HK (Cantonese) live streaming

Discussion in 'Science, Technology & Car Chat' started by Phantoman, Nov 22, 2008.

  1. Phantoman

    Phantoman Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the translation robo_tec.

    @hawai, you should be able to sniff the network without having to run the packet sniffer on the device itself. It's not something I have tried yet, but I'm quite certain it's possible if I think of any stateful firewall where you can capture the packet payload. There are two options which I can think of:

    1.) Put the packet sniffer on the gateway (the gateway that you configure in the IP settings). Normally this would be your router/modem, but you can designate a separate PC as the gateway as well and have your packet sniffer on there. You should at least be able to capture the connection attempt from TVPad if you have not really configured your PC as a real gateway.

    2.) If TVPad supports a Proxy setting in it's configuration, then you can point it to a proxy server with packet sniffing capability (something like Fiddler, but that one is only for HTTP as far as I know). Alternatively I guess you can again run Wireshark on your own PC and specify your PC's IP address as the Proxy server in TVPad. The channel stream won't work, but you should be able to capture the connection attempt from TVPad.
  2. robo_tec

    robo_tec Well-Known Member

    thx for the coupon code, just placed an order for $199 let's see if this TVPAD is any good or not.
  3. style_z

    style_z Member

    Anyone who can confirm this? The TvPad looks very convenient and easy to use, but can they assure you that it will keep streaming TVB? Otherwise, it would be a lot of money for something that might be shut down in the near future...
  4. Normal

    Normal Member



    I know some of you are trying to "sniff" the TVPAD network. Once it is successful and have the source IP address open, you guys pretty much open the door for OR at least SPEED UP the eventual TVB knockout. I guarantee it.

    Look, we have all been frustrated with all these endeavors to watch TVB live overseas. We have had BETV, then Sopcast...each of them have disappeared. Now we have TVPAD and it seems like it is still working. All we need is to pay $199 (with coupon)...NOT a bad deal (if it is working for a while...FYI: I just ordered one and it will arrive soon.)

    What is MOST frustrating is that some of us are actually perfectly willing to pay for fee to watch Jade LIVE, but there is NO channel to do it (TVB JADE USA, isn't LIVE from Hong Kong, and not everyone can have Direct TV if they live in a dorm or an apartment....)

    The real danger for SNIFFING, once successful is that, you just SPEED up for an eventual TVB knockdown, and then, NO ONE can watch anything LIVE from Hong Kong.

  5. Normal

    Normal Member


    PLEASSSSSE don't KILL TVPAD. I know some of you are trying to SNIFF the TVPAD source network. Once it is successful and have the IP address open, you guys pretty much open the door for or AT LEAST SPEED UP the eventual TVB knockdown. I guarantee it.

    Look, TVPAD is the ONLY thing that is running. It cost $199 to buy (Just bought one, and it will arrive soon), but if it can run for a while, it is worth it!! Once these source IP address is out in public, it will be gone very soon and then there will be noway and no one can watch TV live in USA or Europe.

    I have been very frustrated with the experience of trying to watch TVB JADE LIVE from USA. I have seen BETV, SOPCAST and only see them up and running and them disappearing. Many of us are in fact willing to watch TVB live for a fee, but there is no market for that because TVB USA isn't LIVE from Hong Kong, and not everyone can install DirectTV.
  6. JVC888

    JVC888 Well-Known Member

    There is a possibility that it will not work in the future (Nobody can tell you how long it will work, months? years? Nobody knows it).

    About the network sniffing, I believe you have to think twice about it. Why? It can hurt yourself and the current TVpad owners. If you are able to find the streams (including username and pw) by packet sniffing and then post the streams here (people most likely will also repost these links somewhere else), I think their servers can't hold it and it will result in stuttering (not a pleasant tv experience) or a complete shutdown. My friend, who owns a TVpad, experienced stuttering during the final episode of a drama a while ago. That was an indication that their servers were almost running at the max. of their capacity. That's also the reason why they upgraded their servers recently, to allow more people to watch the channels without stuttering.

