
Discussion in 'Science, Technology & Car Chat' started by Knoctur_nal, Mar 12, 2012.

  1. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|


    With the advent of the personal computer and with it the ability to endlessly copy data, the human desire to share has skyrocketed. Shifting data from A to B, wherever those points may be on a global scale, is now something easily achieved by billions across the world.

    While the immense capabilities of the Internet has made sending and receiving data child’s play, there are others who find the transfer of bits and bytes across much shorter distances just as fascinating.

    In 2009 we reported on the Kiosk of Piracy, an offline copy of The Pirate Bay accessible via local WiFi. Although a neat little project, the Kiosk was in one specific location in Germany, meaning anyone out of range would not be able to access it. But now a cool little tool means that anyone, anywhere, can offer a similar file-sharing service for just a few dollars.

    Inspired by the local transmitting power of traditional pirate radio, NYU art professor David Darts created the PirateBox, a WiFi hotspot and server providing easy and anonymous access to the files held within.

    In a previous incarnation (see below) the PirateBox – which utilized a full-size wireless router and a USB stick for storage – was housed in a fairly cumbersome metal lunchbox.

    The whole thing cost around $100 to build, a not unreasonable price considering the features, but a new breakthrough update (thanks Numerama) means that not only is its physical footprint massively reduced, but also its cost. Depending on the amount of storage space required for files, for less than $50 anyone can now run a PirateBox wireless file-sharing system.
    The huge price cut has been made possible by using new hardware, specifically the TP-LINK TL-MR3020 3G Wireless N Router, available from Newegg at just $39.99. Once obtained, all people have to do is follow the PirateBox installation instructions here, insert a USB stick full of files and power on. As can be seen below, it looks rather good.

    The PirateBox

    Users wirelessly accessing the device are presented with a web interface which allows them not only to download files but upload them too. No logs or other identifying information is stored in the device.
    Although great for anyone to share files within its range, considering the pressure currently being applied to university students by record labels and their anti-piracy partners, the chances of music-stuffed PirateBoxes popping up on campuses all around the world increases every day.

    And considering that The Pirate Bay can now fit on the smallest of USB sticks, every PirateBox could also contain a copy of the world’s most famous torrent site.


    Source: TorrrentFreak

  2. Pretty interesting concept, leveraging off of seedboxing....

    Not sure about the viability of deploying these pirate LANs though...
  3. Phantoman

    Phantoman Well-Known Member

    Ok, you are not traceable via the Internet, but can't they (you know who) easily find the WiFi source ?
  4. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    How can they not track it? It still goes through your internet provider / someone's internet provider. Plus, the mac address? I thought router does have mac address too. -confused
  5. You don't seem to understand, there is no Internet involved.. This is a Local Area Network.

  6. Phantoman

    Phantoman Well-Known Member

    Exactly, but I assume big brother can easily create a WiFi scanner to pick these out of the crowd.
  7. I never said they wouldn't be able to pick this up. The same techniques used for investigating for a weed house, or a shop selling pirated movies could be applied.

    But I was just saying that ISPs cannot track it because there are no ISPs involved...
  8. Phantoman

    Phantoman Well-Known Member

    I was not contesting what you said, but merely pointing out that this system is far from safe. Your fingerprints will be all over that box, lol.
  9. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    the files available will be lacking though unless you know someone with all the sources