Playing hard to get or simply not interested? Guys and girls please help me out!!!

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by ZeSanchezLy, Dec 19, 2011.

  1. ZeSanchezLy

    ZeSanchezLy Member

    Right, I met this girl about, roughly two months ago (in college) and we hit it off quite nicely. We noticed each other at the start of term but we did not speak until we met each other through a mutual friend.

    I got her number straight away and we have been texting each other a lot, I was playing a bit hard to get for the first week but than after we spoke almost daily. We have this great connection and we always make each other laugh and calling each other names and being playful etc during this time she would always give me a text to see whether I am about in College or not and meet up and chill and so forth.

    It was great and I was really feeling that she fancied me, I always caught her looking or even starring at me then pretend to look away when I look at her than once I look away she would be looking at me again. One time she felt embarrassed that I caught her that she pretended to go say hello to someone at the bar. She was laughing at my silly jokes and loves hitting my arm when I make fun of her. In addition, when I talk to other girls or mention other girls she gets somewhat overly excited, not jealous or at least she looks like she's trying not to. One time when I was having a laugh with this other girl quite loudly and I turn around to see the girl I like was looking right at me, eyes wide open.

    Lastly, after a day out shopping her and me were on public transportation going back home. We were talking and she was asking me all these personal questions like what my type was, my past relationships etc at that point I thought our relationship is really on a high and it might go somewhere. (This was about 3 weeks and 2 days ago)


    That was the 'honey moon period' of our so far friendship however 3 weeks ago my friends and I and her went out for a social event and my friends were joking about, making inference that me and her should date, she was laughing but I wasn't and I was being moody which she noticed....... At this point things changed, she was very distant and cold on that day. Same thing happened again a few days later but this time I reacted angrily..... This made her act even more distant.

    - She is flirting with other boys in front of me
    - She is being distant
    - The text messages are not as fluent as the old days
    - There’s a bit of awkwardness when we are together with others
    - We hang less and she don't always call me to come chill together

    Although her eyes do light, up when I enter the room although she pretends that she is not interested or have noticed. From time to time, we still have a laugh and we do occasionally text each other, she does check up on me from time to time and we still see each other during College hours. Nevertheless, of course, it is not the same........ :no:

    HELP PLEASE!!!!??

    Please ask questions and so forth if it will help you guys to diagnose the situation and help me.

    Thank you, Jose
  2. KaY_xD

    KaY_xD 但願人長久,千里共嬋娟

    you guys should have a talk about it. just talk about it and solve the problem. ask her what went wrong, etc
  3. ZeSanchezLy

    ZeSanchezLy Member

    What should i say? its not like we are actually going out
  4. babs

    babs Well-Known Member

    your reaction to your friends comments made it seem like you aren't interested in her romantically. if you have feelings for her be honest and tell her. why did you react the way you did? you better act on it fast though. if she feels like you aren't interested in her you may lose your chance with her. she will move on.
  5. Hartia

    Hartia Well-Known Member

    Lol, my friend and i kidna went through that, but we didnt to stay mutual, and not date. I dont really know what i'd do if things didnt work out, since i'm nvr able to stay friend with ex's.

    But yeah, just call her...dont text, or email, or whatnot. Call...

    And ask her, hey are you busy the next couple of days? Want to go get some coffee (or whatever). And just ask her how shes been. And just tell her straight up, that the last time the guys mentioned about you two. (oh btw, please dont call it a "honeymoon" period, thats just taking it a little over the head). And just tell her, these last few months, since meeting her etc etc.....

    problem is....youve been waiting way too long to talk to her about it.
  6. racebannon

    racebannon Well-Known Member

    I don't know if you're into mind games but I can't help it. So try this one if you want:

    If you are about to meet up as part of a larger group, try to see her a little earlier. While you are both on your way, bring up the subject of "all our friends think you and I ....(so on and so forth)" and then suggest that as you arrive in to the larger group you hold hands because it would drive everyone insane.

    If she says "ok" then you've got the green light, if she says "no" then try if you can to laugh it off "haha it was a stupid idea".
  7. Hartia

    Hartia Well-Known Member

    Yeah, like if you two still have the same amount of feelings for each other, shoudl be fine, but like....3 weeks now, it's hard to say. If you noticed her distance earlier, you shouldve went to talk to her earlier, to show that you do care. This is a bad reference but like say u meet a girl at a club and she gives you her number, the rule is you call before 3 days......
  8. if u like her ask her out, if she says no then u got the answer
  9. ZeSanchezLy

    ZeSanchezLy Member

    Firstly I want to say thank you guys for trying to help me and diagnose this problem for me.

