Codec Media Classic Home Cinema 7.9.0 in
    Step 2: On Sopcast , click Option and see Choose the external player, select Use my own media player , click OK or Apply
    Step 3: On Media Classic Home Cinema, click right-mouse, choose Video Frame---> Stretch to Windows
  12. Phantoman

    Phantoman Well-Known Member

    Which version of PPStream are you using ? Doesn't seem to work with the latest version. I get an unreadable pop-up window and then nothing happens if I click either Yes or No. There isn't even an option to open URL's anymore, at least I couldn't find one, so I had to create a Windows shortcut which was pointing to that URL.
  13. boy7404

    boy7404 Well-Known Member

    @Phantoman: you download latest version in
    Please you Backspace in p ps/ to pps/RLNE4F2MNAGCSN4QNGH7FUOFXVWOBJRN?netmode=3.Thank
  14. Phantoman

    Phantoman Well-Known Member


    Ok, it is streaming now, but just a static page, no TVB.
  15. Kenny_8

    Kenny_8 Well-Known Member

    Is it me or is Betv lagging? Can't watch atv or tvb normally :(...Argh I need to satisfy my Tvb/atv addiction after returning from HK :S :p
  16. Phantoman

    Phantoman Well-Known Member

    Hey Kenny, long time. Not lagging for me, just tried ATV (+HD) and TVB (+HD) from BETV and they all worked just fine without any sort of lag. I assume by lagging you mean that the audio is not in sync with the video. You might want to try it from SopCast (see main post) and see if that helps, otherwise try using an external video player as explained in this post.
  17. Kenny_8

    Kenny_8 Well-Known Member

    Hey Phantoman. Yes long time no see....I really need to turn up my PA presence ^_^. Today BETV was working fine in the morning ~10 o'clock until about 11 o'clock when the signal dropped to around 10 and so the image and sound started to lagg that is: 1 sec short change of image and weird sound then 5 sec of no image or sound and then again 1 sec short change of image and weird sound. Now after restarting BETV, it displays a black image and there is no sound T_T.
  18. Phantoman

    Phantoman Well-Known Member

    Sounds like an issue with your Internet or network then. In my case I am streaming 6 channels simultaneously using SopCast and the signal (aka buffer) is always full (unless the channels go offline of course). If you are using Wifi, then try fixed cable.

    I'm quite sure others would have complained if it was a more general problem.
  19. Kenny_8

    Kenny_8 Well-Known Member

    Yea, I guess you are right....running video calls with msn is also very laggy :@. I'm already using a fixed cable so I guess it's either my hardware or my ISP. I'll have to contact my ISP tomorrow...let's see if they want to do something this time :S. Do you know if there is a way to test my connection? I already ran a speedtest analysis ( results are: 84 ping, 3.17 mb down and a 0.7 mb up speed. Pretty low if you compare to the maximum of 20mb dl speed that is available :S
  20. Phantoman

    Phantoman Well-Known Member

    Yeah, those figures are horrible! :) I got like 4ms ping time and the down/up speed is way up there since I have a fiber connection, but still in the days that I had ADSL I used to get like at least 10 down and 1 up. I'm quite sure ping was much better as well. Are you living in some isolated place like in the jungle or something ? ... just kidding :)