I raged also at my life

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by hkop, Apr 4, 2012.

  1. hkop

    hkop Well-Known Member

    Top Poster of the Month

    my interests involves in gambling now, popularasians n movies n more games
    gimmi a program to take dan
  2. Let me list out all of your problems from this one post alone.

    1) You're gambling
    2) You're not going to stop gambling
    3) You do not know how to set priorities
    4) You're relying on other people to tell you what to do
    5) From previous point, this implies that you have zero ambition, zero drive, zero effort, and zero care to make your life better
    6) You do not know how to evaluate your life, and seek help to solve your problems (i.e. gambling)
    7) And probably worst of all, you don't recognize any of these problems.

    On point 7 alone I should just let you be. Start by fixing your gambling problem. You don't have money, yet you still gamble, that's your biggest problem.

    Until you fix it, you're on your own
  3. hkop

    hkop Well-Known Member

    Top Poster of the Month

    well i actually only gamble on money ive made online which is from affiliates, internet marketing about 2k a month not a lot its like a side thing never loan i know this.

    i have like zero hobby for work, ive worked in production facilities, data entry nothing motivates me dan tell me about you you working yet big company? thats basically my goal get in a big company somewhere doing whatever i can. n progress from there but i haven't had the chances even tho i say this i actually do go n apply everyday send out resumes etc

    i got call backs for night shifts, n scam jobs that say we'll hire u as long as u pay for these online courses which the guy owns etc.
    too good to be true jobs.

    whats out there is what im trying to find out
    whats there for graduates in the year 2008 to work for.
    if theres nothing its back 2 school but can only afford 2 year progs that arent over 10k
    i have money left that are untouched for schooling but thats only if i goto school is my last option, still seeking a career worth doing anything on jobbank but all i say everyday is either dishwashers, general labours, or jobs that don't make sense requiring u 5+ experience n a wack of qualifications.

    i got problems dan lend me ur hand shoot me up
  4. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    so basically you got an associates degree in arts?
  5. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Having been an interviewer and decision maker in the hiring of prospective employees, perhaps I can shed a little light on why the OP may find his path so hard. If he were sitting across the table from me, I would flat out reject him and here's why; IMHO, his problem isn't so much that he lacks a baccalaureate, but rather that even with one, his attitude remains centered on an adolescent existence. Everything from his general tenor of and expectation for entitlement and assistance, to his abysmal writing skills reflects on his current level of maturity. Even his own list of professed interests remains a testament to his inability to move beyond the milieu of a teenager, all of which is likely glaringly apparent to any of those employers of substance which he seeks. The fact is, even with a degree he would bring very little to the table. Given the current economic miasma and its effect on overall employment, job prospects for such low end candidates are admittedly few and far between. He talks about his desire, expectation and need for career opportunities with eventual advancements within a large firm but has only found openings for general low cost laborers. The tragedy here is that he hasn't yet realized that anything beyond that is, in all probability, beyond his current employment ability.

    IMHO, he may do better in seeking non-traditional or perhaps web based job sources, where his familiarity with the internet and ability to work independently would allow him to overcome his other shortcomings. But then again, there are legions of gamers out there already who all want jobs working for the gaming industry. Many of those guys and gals may be gamers, but they're also academically prepared with CS and other related degrees. In other words, the field may be more to his tastes, but nonetheless remains aggressively competitive from an employment opportunity perspective.

    I sincerely wish him luck.
  6. hkop

    hkop Well-Known Member

    Top Poster of the Month

    im looking at reality here i could type pretty well but i don't want to because this is a forum not 4 school, don't see how that reflects my maturity, you ain't wishing me luck your flaming here just like ur first initial post. my hobbies are gaming but how does that make me want to go in the gaming industry? why are you prejudicing me. I have an inability to move beyond of a teenager you must be joking with me or trolling me. You don't even know how old i am, im most likely older than you. Typing well putting those commas makes you more mature?

    since when does writing skills let you know what kind of person i am? i think your trolling to hard on the net, all the jobs i've worked on had set backs, lay off's . Now your saying a big company is beyond my current ability to work, who do you think you are? lol.
  7. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    uh no just because you can play games doesn't mean you can make games lol. The math, physics, programming and experience needed to be a programmer for the video games industry will prevent that. Maybe get in the artist position but then that would even be more picky. Lol just because you are a gamer DOES NOT mean you can get into the video game industry! Well maybe if you want to be a journalist or a producer but to be involved in video game design/production means skills that not everyone can learn just because they want to.

