he shouldn't have taken viagra but cialis .. at least cialis last up to 6 hours so he can take 2 whilst viagra last about 2-3 hours which mean he had to take at least 4 to play fo r12 hours .. we students always joke about the med back in college and 2 frat buddies actually tried viagra for fun .. anyway, wasn't a big sell to us students at the time. what most people were fighting to get a hand on was memory drugs .. crazy but yeah ..
lol why do people assume that he died happy just because hes been having sex? to some people, sex is a form of torture, and since he has to get it on for 12 hours straight, i highly doubt he calls it enjoyable.
yeah .. he's being paid for it so it's like a duck job .. how is that enjoyable .. but then again, i can understand ya'll young people don't get any so always think all thing related to SEX to be happy thing ... lol