Hi, I got a 5 meter HDMI cable, the quality seems to be very good. I plugged it into my tv and acer revo and it was detected by the revo (revo knew tv brand and res etc) but the tv did not pick anything up (nothing to do with resolution). with samsung tvs, if it cant pick up a signal you wont even be able to select the device in the menu, so the HDMI remained greyed out. Now i take the hdmi cable out of my xbox and plug it in the revo, its perfect no problem. i try the 5mtr cable in the xbox, it works perfectly so the acer is fine, the hdmi is fine. i cant swap the hdmi because the one being used in the xbox is not long enough to reach the revo. do you guys have any idea what this is about?
1) was the tv get the cycle of your input options? my toshiba requires that, as hdmi are passive ports 2) resolution, did you actually changed each of the revo resolution and check on the tv? 3) is the tv on NTSC or PAL version?
checked em, makes no difference, works fine on other hdmi cable at native resolution, but too short to use. not sure what you mean on #1 yeah i checked, but i have it set to the native atm, still wont work. im in the UK but tbh i didnt know we still do the ntsc/pal thing but if we do im guessing its pal. But remember, if i use my other HDMI cable, it works perfectly so my pc settings cant be wrong, its just that particular HDMI cable but that particular HDMI cable works with my xbox so i cant figure what can be at fault.
okay, tried my neighbors HDMI cable and it didnt work for the revo. The revo only seems to be pushing the signal through with cables upto 2 meters, beyond 2 meter and its not interested. Ill contact Acer about that and see what they have o say.
could also be with the quality of the cables sometimes u get what u pay for, especially if u go with longer ones with digital - u know its all or nothing at least with analog, u see the fuzzy signals LOL
Thats true with long length cables, at the lengths im dealing with, cheap cables are no different from the expensive ones. I think the cables are fine, they work with everything except the revo. ill just contact the acer and see what they say when i get back later.