    Anyways to OP a 2 year degree to general arts, like what fine arts? Lol what did you think that would get you. Unless you are freelance and have years of experience and recommendations do not expect work in your field and gambling away 30k? Lol if you are serious man i'll say you are a dumbass and either go back to school or maybe find a nearby fastfood place? Maybe even get a certification in some other field. Art degrees are absolutely useless unless you stand out, especially a 2 year art degree, even four year art degree students have trouble finding work if they don't dedicate their lives to it. Or the third option, get fit and be a male stripper :trollface2: All your fellow canadians will support you!
  8. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Writing skill is as much reflection on education and maturation as it is on the ability to communicate with the world at large. You may assume that you're more worldly than me, and frankly I too experienced that sort of inflated self confidence after I returned from active duty back in 1979. It was only after getting my degree and then working for a few decades that I realized how stratified the world really is. Typing well and putting in commas does not make me more mature; rather it is your inability to see the need for such that makes you less eloquent. Further, your lack of maturity is what prevents you from being able to recognize that. That seems to be your greatest impediment to gainful employment. You may think that I'm flaming you but I'm not. I'm really giving you the benefit of over a half century worth of hard earned personal experience in a nutshell. But at this point, given your responses, it seems rather fruitless to even belabor the issue; I won't speak on this any further. You can do with the advice as you wish.

    Yes, indeed. I'm wholly aware of what goes into even just the basic computer science baccalaureate, and the masters level as well. That's the reason I alluded to the fact that the field remains aggressively competitive. Plenty of people graduating with those degrees, with IS, IT or programming related job hopes are instead working at positions afield from their interests just to stay above water. However, I pointed that out simply because the OP had mentioned them, in that he seemed to have expressed an interest in those things above all else.
    #28 ralphrepo, Apr 6, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2012
  9. You're talking about how this is a forum, that you know how to write properly and you're saying how you behave on forums should not reflect your professionalism. Well I tell you what, your behavior is blatantly transparent, and I only need to read one line to see it, and it's the line above.

    You got problems, and you're asking a discussion board to 'hook you up'. That shows that you don't put enough effort to fix your own problems, as much as you say you do. I'm not a manager yet (which I aim to be), however I know for a fact that if I meet people with your attitude, I won't even bother looking at your resume, even if you have a PhD. That attitude brings nothing to a culture of a company, and I say again, it brings absolutely NOTHING to a company. I'd be wasting my money to hire you.

    You're asking how I managed to get into a big company?

    Let me tell you: Hard, fucking, work. For one thing, I don't choose my degree program based on what's easy, and what makes a lot of money. I choose my computer science program based on what I'm interested, and a _plan_ I've made for my life. Plan your life. I don't display a sorry attitude like you're doing, on this forum. Everyone has problems, sometimes worse than you and I work my ass off to fix those problems and better myself.

    The key here is that I've SET myself up to where I can succeed. I hooked myself up, I drive myself up, so I don't see why you should be given the privilege to have someone hook you up, when the rest of us have worked OUR ASSES off.

    If I see one more 'hook me up' from you, instead of 'help me better myself and fix my attitude', you can kiss my ass. If you can't see your problem after many of us have pretty much told you what to fix, you seriously need to sit down and re-evaluate your life.
  10. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User


    How could he shoot you up if you ain't even taking the basic advice of plugging your own financial leakage of gambling in the first place...
  11. reno

    reno Well-Known Member

    some people can't be saved...

