Fucking Twat

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by kontradictions, Mar 14, 2012.

  1. kontradictions

    kontradictions Well-Known Member

    So I'm in class and the professor is going over the material for the final and this cunt walks in looking for his flash drive he left in class earlier. Rather than waiting for the class to be over, he walks up to the front of the class and starts talking to the professor. I noticed there's an orange LED glowing a few computers to the right of me. I roll my chair over, yank the flash drive out and hold it up. He goes "oh that's mine". So I snapped it in half and chucked it at him. Fucking twat.
  2. well that was pretty rage like of you...

    maybe he needed it badly? if he didn't make a huge scene of it... then you breaking his flash drive was kind of uncalled for... at least he didn't just go right to the computer, grab it and walk out. He chose to respect the professor by asking....
  3. kontradictions

    kontradictions Well-Known Member

    Yeah...I have anger issues.
  4. Hahaha this is hilarious. Major rage lol

    He was an idiot for interrupting the class, I would have either thrown it in the garbage for him to dig out, or chucked it out of the door. If it breaks, bonus lol.

    But I would probably laugh my ass off if I witnessed that in person
  5. person

    person Well-Known Member

    Dang, someone is angry...

    But I would definitely burst into laughter, if witnessed.
  6. Bulla

    Bulla Well-Known Member

    If you find your car window broken.. talk to rth, he'll know your pain. :trollface2:
  7. Actually, now that I think of it, this shit did happen to me once before. Kid was poking me with something, got pissed, took it and threw it against the blackboard.

    Got detention.

    Felt good.
  8. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    While the angry braggadocio sounds and feels good (daresay you even seem to wear it on your chest with pride), statistically speaking, eventually you're going to meet up with a version of yourself (small world and all that). Imagine if that version of you, who (upon seeing his USB snapped in half with an entire semester's work on it) flies across the room and pummels you to within an inch or your life with a hail of fists, or walks back into the class' next session with a firearm with the aim at retribution. My point is, poor anger management isn't anyone's exclusive province and someone else may likely be, how do we say... your kindred spirit?

    I agree that he was being rude. However your actions IMHO, were unnecessarily petty and bespeaks very poorly of you. Legally speaking, you also destroyed someone else personal property. You're lucky he didn't call the police and had you charged.
    #8 ralphrepo, Mar 15, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2012
  9. kontradictions

    kontradictions Well-Known Member

    No, there are only a hand full of things I've done that I'm actually proud of. People feel proud of the dumbest things and, because of that, they have an undying feeling of self importance. I know what I did was stupid and reckless but people who think that they're special and that the world should revolve around them need a reality check.

    The whole anger issue comment was a joke but I see your point. If something were to happen to me then so be it. I've had this conversation with a co-worker before and she was perplexed by my response. I'm perfectly content with my life and I could drop dead tomorrow with no regrets (well, maybe a few bad purchases but that's it, I swear).

    I really don't care what people think of me. I live strongly by the idea of treating others the way you want to be treated. If you're going to barge into a class room and disrespect the professor and all the other students, don't expect me to play nice. On the flip side, had he not acted the way he did, I would have been more than happy to have gone out of my way to make sure he got it back.
    #9 kontradictions, Mar 15, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2012
  10. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    I find that everyone in life has certain ignition thresholds, or what therapists would sometimes refer to as an anger boiling point, or trigger, if you will. Generally, as life goes on, most people have their boiling points lifted to such a level that simple annoyances don't elicit the responses they previously had in their youth. Some would call this a maturation process, though that doesn't necessarily mean your response was immature insomuch as it was unfortunate. In the above, I would consider something like that not even worth the investment of my anger. There will always be rude people who do inane things the world over and they will inevitably intersect our lives; that we cannot control. However, the amount of attention that we ultimately choose to devote to that interaction is always under our exclusive dominion; I wouldn't have bother to waste my time.

    Moreover, it was the professor's class, and it should have been up to him or her to decide what to do with the interruption. In taking action yourself, you too, basically disrespected the professor by usurping his or her authority. In other words, you were just as rude as you're now initiating what is a clear confrontation with another student in the middle of the professor's class; something that the professor and more importantly, all the rest of the other students don't need. I can imagine that another student is likely thinking, "Oh great, first this fucking twat walks in while the professor is going over the material for the final. The cunt is looking for his flash drive he left in class earlier. Rather than waiting for the class to be over, he walks up to the front of the class and starts talking to the professor. Another asshole noticed there's an orange LED glowing on a computer, he rolls his chair over, yanks the flash drive out and held it up. The first twat goes "oh that's mine" and the second asshole then snapped it in half and chucked it at him. Two stupid fucking twats. Why couldn't both those rude idiots just take their shit egos outside the fucking school and stop wasting our fucking time?" IMHO, food for thought.

    At any rate LOL, your "...well, maybe a few bad purchases but that's it, I swear" comment.
  11. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    *fist pump*
  12. heheh.. cunt.. heheh.. twat.. :trollface:
  13. skitlez

    skitlez Active Member

    thanks for your mature input as I cannot agree more. I actually don't find this humorous if I witnessed it. I understand you didn't like the guy, which is totally fine since no one has to like everyone. Perhaps you can just ignore the guy in the future despite his actions.
  14. Hartia

    Hartia Well-Known Member

    TBH, that was a pretty low thing to do. Taking it into your own hands to destroy someone else's property is one thing, and then making a scene out of it. Yeah it would be up to the prof to allow the kid to look for his usb or whatnot, and classes are typically what 45-50mins? Thats a fucking long wait, not everyone has the time or the freedom to sit there and wait. And I wouldnt be surprised if he had his entire thesis on it (not a smart thing to do) and I probably would take legal actions, at least in CA you can. But yeah Im not against what you did (okay maybe I am) but think about if you were in that position. Say you left class, going to idk print your thesis due within the next 30 mins, and your only copy is on that usb. Then someone snaps it....your whole 4 years just got trashed, I think I would be pretty upset and like start another Virginia Tech....i'm jsut saying in a possible scenario...
  15. its alright guys.. kontr. just an asshole..
  16. mr_evolution

    mr_evolution ( • )( •ԅ(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)

    lol'ed pretty hard.