so as you all know, people in the UK are planning out a meet up. Anyone interested in having one in California? Ideas? I wanna do it in the bay area but if more people choose SoCal I can probably drive down there too.. lol btw, this is open to anyone in the US so if you want to take a summer trip to California here's your chance! DISNEYLANDDDDDDD!! Leave a post if you're interested & where/what you wanna do. Thanks to kontradictions, here's where you can sign up and put down where you are from and where you want the meet to be:
lol you and KT said you were gonna meet up in Toronto over the summer i said "wtf a cali meet in Toronto?!"
haha, no i said i was going down to vancouver and toronto this summer too. it just so happened that she was as well! i don't think our schedules are going to work for a meetup since KT has to be back before july? and i won't go until late july / early aug.