you mean to tell me out of all things you coulda had brought over.. lol anyways.. did you guys ever move to philly?
lol I swear you get stopped by customs and then get in big trouble. haha lol I believe he did. Makes the marriage more meaningful
only if u get caught that its a fake heeeee or get the "wife" that he's bringing for u to bring the fake stuff! =D
...and I met her on a blind date too. Yeah, I guess that wouldn't work; hard to fit her the luggage and all, LOL... Well, turns out we decided against Philly and was looking at Houston; then the economy was making more waves and the missus was freaking out over the unstable market. She decided we should just stay put for another year or two and just wait it out. -rolleyes You know, your response got me thinking; how come there's never any smuggling of Tiger Vaginas? I mean, I'm sure that there are plenty of Chinese women who want to, er... how should we say? ...Bolster (yeah, that's it!) ...their amorous prowess, ie to keep the fellow coming (no pun intended) back for more. Imagine declaring that at US Customs? What's in the bag, Sir? Er... Tiger Pussy. What? Tiger Pussy... dried. Er... it's Chinese, used for medicinal purposes. My wife uses it to make her... more, er... you know. No I don't know, sir, can you step into this room, please?