"I'd Love to, but I am just so busy to go out"

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by minnutes, Mar 25, 2012.

  1. LOVE? AHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA Funny way of showin it -bowroflarms

    Dude sort it out dun even try it man... I hope ur gf finds out about u and dump ur ass ¬_¬
  2. lol well one things for sure.. i'm glad evil=muis alive..
  3. Hartia

    Hartia Well-Known Member

    what a waste of reading...-__-
  4. Ruoyi

    Ruoyi Well-Known Member

    OP..you sound like a complete douchebag...i hope she dumps your ass tmr....what kind of decent bf would think of playing around with other girls?..
    you wanna use the other girl "as much as possible"??..jeez you arent getting any from your gf or something?...sound pretty desperate here...such a-hole...what did your gf ever see in you?...wth...
  5. minnutes

    minnutes Member

    What makes you guys conclude my cover was blown? I promptly removed her friend's friend request from my gf's facebook.
  6. :facepalm: OMFG... man kiddies these days.. Don't use "I'm male, you understand" as a fucking excuse for you wanting to cheat because you can't keep it in your pants.

    Fuck I hate kids and their promiscuity these days. Is nothing sacred any more? you have a fucking girlfriend yet you want to know how to act to keep your options open? It's garbage like you that make guys look bad everywhere.

    Why the hell would you be thinking "i want to use this 'user'"... if you had half a brain you'd tell this 'international student' to get lost and be done with it.. not dwell on it here...

    If you really don't know what to in this situation, take a step back and ask yourself, why the hell your such a douche... your obviously not ready for shit...

  7. Mihawk11

    Mihawk11 Member

    This is too long and too much to read zzz
  8. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    Here lets end it.

    Upload pics of the new girl and your current gf. Then PA-members will vote whether to say 'fuck off' to the new girl and stick with your current gf, or vice-versa. :trollface: Mind that if you dump your current gf and u cant get the new girl.. not our fault ;)


    Joking aside.. just leave the new girl alone. Stick with your current one.. lol. You can have a bad reputation if you get caught cheating, and no girls would ever wanna date you again!
  9. minnutes

    minnutes Member

    I would like to thank everyone for beating it out of me. I will stick with my current gf and will see this person as no more than a classmate.
  10. [​IMG]

    No Pics?
  11. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    no man do not listen to that pok guy:facepalm: u should pursue the new girl i mean what kind of guy doesn't cheat on their girlfriend i mean tell it to her face say yeah i fucked that girl put the bitch in her place! stop being a pussy. like you say "I'm male, you understand." dont be a bitch now and pin your dick between your ass cheeks. A mans gotta do what a man's gotta do! add oil!
  12. Bulla

    Bulla Well-Known Member

    Stop giving bad advice hunghai, dont cheat on your gf and sleep around, besides you may get aids and die.
  13. LOL gong gong u sucha bad influence!! ¬_¬

    Dude... U obviously dun even deserve ur current gf!! If u did u wouldnt even be thinkin about this other girl... U need to grow the hell up and learn how to respect the people around u... How would u feel if ur gf who u 'LOVE' so much... APPARENTLY... Had the same thoughts and is out with her other 'options'??? Clearly u dun even kno what love is... Man I feel sorry for ur gf... I hope she busts ur big cheater ass (even if u just 'thought' about it)
  14. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    Mmmm... this is a little over the top Mui -innocent2 If every girl broke up with their boyfriend because he thought of what sex with another girl might be like, more than half of the world's relationships would end. Thinking about something doesn't make it terrible necessarily... acting on it is what does.
  15. Bulla

    Bulla Well-Known Member

    thought you said "Bursts ur big cheater ass"..

    was thinking that's a bit extreme.
  16. ANBU

    ANBU Member

    wow I wasted my time
  17. Okiii finee... He hasnt done anything yet... But he's on here asking for 'advice' on how to kau this new girl... One step further than just thinking about it right ¬_¬
  18. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    think ya just a bit sensitive on the topic
  19. LOL hes jus annoyin me... Aiii people just mou lou T_T
  20. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    I agree... sad face indeed.. :(