The Walking Dead Season 2

Discussion in 'Hollywood Entertainment' started by sonicbreeze, Sep 5, 2011.

  1. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    ^cant wait....i hate shane...but in the same time...the series wouldnt be as interesting without him...
  2. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    I agree, all of these stories are pretty reliant on the human condition (ie. social intercourse, etc; how people get along). If they were all smart and savvy about how to go about this, they would be a military unit that would function with absolute safety and precision, but the show would be pretty boring after the first few episodes. Thus, there has to be friction, infighting, petty squabbles and back stabbings in order for people (and sponsors) to stay interested.
  3. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    So how is this latest saga going to play out? At the end of ep S02E10,

    without doing what they had planned to do. So now what? Should they kill the kid and lose a part of their humanity, or should they let him live, knowing fully that the kid, because he went to school with Maggie, probably knows where she lives, and hence their location. Since he's now a threat if he gets back to his own group, should they take that risk? IMHO, the world is a very different place when you may die from a wrong decision. They should kill him, given the glimpse of macabre sadistic pleasure that he was getting as he whacked that walker, it's pretty firm in my mind that he's a liability if they let him go. And what's with the scratches now being able to cause conversion to walkerdom. If that was the case, they would all be walkers. With all the violent action, they don't have cuts and scrapes? Heck, they're cutting their own fingers to drip blood, and they're touching everything afterwards, including the walkers; somehow, they don't catch the zombie disease? I'm a bit pressed to believe that stretch.

    They seriously need shields and bite proof clothing.
  4. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

  5. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    LOL... Fixed? I'm at a loss as to what exactly are you referring to?

    At any rate, I also noticed how this series is taking severe license with zombiedom and adding to the canon. Notice now that zombies can be attracted by blood? That was never a consideration before. As a living human cannot smell blood from 30 feet away; after this 'infection' kills and then changes them, they somehow now have extra ordinary olfactory perceptions akin to that of a canine? Well, in that case, why don't the zombies grow wings or develop tentacles or regenerate flesh or a whole other variety of interesting or creative nonsense. This reminds me of the episode where Andrea was trapped in the RV's bathroom, and the walker came in to search for her and how it moved its eyes around to the detection of sound; this showed a higher order brain function that the walkers are stated NOT to have. I know it's just a stupid show, but by treating it like they can write whatever they want, they in essence are destroying their own creative universe. This is why Star Trek fans argue canon; of what is plausible or not. Even science fiction has rules that cannot be disregarded else one risks destroying the illusion or suspension of disbelief. Just look at the nonsense that Resident Evil has become; in an effort to create new and exciting 'boss' levels for each subsequent movie, the creatures from that series have essentially become space monsters or foes a la Matrix. They're no longer zombies.

    Zombies have no brains and just move and eat, PLEASE don't make them something else.
    #105 ralphrepo, Mar 4, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2012
  6. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Check the "spoiler" tag yourself in the original post =)
    Otherwise let me tell you, basically because of the apostrophe ' it "destroyed" the code (or whatever it's called), I simply quoted it and edited it so it is now clickable.

    Good point raised!
  7. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Ah... so that was it. Thanks, didn't even realize there was a problem, LOL...

    Also, one question, why bother taking back a few jerry cans of gas...

    driven off with the whole truck? I'm sure that either Rick or Shane could have just hot wired the tanker without a problem. These writers can come up with zombie super sense of smell and they don't know how to hot wire a truck? LOL...
  8. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    No problems, didn't want to put your precious post into waste =)
    Lol that's true because it can also

    mean that they get a free car, well a replacement since Rick's wife destroyed 1
  9. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    You know the one thing that I don't get about this whole zombie apocalypse thing is, that they know how to kill them so, why hasn't a large group of people taken it upon themselves to go and exterminate these things, just like the original 1968 version? Frankly, they can set up sound bait to corral them into a pit or closed area, and then just light it up. I mean, zombies don't think, have very little hand eye coordination and are dumb as rock; so it would be relatively easy to set traps for them, right? Also, I can't imagine that soldiers in tanks and armored vehicles (at the beginning of the show) were so easily overrun by them.
  10. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Lol good point raised, they could have just ran them over using the tanks. Not like the zombies can climb into the tank (although there was an infected zombie when Rick used the gun inside the tank). Ran out of fuel? Fine! Refill it and keep running them over, or even use helicopters and nuke the whole area.
  11. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    ^maybe some dickhead decided to opened the hatch because the interior was getting hot ....what he didnt kno was that there were zombies waiting for him from the outside; bit him on the arm.....Not telling his battle buddies, that he got bitten, changed, then....u kno the rest.....
  12. ThatGuy

    ThatGuy Well-Known Member

    Not quite sure why you would even use tanks to deal with hordes of zombies.

    Anyways, I thought the new episode was kinda boring.
  13. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Er... I hate to burst your bubble, but those tanks have air conditioning. As a matter of fact, they're biologically and chemically insulated from the outside environment in the event of nuclear or biologic warfare; in essence, they're totally isolated from the outside. They have periscopes inside the thing to see outside. They would know if there were walkers around. The idea that walkers can overrun an armored unit is laughable. Even an unarmed civilian in a hummer can just keep running them over until he runs out of gas, LOL...