    darwin's theory should hopefully come into play
  12. hkop

    hkop Well-Known Member

    Top Poster of the Month

    i don't understand whats with all the prejudice here because of my writing style, do I seriously need to put my sentences into a professionalism for you?
    I took my savings to gamble which was $1000 and I turned it into 30k before losing it all. It was a first time thing, I only gamble off for entertainment and a way to make money, that's how society works, its whoever is bigger eats whoever is smaller. Stocks, business's gambling you seriously think you can make money in this society just having a regular job. Your entire life will just be in debt's of mortgages, car loans, interests, that won't be payed off until your dead or retired.
    That's how life works, you go telling me I'm not mature I can't move up, because the way I type? why are you being so arrorant, this is reality of how money works we live in a world of dog eat dog.
    that's the truth, know it, accept it. I made this thread to rant about my life and you're here posting kids going into prostitute and slaves then flaming on me saying I should write better I'm not mature enough for you to hire me if you were the interviewer. ---That's a good one.
    You so saying you still live with your parents? Does that automatically degrade you as a person? There more people in the world or still lives with their parents so you already assume they are immature. You don't know what I've been through yet you still judge by the way I type, real mature yourself.

    As for financial problems, did I say I have any? I have some money untouched as mentions in post number 1 if you read. I only gamble safe because that's where I made the most money so quickly in my lifetime.

    The only problem I got is my orginal post, read it n stop posting how mature you are yourself and how much older you seriously think you are than me.
    I'm asking for a hand e.g. suggestion what to do next, it's be great if someone posted an ad site to a company hiring or something.

    You rather post with if you were an interviewer yourself I think you wouldn't put anything on the table because the way I type, my education, how you think you're very mature.
    General Art Diploma may not mean a lot to you but to the rest of the people with Diploma's it is actually just a nice look on the resume.

    By I mean someone to hook you up, seriously how do you hook someone up in a forum, do I mean that? Am I all of a sudden going to get hooked up? It's just a phrase asking for advice, you don't seem to at all care and just keep posting about my writing style, my maturity. Why not look at yourself? What's your reason in this thread to flame? Why not post something like try taking "program" I heard a lot of jobs hiring for those graduates.

    what's with the trolls here and their real nice writing style? to just flame a person's rant thread.
  13. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    You make 2K a month from online marketing and affiliates? That's pretty impressive in itself. What sites do you use, I have a lot of spare time and if I could be clearing 2 grand a month online I'd be all over that shit.
  14. hkop

    hkop Well-Known Member

    Top Poster of the Month

    im using clickbank, i have a marketing account, promoting products via adwords, but this is just a side hobby thing that takes up like an hour daily or so to do.

    I'm still looking for a real full time career but some members here can't offer any help but post my writing skills reflects who I am and no help at all but flames from their arrogant trolling.

    btw the problem with online marketing if your into it, is its not steady you get wide spread ranging from $500 bucks a month- 2k or even sometimes $200 or less.

    it just depends on buyers, clicks, cpa, whatever you're into.
  15. I've always written in this style, it's nothing new. You're the one who keeps asking for hook ups on a discussion board. Not sure how we're trolling. If you're not ready for the replies then don't ask lol
  16. hkop

    hkop Well-Known Member

    Top Poster of the Month

    im asking for advice, please do read post number 1 before you reply. do you seriously think someone will hook you up in a forum, it's an expression. Aren't you educated enough to know between jokes and reality?
    Your trolling by replying your writing style ready for replies or ready for flames? Why do nobody ever read Post 1 when you jump in on something.
    I asked you for a program to take right n you pop out of no where telling me 7 points of negativity, gambling ain't a problem, I'm not going everyday I'm not loaning it's entertainment, a way to make some money. People who never gambled before or won't even step forth in a casino thinking it's a bad thing you're already prejudicing. Arrogant, I only gamble on what I have, say you people use money for movies, electronics, ipads2 phones whatever the jack of trades you buy. Instead I gamble with that, what's wrong with that money being spent?

    It's like vacation money you goto hongkong, I take it to the casino is there a difference?

    now lets get back on the original post my rant thread want to give me a suggestion on what course to take rather than continuing ralph's immaturity? and prejudging someone how they typE? I made that e cap on purpose. thanks.
  17. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    #1 advice is to not take advice from people you don't know online
  18. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    yo my advice is good kdotc took it look how he turned out :trollface2:
  19. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    my advices are good, [n] took it shared it with kdotc, look how they both turned out :trollface2:
  20. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    yah dank u flames i feel like i have a new perspective of lifes :trollface2: