well, for anyone who is curious tvpad switched their ip from sop:// to sop://, but username & pw is the problem.
Anyone else got an Australian power plug in the package even though its supposed to be shipped to the United States? I spoke with live chat but they thought i was making it all up as they kept repeating they only send unified power plugs globally. They keep telling me to buy an adapter and wont fix their own problem. Also the back of the device where the Ethernet port is, hdmi etc. had lots scratches, its like they wiped it with a wired brush instead of a microfiber cloth. I cant test it out until the Australian to North American power adapter arrives today. Seems like i got a lemon. should have brought from the ebay seller rather than the official site if i knew customer service was that bad.
Wrong thread. Ask your question in http://www.dramasian.com/forum/showthread.php/74576-The-TVPad-Knowledge-Center .
May I ask how you got the IP address ? As far as I know you do not own a TVPad, or do you ? I managed to sniff the packets from the TVPad.
Phantoman, I want to suggest that you keep the sniffing project to yourself. It's really not that hard to do if one really wants to find out. But I tend to support the TVpad project for the ease of use for my parents and my elderly family members. Who only knows how to turn things on. Once there is a leak, people would stop buying the TVpad and the support for this product will slowly die. Just my 2 cents. take it for what it's worth.
Heheh, was busy with school work. Alright, I know a bit of Chinese, well. I think it says "WLTV 1.0.20 Free Version (without VIP)". I think it's the end of streaming, except for PPStream... or any other 3rd party software. (mms:// links would be great... ones that are 24/7!)
Well that doesn't add up, it can't be the end if the one on PPStream is still working Anyway, it will never be the end. Someone will always find a way.
Looks like all the other channels still exist. If you put in 3174 for example, it will still try to buffer and say invalid username and password. How does this username and password work? Is it done through DRM like they did with 3TV?
While waiting for my TVpad to arrive, i found a direct link to TVB. The quality is not fantastic but still viewable.
Its too bad there aren't any working TVB streams. I really wanted to catch the election. PPS is really spotty and BeTV can't got widescreen with the Divx method anymore
Ok. I found a site with the regular tvb channel. Go to www.3ptv.cn. It seems to work best in IE but my laptop's fan gets louder every time I use it. The channel is out of mainland China not out of HK.
Thanks! It keeps buffering for me though. The direct link is supposed to be mms :// cui (REMOVE SPACES).