    Ultimate protection. They can't get at you, and you can run them over; they can't walk or bite if you turned them into ground beef. One has to remember that they're still flesh and bone, which remains poor protection against moving steel. And that's not even counting on the probability that one shot from its main gun can literally take out an entire street of walkers just from the muzzle blast effect alone. In fact, an armed mobile isolation pod (which is essentially what an armored vehicle like a tank is), with modern communications, GPS, the ability to drive underwater (with snorkeling equipment) and several weeks food supply; it is exactly the type of mechanism to deal with these types of infestation. Imagine if is was Ebola instead of zombies. Then it isn't so far fetched.
    #113 ralphrepo, Mar 5, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2012
  14. dale died lol he was useless anyways didn't like his char-whistle
    with 2 more eps..supposedly one more char suppose to be die...who's next? :trollface:
  15. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    ...The character that should have died was Carl; the little stupid know it all. I'm hoping he gets his real soon. Dale wasn't useless; far from it. In terms of creativity, he was the show's voice of soul and reason, a foil against Shane's brashness and violent nature. It was what made for drama as their polar opposite personalities were always at odds. Now that he is gone there isn't anyone else who can take that role. The only character that I thought to be expendable was the big black guy. He hasn't done squat since season one.

    Oh, and the same previously noted blooper: Rick's revolver always seems to eject shell casings. It did it with Sophia and it did it again with this latest episode; listen closely to the audio immediately after the round is fired. You'll hear a shell casing hitting the ground. And what's worst, they're standing on grass this time too, where a shell casing wouldn't make any sound at all, LOL...
  16. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Same here, Carl should have been the victim, the dead guy. See his face at the end, he felt guilty after looking at the face of that walker because he know he drag all these shit into it. In other words, if it wasn't for him who aggrevated that walker, it wouldn't have gotten away from the sticky mud (don't know the specific word for it, but I know it's not quicksand haha). Also, not sure if he lost the gun because as far as I remember, he pulled the gun out trying to shoot that walker but he dropped it because he got scared. What a brat who acts like a smart alec.

    Poor Dale though, the flesh of his stomach/belly got torn apart with the horrid hands of the walker. It's a shame that he is old and got scared because if he didn't he would have had enough energy to tilt that walker off from his sight.

    I didn't notice that sound, but I think it's made just for the sake of entertainment?

    You're right, that black guy (can't remember his name) didn't play a significant role in Season 2, all I remember is that he killed the fat walker dwelling in the well and got injured lol.
  17. The annoying old guy finally died i was like YESSSS! stop cock blockin all the action :punk:
  18. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    :facepalm: <sigh> the print series, Dale actually hooked up with Andrea, and then, whilst alone in the woods, was set upon by a group of cannibals who ate his leg while he watched (Remember Quest For Fire [1981]?) Talk about gruesome. Now I guess we won't have that, or else it would be someone else that it happens to. But frankly, such an idea may not make it past the usually very controversy shy American censors. Time will tell.
  19. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    Being in a tank before (m1A1), because i was assigned and attached to the armor infantry a couple of times, i didnt recalled any AC...... It was approx. 117F in Iraq (which it's consider pretty low for ambient air), and 130F+ inside the tank, still, my buddies and my tank CO were in full battle rattle sweating our sweet behinds off, avg. about 3 hrs a day and 6 hrs the max from the patrols..Certainly, i didnt recall that we were dumb enough to not turn on the AC :).....We also kept our hatch close because we were following the new rules that they put out back was also for our own safety too. The only thing that kept us from suffering a heat stroke is that we had plenty of water source to keep us from being hydrated. Now, since i've been out from deployment for quite sometimes, i dunno about the newer tanks such as the m1a2, whether they have AC or not because i kno from experience that the M1A1 doesnt...

    So back in the show, u could be right about the tanks in this that they have AC because it's a newer tank..and u could be wrong because it could be the older model tanks like the one i was in.. gotta look through it again if i have the time......even if it does have AC, i dont think it will cool u off too much as i would still open the hatch in a safety's more like a fan that blast u with hot air, than an AC; the military vehicles arent used for comfort. It's really hot inside the tank but in the same time, IEDs and bullets wouldnt penetrate through the tanks unless of course, it's armor's definitely more safe than patrolling on foot, which i normally did. In my experience, i only been on one vehicle that has AC....and that's the HMMWV with the JNN on back that are use for signal/communications operations...the AC there is set to at lest 60F and lower to cool off the computers and electronics inside..i remember my buddy and i were in there, we felt alseep and then we got in trouble...our punishment was to mop the whole company's floor which took hrs....aint a pretty sight...but those were the fun times...:)
  20. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    You're right in that the previous older M1A1's, and even some older M1A2's didn't have the AC unless they got retrofitted with the System Enhancement Package. But the newer versions do have them:

    Yes, the military has realized that today's heavy use of electronics require tons of air conditioning just to keep their equipment stable. The side benefit of this is crew comfort, which is the case with the Megget designed unit. It was originally made for the prime purpose of electronics thermal stability but crew comfort became a secondary benefit. Crews that weren't overheated did not need as much water to stay hydrated, and could function longer without fatigue.

    But, back to the show like you stated; IMHO a tank would be the BEST survival structure that one could hope for. It's protection against not only the walkers but also against just about anything except for the most catastrophic weather (ie tsunami). The worst thing about it is that it fuel intensive (but you don't need to run it all the time) and it is a bit cramped. But otherwise, you can literally go to sleep and not worry about being ambushed. Quite literally nothing could bother when you're inside it, not even other people unless they have anti-tank weapons. If push comes to shove you just drive away. It can also haul a lot of shit, and easily break down barriers if need be. Oh, and did I mention the large gun in the turret and the amount of persuasion it engenders? Nobody would want to mess with you.
    #120 ralphrepo, Mar 5, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2012