    Babs: Its not that, its just the way they were teasing me and I felt like they were making me look 'uncool' or making it obvious.

    Hartia: exactly, I also don't want to lose her as a friend......... at all. i know, ive left it too late (three bloody weeks) i dont know if shes moved on but she does flirt with other guys and it really annoys me.

    Racebannon: i love mind games but i think ive may of lost this one. great idea tho, some of my friends may still think we are secretly a couple but i don't think she thinks that no more (the three weeks post me ruining it).

    I may need to have that talk with her.... but like Hartia said... ive left it abit long and now she would probably think "why is he bringing that up again" i may have to start again from scratch.... or should i attempt the 'hard to get' approach.... although she will probs win that xD
  10. Hartia

    Hartia Well-Known Member


    Well, if her feelings were always that strong for you, then it should be fine. The hardest part is how to bring up that day without making it sound immature. But do apologize, once....dont over do it, girls dont like hearing sorry over and over again. And you can just tell her, that the past few months, you've grown to really like her and wanted to ask her out. But since that day, it took you by surprise......and has felt bad about your reaction ever since......and then *pout* lol.....okay maybe not the pout
  11. ZeSanchezLy

    ZeSanchezLy Member

    Lol pout. but the thing is, me and her just act like it didnt happen, it was two separate days btw. we have moved past it sort of but obviously it changed our relationship. i dont know whether or not she still likes me or maybe she never did or she may just trying to play hard. ive got no idea what shes thinking and this totally pisses me off. uurgh why are girls/relationships so hard and annoying
  12. Hairbear

    Hairbear Well-Known Member

    you make it sound so easy. LOOL.
  13. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    bingo she laughed cause she wanted the relationship and you didnt respond and that looks like you reject the idea... why wouldn't there be a backlash to that lol how can you not expect that.
  14. ZeSanchezLy

    ZeSanchezLy Member

    Hhaha exactly, its not that easy Hadouken.

    Yeah i guess... but the thing is I can never really tell with her. I still flirt with her etc but she just, well rejects it! She's not the type of girl to keep me on the hook and she is not being all that cold. so i really don't know whether she likes me or not! but she is definetly playing hard to get e.g. slow replies, she is always the first one to kill off the convo, she hardly starts the convo etc.
  15. AsianLondon

    AsianLondon Well-Known Member

    Dude, You've waited too long now. However this still can be fixed.

    She sounds like she does like you, obviously your reaction has caused this "awkwardness" because she probs think your not interested in her therefore backlash.

    She sounds like she might be playing hard to get, or even to try get over you because she feels rejected, thats why shes doing all these things you mentioned.

    What you got to do now is simple, show that you are actually interested in her, try restore order and hope that its not too late.
  16. Thisdamngood

    Thisdamngood Well-Known Member

    Just call her and tell her that you like her. She may play hard to get at first, but you will get her at the end.
  17. Hartia

    Hartia Well-Known Member

    Yeah, might as well, make it or break it.....if you dont talk to her, you'll regret it. Go and have a nice dinner or lunch or coffee with her, and if all fails then you know what she is thinking and it'll be more of a relief knowing than to second guess.
  18. ZeSanchezLy

    ZeSanchezLy Member

    I guess its now or never, I will try 'restore' some normality between us and see where it goes from then. I have come to a conclusion (finally:rolleyes2::no:) that she is behaving weird because of my rude reaction......twice. She does try make me read in between the lines sometimes.... and she said something weird one time out of the blue with reference to biscuits -noclue :xd: But yeh, thx guys.

    Thx Hartia but main thing is i don't want to lose her as a friend but thx
  19. Hartia

    Hartia Well-Known Member

    well thing is, youre not really friends with her since it's had that distance for awhile now. This girl i'm talking to right now, she likes this guy but she pushed him away a few time because of shyness, and she regrets doing it. But then she was like okay take the risk and ask him to see what he thinks if not then at least she is satisfied that she tried and knows the truth as well.
  20. ZeSanchezLy

    ZeSanchezLy Member

    were still friends, its just awkward. you are right, the truth would relieve the stress away however it will be even more awkward if I get rejected and have to see her everyday.