HK (Cantonese) live streaming

Discussion in 'Science, Technology & Car Chat' started by Phantoman, Nov 22, 2008.

  1. luisfabiano

    luisfabiano Active Member


    That's correct. I bought it on the official site. They shipped the unit via DHL and it arrived very fast.
    Well, my mom translated to me but I think you can use the chrome built-in translator as well. Or you can ask me and I ask my mom. :)

    The only concern is that you must have a TV with a HDMI input.

    Happy Xmas!!!
  2. taxidriverhk

    taxidriverhk Active Member

    Hi luisfabiano,
    I think the TVPad version M121 does not require HDMI input anymore
    because it has included AV port already....
    so almost every tv can use it.....
    but may just have low quality with using AV port
  3. hawai

    hawai Well-Known Member

    Hi luisfabiano.

    How did you order your TVPad2? Did you call in or did you just ordered it through the website? How much did you pay for it? I see that it is selling for USD $229.
    I live in the United States and just need help because I can't read any chinese. I am buying this for my parents to watch.
    Because all of the channels on the TVpad is in HDTV, I prefer using the newest TVpad with the HDMI.

    I see that you can update the TVPad firmware to the latest version with Android that also comes with new apps.
    Are any of the new apps good to use? Which apps would you recommend to get?
    Since you got the TVPad, has TVB Jade streaming ever gone down?

    Thank you for all your help luisfabiano, Phantoman, and also for everyone.
    Merry Christmas to all!!!

  4. Prescott

    Prescott Well-Known Member

    Is there any other way to get TVB Jade on PC? PM me if you don't want to post it.
  5. Phantoman

    Phantoman Well-Known Member

    Guys maybe a stupid question, but what does TVB (non-HD) have that TVB HD does not ?

    @Prescott, if there were we would share :) I think boy7404 has another alternative through myTV (see previous page).
  6. taxidriverhk

    taxidriverhk Active Member

    Hi Phantoman,

    honestly, there are many periods of time that the programs in Jade are the same as those in HDJade
    but, HDJade usually replays programs at least once within a day, and Jade does not.
    and Jade plays programs like Sports World, RTHK programs, old dramas but HDJade does not
    that's the reason we want Jade (non-HD) for most......
  7. dotxzer0

    dotxzer0 Member

    #747 dotxzer0, Dec 26, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2012
  8. taxidriverhk

    taxidriverhk Active Member

    Thanks a lot, it works
    but i would like to see if anyone knows what software is it using to stream tvb?
    i don't think it uses neither wmplayer nor flash
  9. Espresso

    Espresso Well-Known Member

    how do you configure your router?
  10. Phantoman

    Phantoman Well-Known Member

    Can you guys be a bit more specific what this is ? Another client ? Are both URLs referencing the same client ? I cannot test at the moment (at work).

    I did use Wireshark at the beginning and the SOP URL is indeed encoded in some way. Instead of trying to decode that I used the old fashioned way of brute force :) So I entered the channel numbers in SopCast 1 by 1. I had a working SOP URL as a starting point though.

    It would still be interesting to decode that one day. I'll give that a try whenever I have some spare time again.
  11. Phantoman

    Phantoman Well-Known Member

    How do you mean ? Is this related to streaming the channels ?
  12. dotxzer0

    dotxzer0 Member

    The name of the client is WLTV 1.0.19 and the two links are for the same client. I thought there would be an easier way to decode, but brute force takes too long.
  13. Phantoman

    Phantoman Well-Known Member

    Well there must be an easier way, but I checked the obvious things already. The BETV URLs do not seem to be base64 encoded or a hex-decimal representation of characters (from 1252, iso8859-1, etc code pages).
  14. taxidriverhk

    taxidriverhk Active Member

    I found out the program are just to display two .html (one is the channel list, another is the player) files, and I also figured out that the URL to tvb jade is the following
    (there are two TVB Jade URLs)
    however, when I tried to open the source code, it just consists of javascript that is encoded
    but I believe it uses flash to stream
    I would like to see if there is anyone who knows how to decode that, thank you so much, I will be so appreciated
  15. taxidriverhk

    taxidriverhk Active Member

    Hi hawai,

    Happy new year, if you don't mind, here is my opinion, just saying my personal thought
    Honestly, TVPad M121 is a pretty good deal which is like $229
    If you have the $12 coupon, it would be cheaper which is $217
    But there's no guarantee that the TVB channels will work for years
    Since they are not provided by TVPad itself, but other mediums like BETV,
    they may get terminated/discontinued at anytime (of course we don't hope this happen)

