Found a link on youtube ^^ Can kids talk when they're 2? I think he's like 4, but not 2 for sure... But either way, this kid gonna get fucked over when he grows up
^ Thanks AC0110 for linking the vid, didn't think it would be on youtube...........but then again, everything's on youtube.
So where's the video of him screwing his ho, slapping around his home bitch, and jacking his first car? Then his dad can really get the father of the year award. LOL... In the US, and probably most of the developed world, the child would be immediately taken away from an idiot parent like that. It's bad enough that people in the world name their kids after comic book heroes... this just takes the cake. :ugh:
And theres just a small crowd of people, watching, not giving a shit. How do you teach someone so young how to smoke ?
he seem like he's been smoking for years, guess they don't know how messed up smoking can do to your health.
wth? people and can stand around watching that? thats freaken sad. if that kids gonna smoke like that, and his parents let him, they beta be prepared to face the consequences. this is ruining the childs life.
rough times..... very rough times...... i wonder how that kid's lungs are going to be when they give out..
retarded parents. Looking at how easily he inhales... he must have started smoking way back. shameful indeed...... and its funny to see his dad putting his kid's hoodie on so he doesnt get cold, but letting him smoke.
WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!! jeez......what's wrong with the minds of the countryside people?!! they probably think it's cool for their 2 year old to smoke.........what the fuck......seriously, China needs to educate better people............i feel shameful, as a citizen.......dang