LOL... Wind's "Family"

Discussion in 'Forensic Heroes III - 法證先鋒 III' started by ralphrepo, Nov 11, 2011.

  1. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    By now, I guess everyone knows that Wind is the...

    ...a rich family, and stands to get a piece of a fortune from a very rich grandpa. The funniest part about this though, is the TVB Rogue's Gallery that are his "relatives" in that family. Every single one of those actors usually play greedy dirtbags, money or power hungry sycophants; ones who would stop at nothing to get more than they deserve.

    As soon as I saw them walk in, I knew exactly what this show was going to be about. I bet someone's gonna murder gramps and Wind will have to lock 'em up, with the help of Forensics, of course.
  2. wal

    wal Well-Known Member

    so far you guessed wrong :p the son-in-law dude got murdered next episode, we'll see what happens next.
  3. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    Ahaha i know. This is too predictable (what will happen)~
  4. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Exactly, point made. All greedy people. I think the money will be given to Wind or even better the gramp doesn't even die lol. That woman is scary (the wife who married in that iland)
  5. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    again, the richer u r, the more greedy u become....
  6. Foo Foo Gor

    Foo Foo Gor New Member

    agreed~ can't wait for the next episode
  7. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the info, but no thanks for the spoiler. Please put any revealing plot info behind a clickable spoiler tag as not everyone wants to know before watching the next ep. Thank you.

    Ha ha... Yes, she's starting to show her true colors. But I just loved the looks on everyone's faces when she walked in. It was like the start of a computer accounting program, LOL...
    #7 ralphrepo, Nov 11, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2011
  8. boring case
  9. densha

    densha Well-Known Member

    The gramp's assistant is the murderer, so predictable.
  10. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    LOL, the old "the butler did it" plot, eh? Well, we'll see.
  11. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    I think so too, when he get caught he will say
    "After so many years of 'blood and sweat' the gramp didn't even give a single glance at me. I deserve a portion of that money because 'mo gong doll youl lo'. Every single day I gotta face these people that gives me the looks...etc" you get the point lol..
  12. the butler guy is too obvious ....i dont think its him-detect
  13. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    really? id thought it be the other brother ..... he set out to sea with that jennifer .. could just be him who killed bonnie and he uses the butler to make a accidental poison
  14. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    yea, i think it's the butler too.
  15. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Only time will tell.
  16. densha

    densha Well-Known Member

    The butler only seems to be the killer that makes sense. Remember he gave clues about when he does things outta his way to serve grandpa, even learning chinese medicine in order to keep gramps healthy. Also, he said ""i'll do anything for boss." seems like he looks at gramps as a dad figure or he has homosexual tendancies for gramps and wants to protect him because he sees that all his family are money-hungry scumbags, so he kills the ones who are just trying to run off with some big bucks.
  17. snakekilla12

    snakekilla12 Well-Known Member

    tvb has a chance to make the grandpa the killer

    the grandpa can say he that he felt like hamlina was trying to use him for his money after they got married

    then it was the final straw when he saw hamlina and his son in law in the back talking about take his money

    then he kills them both and puts the blame on the guy with the suit since everyone watching expects it to be him

    tvb read my ep and make the show like this
  18. densha

    densha Well-Known Member


    That is possible to explain logical-wise. That would be simular to the first case where Lau Dan tried to shoot his son-in-law because he knew he married his daughter for money and he was gay. However, do remember gramps just went under surgery and is on wheelchair, and he just had a stroke, how the hell can he kill a dude at the mountain area and throw his wife into the river?
  19. moonlightshadow

    moonlightshadow Well-Known Member

    It would be cool either the above or make Wind do it. LOL that would be like wtf tvb! But that would be different.

    Wind kills them because he finds them annoying, and he wants to protect the grandfather lol. Make the full on innocent operative become the killer. Would be quite the test.
  20. Youks

    Youks Member

    The old man did it himself!!! :D he's faking to be ill!! AHahah =p