- = SECRET SANTA 2011 = - Hello kiddies...!!!.. I want to thank everyone who took park in this event once again... without you this event wouldn't happen or even started.... Wish you all a Merry Christmas..and thx again..!!!!.. bb x ps. solly for the delay...its still christmas day somewhere right..??.. well its 4:15am hereeee so boxing day for me -___-" the list~~~!!!
To: xmichelly To: person To: phoenixgirl16 To: Airree To: KT [video=youtube;XToLb280rIY]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XToLb280rIY[/video] To: Jeff To: mr_evolution [video=youtube;Ww5IjUPZgsg]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ww5IjUPZgsg[/video] To: Great Sage Equal of Heaven To: Phantoman >>Clicky<< To: ultim8camper To: 小小 To: khaotic >>Clicky<< password: jinglebells To: hadouken To: Homoloto To: spider-man To: b-lee http://img507.imageshack.us/img507/7387/toblee.png http://img267.imageshack.us/img267/5002/toblee2.jpg http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/8744/toblee3.jpg To: -Tisken- To: KaY_xD To: kontradictions To: Aoes To: _Fahrenheit_ >>Clicky<< To: Akki >>Clicky "sorry its crap"
Thank you BB for all your hard work! =) And thank you to my secret santa also! Have a happy holiday everyone!
OMFG! whoever made my present deserves a hug n a smile.. maybe some sexy time too.. :naughty: that shit looks awesome. THank You So Much. Merry Christmas everyone. Those are some awesome presents all around! And BIGG thanks to BBear for putting it all together again and all her efforts in posting up the presents. Thank You! PS: Can I get a full size scan of that picture to keep.
"To Airree" link isn't working. The Ecko one is very nice =) To Hadouken one is awesome, nice special effect "To Spider-man" link isn't working Good job to the people who participated within this PA SS.
the one to evo is either from kt or mich? creepin! who is it i cant remember your gay norcal voices :trollface2:
Thank u secret Santa and thank u to bb for the hard work an effort put in Good job everyone good job (thumbs up like hancock) lol
awwww kawwaiii deesssssssss .... thank you secret santa =3 <3 !!! also thank you for the hard work bb !! EEEE
all gifts should be working nows..!!..if you have any problems viewing it etc...just let me know.. have people guessed names..?...do we need to reveal the names..??....=]