I raged also at my life

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by hkop, Apr 4, 2012.

  1. hkop

    hkop Well-Known Member

    Top Poster of the Month

    so i graduated 2008 havent had a decent job since, took all my savings in the bank gambled it well went up 30k before crashing down to zero.

    still hunting for a job that's decent non night shifts in toronto.

    someone give me a hand to pull me up from the ground.
  2. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    go find a job on jobbank or craigslist..work your way up or find a part time and do school. You're not the only one that doesn't have a stable job, a lot of people do.. but unlike us, they work for anything including minimum wage or shit hours
  3. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    dude, join the F-ing military and become an officer.....if you're a successful one, ull earn a lot..anything is better than gambling...
  4. hkop

    hkop Well-Known Member

    Top Poster of the Month

    forces .ca ignored me 2 years with full time regular forces told me positions that were opened i picked 3, done interview medical checks 2x cuz of 1 year expirey still no calls no offers they played me.
  5. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    im planning on applying to the forces or rcmp or even tps..for forces, i want to be in the logistic department..rcmp i have to relocate, tps is ideal but its hard to get into
  6. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    fly off a building and anticipate the next life! Could be better! Will Be! Especially if you love jesus, jesus will love you back!
  7. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

  8. reno

    reno Well-Known Member

    what doesn't kill u only makes u stronger
    where u fail, try again
  9. really.. up 30k and didn't even stop.. :facepalm:

    well you graduated.. go do something useful with that degree..

    funny thing was at first I thought the title said I also raged at my wife.. lol
  10. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member





    Sorry, but it's time to wake up and smell the coffee, ie. time for a reality check; in view of the genuinely sad life stories the world over worth raging about, your's won't even be an afterthought. No offense, but can you grow the hell up? Your's is exactly the kind of loser attitude that is what's wrong with the world; I mean, such an inflated sense of entitlement. And blowing 30K? That's more than some people in the world would ever hope to make their entire lives. Don't you realize how lucky you already are; you HAVE a life. Try putting it to productive use instead of standing there like a mendicant with hat in hand.

    Damn, you probably still live with your parents too, I bet. :laugh:
    #10 ralphrepo, Apr 5, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2012
  11. hkop

    hkop Well-Known Member

    Top Poster of the Month

    guys im not here 2 suicide or anything man im happy 4 my life why you showing me vids of kids being prostitutes n slaves lol.
    I'm just the average canadian here looking for a way out.

    this is a rank forum right why u flaming me.
  12. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Frankly, I'm not flaming you insomuch as trying to put your complaints about life into a little perspective. You're probably luckier than 90% of the world's population in that you're educated, don't live in daily want, and have options available to you that many could only dream of. Realize and appreciate the wealth that you've been given and use it to your advantage is all I'm saying.
  13. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    get started preparing for your basic training.
  14. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    Tons of opportunities out there if you know what to look for and if you're willing to take a step back and do something unglamorous.

    Get into school for a trade or service job like plumbing or mechanical. I have a friend who finished school for welding and he is making 100+ thousand a year working on the oil rigs in Fort Mac, Alberta. If you get into plumbing you can easily make 40k/yr starting as an apprentice and work your way into owning your own company.

    If you're looking for something like officework you just have to target what field you want to be in and start studying like a motherfucker. For example, if you want to be in finance study on your own time and get a Canadian Securities Course certification and work towards your Chartered Financial Planner designation or Chartered Financial Advisor level. I have friends working towards their CA and CMA designations so they can actually make some money in the future, but for now they are taking it up the ass doing grunt level accounting work.

    You need to figure out a target for something you want and then spend as much time as it takes seeing what you need to get there and then planning it out accordingly. Take out a student loan or w/e, do a cost benefit analysis and figure out your life.

    No one is going to hand you shit, you got to make it for yourself... also Toronto might not be the best place to be if you're desperate for work.
  15. This is the key message here.

    The problem is, this relies on one having at least the bare minimum amount of ambition, drive, and the attitude of doing whatever it takes to make it. Unfortunately, maybe I had too much hope on humanity, but it only dawned to me recently that there are people out there who just don't give a shit about doing things correctly, doing what it takes to succeed, and doing it for their own self.

    So OP, either you pick your ass up and do whatever it takes to succeed (and this is COMPLETELY possible by anyone who puts effort), OR you continue the way you're going and go no where in life. And don't think I'm just saying this to you, I've said this to one of my close friends, who I think has a worse behavior than you. He doesn't care about doing things right (even when given the tools and instructions on how to do things right), he doesn't care about doing things well, and all he does is leech off of people, asking people to do shit for him. And if I was a hiring manager, he would be the last person I hire.

    So in the end, OP, your life is in your own hands. Your success is yours for the taking, your failure is yours to bear.
  16. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    what degree u hav?
  17. hkop

    hkop Well-Known Member

    Top Poster of the Month

    i dont got no degree just a college diploma for general arts lol, 2 year prog.
    i want 2 go into trades but you can't until a company gives u an apprenticeship.
  18. What was the reason you chose your program in general arts?
  19. hkop

    hkop Well-Known Member

    Top Poster of the Month

    so i could work at general jobs computer work, production work, it'd look good ont he resume.
  20. How's that working out? What is the exact name of your program? General Arts is extremely broad, employers would be hard-pressed to hire someone with "General Arts" as a degree.

    Also, re-evaluate your career/life dude. A lot of people just take life one day at a time, and they take actions/make decisions as they come. I don't understand how they still manage to survive, without having at least a skeleton of a plan for their lives... I'm not saying your program is the wrong program to be in, but you choose your program based on what you want to do in life, not how you want your resume to look like. You choose it based on your interests, not what makes a lot of money.

    Lots of people choose a career in something that makes a lot of money, but I disagree with this philosophy. If you are in an industry that supposedly makes a lot of money, yet you are not interested in it, you wont make the large money you seek. People who work in an industry they don't like, yet are successful, are dedicated, and this is very rare.

    Interest = motivation = effort = success.

    So start again. Find your area of interest, then you'll find motivation. Then you'll actually put an effort into it, and that's where you'll have success.