I used to stream live TVB stream and other HK channels, but it seemed to be down now so I'm thinking to buy a TVPAD2 for my dad. I'm from Holland (Netherlands) and my question is, if anyone from Holland has some experience using the TVPAD2? Like streaming TVB and other video on demand movies...and also another question. When I order the TVPAD2, will I get problems with customs?? My dad can speak and read mandarin and cantonese so ordering one would be no problem.
was pretty up to date the ep 25 for oncall36hours series ep 25 came out couple hrs after hk broadcast, not sure for others
i am from Belgium each time i order something outside the EU with DHL, UPS ,TNT i will get a letter with the extra tax (2- 4 weeks after receive the item)
Hoi Nederlander, het werkt gewoon I have mine since Thursday and so far it has been working fine, with the occasional stuttering (nothing serious). I'll test it for another week before ordering another one for family. You won't get into trouble with customs. On the invoice it's written that it's a sample with no commercial value and that it costs $25. So go ahead and order one. Btw, there used to be someone from Rotterdam selling these on eBay as well, but I do not see it anymore.
I agree with phucker, my cousin joined his facebook (Club TVpad) page Monday and messaged him for a discount and he got his TVpad on Thursday! Great guy to deal with. He rather you go through his facebook then ebay since ebay charges an arm and a leg in fees. But he is the only TOP RATED SELLER on ebay selling these. Good luck!!
See my post on page 2 where you will find the link to the .pkg file. Copy it to the microSD card (I used 'Ext2fsd' discussed in this article: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-read-ext3ext4-linux-partition-from-windows-7.html). Then go to App Manager and install the app. You can also copy the .pkg file to a USB stick/hdd and install the app that way, but for me it didn't work (I tried with a USB memory stick formatted with NTFS).
thx for the advice will try it tomorrow i have try your tip but i didn't work for me :( but i just mine own micro SD card and the extra app's installed successful. i hope soon more other channels will be available
Anyone here have lagging issues with some of the channels? Channel 9, the Cantonese movie channel, on "Bak Haap" app lags really badly. My internet is not the problem since almost all other channels work fine.
yes. that channel is nearly un-watchable, i've read the forum, it seems they're not planning to have that channel in the beginning, and add it after last update.
Anyone else got an Australian power plug in the package even though its supposed to be shipped to the United States? I spoke with live chat but they thought i was making it all up as they kept repeating they only send unified power plugs globally. They keep telling me to buy an adapter and wont fix their own problem. Also the back of the device where the Ethernet port is, hdmi etc. had lots scratches, its like they wiped it with a wired brush instead of a microfiber cloth. I cant test it out until the Australian to North American power adapter arrives today. Seems like i got a lemon. should have brought from the ebay seller rather than the official site if i knew customer service was that bad.
Not for me, assuming you guys mean TVB Movies on Lily TV (百合电视). Last night I noticed a bit of stuttering, but nothing serious. Testing it right now and it worked flawlessly ... until I posted this message Now it keeps buffering all the time. So I take my words back.
Assuming that you did not order at one of the scam sites, then were you able to track your package via DHL to make sure it came directly from them to you ? Furthermore all their payments go via paypal as far as I know, so if they are not willing to help you, then open a dispute with paypal (see https://cms.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/?cmd=_render-content&content_ID=security/buyer_protection).
wait a minute!!! Before you instruct anyone to put a claim with paypal. he needs to understand the adapter shipping with all TVpad is 110-240V, meaning it should work with any country. The adapter he is talking about is probably a universal adapter for his country that attaches to the included power adapter. I don't think it is mentioned anywhere on their site or the order form that it is included. That is why the buyer thought TVpad support staff was saying he was making it up. So "No"!!! he should not put a dispute claim with paypal, and go buy a $1 adapter from 99cent store or something!