    I think I am also going to buy one. Price is reasonable if it works for at least 6 months (fingers crossed)
  7. dreamer66

    dreamer66 Member


    The way I see it is that its a big world out there. If there is a way to sniff out the needed information, there will always be someone with the know-how more than willing to do it, even if we don't do it here. For whatever the reason, just for fun of it, to prove that it can be done,.............whatever. So, to me it is only a matter of time that TVPad system will be beaten. And then people at TVPad start changing things, and the whole mouse-and-cat cycle repeats continuously.
    #1007 dreamer66, Mar 3, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2012
  8. mklo

    mklo Member

    I am not sure if TVPAD is authorized by TVB to carry the channels. They could get shutdown as well, no guarantee that it will work forever.
  9. Phantoman

    Phantoman Well-Known Member

    @Normal and JVC888, I see your point. Actually I tried that approach once already. The SopCast links that I shared with all of you ? Well I had them a long time before that, but I decided to share them with 3 other users here who have been contributing to the thread. What happened ? I saw the same SopCast links on some Chinese threads after that, maybe a coincidence. Anyway, my point is that no matter what someone will always find a way crack / hack something and share the info.

    Now it would have been a different story if TVPad was an authorized TVB/ATV/etc. dealer. I wouldn't share a thing since I wouldn't want any kind of trouble. For example I am not going to try to hack the IPTV from (assuming that it still exists). Unless someone can proof to me that TVPad is an authorized dealer, then the sharing will go on. And let's be honest here, I assume most of you did use one of the free streams at one point, so why the change of heart all of a sudden ? :) Furthermore I have been doing this for more than 4 years and I have seen many streams come and go from SopCast, PPStream, TVAnts, PPTV / PPLive, direct links etc etc etc, you name it. So what is happening right now is nothing new. Like dreamer66 mentioned, it's a mouse and cat game.

    Also we might as well just shutdown this thread if you want us to keep everything to ourselves :)
  10. JVC888

    JVC888 Well-Known Member

    No doubt anything can be hacked. It just does not make any sense to me when one person buys the tvpad for 200 dollar and then hack it and post the streams online. That will most likely result in a loss of 200 dollar. That person must have too much money and too much time willing to do it. Are you willing to sacrifice 200 dollar to be able to post the streams? (I don't think many people will answer yes to that question). I know there could be a person out there that is willing to do that and post the streams online. You can't rule that out.

    That's also the main difference compared to previous ways to watch the live channels. In the past, people like Phantoman and I really appreciate his effort, used his free time to search for the live channels. When the channels are not working anymore, the only loss is the free time spent to look for the channels. This is a different story. People are losing $200 when someone post the streams here or somewhere else. That's why people (owners of the TVpad) are not likely willing to share these streams. Who can blame them?

    If we are talking about new sopcast streams or new methods to watch hk channels, I am willing to share it with other people in this thread if I found them. I think other people will do the same. That's because you will not lose any money when the channels are not working anymore.
  11. robo_tec

    robo_tec Well-Known Member

    Well here is how I see it.

    Since TVPAD is not even an authorized partner of TVB and some other TV companies, so basicly we paid $200 dollar for watching some illegal streams that might be taking down any date and time for various reasons, mostly likely pressures from the TV companies.

    and I am sure we are not the only group in this world who are trying to find the new TVB streams, and I also don't think we are the only one who come up with "oh TVPAD must have the IP's to the new streaming server". so eventually the new links will get out just matter of time. and when the new stream links spreeds too far then they will have to do something again, everything cycles again and TVPAD might just put up some new streaming server again.

    so if you are an owner of a TVPAD, don't be too worry because there is nothing you can do, you can just hope that they keep putting up new streaming server every time when then have to killing off the old servers. the worst case would be that the TVPAD it self has to be close down totaly. this risk you should have already known when you paid your $200 dollars, since you knew they are not authorized partner of TVB and eventually TVB or other TV compaies will hunt them down in time.

    for the others who don't have TVPAD, I am sure someone out there will find out the new streaming links soom enough and in a short period of time you will find them in all sorts of forums if not in this.
  12. Phantoman

    Phantoman Well-Known Member

    @JVC888, I get it I get it, one of the reasons I hid the SopCast links at the beginning. The only thing I cannot justify is the fact that most of us knew that the SopCast links were in fact the ones being used by TVPad (mentioned a few times in this same thread). Also probably one of the reasons why people always ask if the streams still work on TVPad when something goes wrong (for example when BETV removed TVB). FYI, these were also the same links that BETV used, but BETV managed to hide the source of the streams nicely by encoding the SopCast URLs (an encoding which I never broke btw).