    So, my recommendation is that Slingbox/Vulkano (if you want to record) may be rather better than TVPad
    Slingbox Pro-HD is selling $247 in Amazon, Vulkano Lava (with 4GB internal memory) is generally $199
    Although you have to setup everything like TV box and Slingbox/Vulkano in HK,
    at least when problem occurs, there would still be a big chance to fix it because you know what the problem is.
    And it provides true HD quality, and you can have your own settings.
    if your home at HK and your location have at least 2M+ connection, then the streaming would be pretty smooth
    therefore, in my opinion, it is more worth to buy Slingbox/Vulkano with paying about $20 more than TVPad

    it is just my personal opinion, and I am not helping Slingbox/Vulkano to sell their products
    it is worth for you to think about it.....

    Again, have a happy new year....
    #755 taxidriverhk, Dec 27, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2011
  16. hawai

    hawai Well-Known Member

    The Itvitv WLTV client is the same company that used to run 3TV. 3TV got shut down, and just redsigned their client and website under the name TVBJ2 or itvitv. The client is the same format, just different looking design. The channels that you are watching on the itvitv website and client is being played by Windows Media Player. These are direct MMS links. Windows Media Player is using RTSP (UDP) as the stream protocol. If you use a network packet sniffer such as Wireshark, you will be able to find the direct RTSP links. Phantoman was the one who helped me out with this about a year ago.

    To Phantoman:
    I just figured out something. If we find out the direct RTSP links that itvitv broadcast their channels, maybe we can use these links to watch them on our Android Tablets and phones. We just need to find the Android media players that plays RTSP. I think it should work. I'll get started in finding the right Android player.

  17. hawai

    hawai Well-Known Member

    To taxidriverhk:

    I also think that the TVPad2 is a pretty good deal at $229. I am happy buying it as long as I get the TVB channels working for at least 1 year.
    I understand that there is no guarantee that the TVB channels will work for years, but that is a chance we have to take.
    I think that the developers of the TVpad are also the ones providing the streams for TVB channels on BETV and Sopcast. Most of the TVB channels are still working on both clients. The only one channel that is currently down on both BETV and Sopcast is TVB Jade. Phantoman and I figured out that the TVB Jade channel is still up and streaming, but just on a different Sopcast tracker which is not made public.
    The TVB Jade channel is still working fine for all TVPad users.

    There are 2 things I like about the TVPad2.
    First, the TVPad2 broadcast all of their channels are in HD. This is perfect for my parents to watch on their Samsung LED HDTV.
    Second, the TVPad uses P2P technology. The more people that are using the TVPad, BETV, and Sopcast, the better the channels will be. The channels should be streaming smoothly and in HD quality. I know this will take up a lot of bandwidth, but the quality is worth it.

    I see that the TVPad has a lot of support on their forum. If you are interested you can take a look at it:
    If you read some of their posts, you will be surprised at how much people owns a TVPad around the world.
    I can't read chinese, so I am only able to read the English posts. The posts are very helpful.
    I am having difficulty in buying the TVPad from their website since the entire website is in chinese. I will still buy one, but first I need to slowly translate the chinese website into English. My parents are the ones that will watching the TVPad, not me.

  18. Phantoman

    Phantoman Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the hint. I am now streaming it on my tablet using BSPlayer lite. Just create a new Playlist and add the RTSP URL to your playlist and off you go.

    EDIT: Btw, I will leave it up to you guys (hawai, taxidriverhk and dotxzer0) whether you want to share this. It was not my finding.

    EDIT #2: One other thing ... those RTSP streams seem to default to TCP when played outside of WLTV thus causing constant buffering, since I do not see the constant buffering in the WLTV client I can only assume that it defaults to RTSPU (UDP). I guess I will have to go through the Wireshark capture to see if I can find any clues to this one, but it's late and I am sleepy ... so if you guys know the solution let me know.

    Edit #3: Actually it also plays well in WMP 12 via RTSP TCP. Doesn't play smoothly through VLC, XBMC, BSPlayer (Android). Anyway, I'll continue looking at this tomorrow. Sleep is influencing my thought process :) At least on my HTPC I can use WMP instead of XBMC if needed.
    #758 Phantoman, Dec 27, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2011
  19. jackfood

    jackfood Member


    Do you how to enlarge the screen? for TVB, i cannot see the subtitle.
  20. taxidriverhk

    taxidriverhk Active Member

    You can use Internet Explorer 8 and access one of the following
    then you can click the magnifier icon on the right-bottom corner and zoom up to 150%
    hope this helps...