[video=youtube;_YQpbzQ6gzs]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YQpbzQ6gzs&feature=feedu[/video] :laugh: Ahahahah "Their tears will forever be immortalized on television". This is Schadenfreude at its finest.
2:02 probs the cutest kid and when he wears an eye patch ARGGHHH SOO CUTE!! AHAHAH THE ENDING ! ... 2 + 2 is equal 5 .. ee yo jim you was so close
Indeed. What's really troubling here is that while everyone is having a good laugh at those poor kids, they fail to see how easily devastated children are when things they feel important are taken forcibly away from them. Thus, the "humor" here really escapes me. IMHO, an "adult" version of this would be akin to having a knock on your door, and a cop informing you that a loved one was just killed in an accident; would people still think then, that inflicting psychic pain is funny? I wouldn't think so.
Not on the same scale.... candy can be replaced they know that, they can buy candy at the store, you can't buy back your dead mother. its on the same scale as those fake scratch tickets..... which are hilarious.
Rationalizing and conceptualizing as an adult, I would agree. But (though I'm oversimplifying of course), to a child, loss is loss; it's harder for them to understand the concept of difference between mother and toy. That is, they want both and consider both to be equally important. Obviously, the older the child, the less he or she would be subject to being had and the more they can differentiate between the levels of importance, but in this case the pain of the child is evident. It is a hurtful thing to do, and children will do what nature has them do when they're in either physical or emotional pain, ie. cry. As a joke, this falls flat, IMHO.
"Oh good for you, now you're probably gonna get a belly ache. That's why you shouldn't eat so much candy." That is probably the best line from the clip. What that kid says is what most parents would tell their kids. Except now the role is reversed.
the kid that laughed it off when he got one box of nerds is the best. thats the best one. hes so positive
He's probably thinking ... haha .. joke is on you. I hid one and you didn't eat all of my candies. some of those kids need some anger management class ... before they turn out to be a murderer or something. lol ..