    All I'm saying, if people complained back then when the SopCast links were released, then it would have made sense. If they only complain because right now they are going to buy a TVPad since the old free TVPad SopCast links do not work anymore, then they are all hypocrites. Also keep in mind that TVPad is illegally making money (assuming they are not authorized dealers).

    Off-topic: Who the hell is going buy this ? LOL!

    P.S.: I'm thinking about buying a TVPad too -evil
  13. Wiseman-Ray

    Wiseman-Ray Member

    Is there any way to stream the TVPad out to the computer? If I want to buy TVPad, I would like to buy one only and then stream it to all my computer in my house, so that I can watch TVB on all TV in my house if possible. Hope someone have TVPad can answer this

  14. Prescott

    Prescott Well-Known Member

    The new version of BeTV is sort of weird. There is a very thing white border in full screen and you can't make the video widescreen with Divx Plus anymore.
  15. Phantoman

    Phantoman Well-Known Member

    Hawai, you do have people to help you out at your place right ? Because from the looks of it the interface is all in Chinese:


    I have to say though that the channel switching is quite fast in this video.

    I think that will be a bit tricky, since HDMI is the only output interface that I can see on the TVPad. I think you have to either use a) some "HDMI over IP" solutions which are quite expensive (Google it) or b) use a PC video capture card to capture the feed from the HDMI output and then restream that using something like SopCast or Microsoft Windows Media Services.

    Maybe others have different ideas.
  16. hawai

    hawai Well-Known Member

    To Phantoman:
    My parents are the ones that will be watching the TVPad. So they should be able to read the chinese channels. I am just basically buying it for them and setting it up. The only hard part is just filling out the registration form (I can't read chinese, so I will need to go by the translation that JVC888 provided)-mellow. One good thing about the TVPad is that it is a complete media player. It is able to play AVI and RMVB files through the USB from what I read on the Ebay listings. If I do download those TVB dramas for them, I can just save it on a flash drive and just have my parents stick it into the TVPad and just play them.

    Phantoman, are you planning to buy one also? As for those Ebay listings for the TVPads, I think they are nothing more than advertisements. If you read those listings, you can see that they all provided the $30 coupon code without even winning the auctions. What a gimmick!!!! I will be happy if this TVPad is able to last 6 months after I buy it. It is like paying for a 6 month subscription :smiling:. At least I can still use it as a media player for all my movies and tv shows. Do you know what the other Android Apps are for? I tried looking them up in the Android market, but can't find them.
    #1016 hawai, Mar 4, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2012
  17. JVC888

    JVC888 Well-Known Member

    I went to my friend place some time ago to see the tvpad in action. My experience is that you can install different apps which have different live channels. I believe two apps have live tvb channels (it also have other channels) and I saw that the quality of the tvb channels is not the same between these two apps. Hence I believe they are working with different third party providers. It's possible that the provider of the sopcast streams is one of them, but nobody can know it for sure. The betv app (that also can be installed) does not have tvb channels.
    If one source (which has the tvb channels) goes down, the other source (which also has the tvb channels) might still be running, so you can still continue to watch live hk channels.

    I have read that the tvpad's that are now on sale come with the latest fw version 2.7, which includes an English setup menu. Yes, the channel list is in Chinese, but I think it's not difficult to figure out where the tvb channels are.

    I also have noticed that there is one app that offers video on demand service (the tvpad apps can't be found in the Android market). You can watch the latest drama's, variety shows, movies whenever you want.
  18. robo_tec

    robo_tec Well-Known Member


    yes there is an easier way to do it. buy a HDMI-splitter 1 IN / X UT. it makes the in signal out puts to several HDMI devices.

    here is one from a swedish site.

    but why would u want to see same stream in several devices? why not just sit togeather can watch from same device?
  19. uniqlo

    uniqlo Active Member

    hello everybody from Sweden!! i'm new to here. i moved to Sweden last July, and i found this thread 2 weeks ago, which makes me closer to my friends and family back in Hong Kong.

    first of all, would like to thank for the links, i watched them since 1 Mar.

    for tvpad, i've visited their forum, and found that all the HK channels are provided by 3rd party android apps, which users of tvpad have to loaded to their tvpad device.

    i don't have an android tablet to try out, but, those apps are available in their forum for free download.
  20. style_z

    style_z Member

    But if TVpad can update firmware and change things, doesn't this mean that they continue to provide Tvb streaming? If the streaming would be shut down, they simply have to create a new one? Or am I missing something here?