The 2016 Mr. Hong Kong contestants are gearing up for their upcoming final contest this September. Earlier this week, the 10 Mr. Hong Kong hopefuls went to a beach near the Qigong Waterfall in Pingtun, Taiwan to shoot a river trekking challenge. #4 Jackson Lai (黎振燁) injured his knee while attempting to rock climb; he admitted in a later interview that he actually has a fear of heights, to the point where he would be too scared to even go on roller coasters. He had no choice but to “hang on” for the challenge, but if he was ordered to climb higher, he would have said no and quit. #8 Thomas Ng (伍禮騫), on the other hand, enjoys a good thrill. He said he has bungee jumped before, and is not afraid of danger. After completing the river trekking challenge, the 10 contestants moved to the bay to shoot another beach video. The men took off their shirts and displayed their well-toned, athletic bodies for the shoot. They had fun teasing #3 Flow Leung (梁裕恆), who was the most muscular of the ten. With the final contest drawing nearer, Flow said he’s been feeling more pressure and stress, and had experienced sleep paralysis for the first time. He said it felt like a ghost was trying to crush him, but he knew they were hallucinations. The reporters then joked that “profanity can scare the ghosts away,” to which Flow replied with a laugh, “I’ll try that next time.” The 2016 Mr. Hong Kong contest will be held on September 11. Creds: QQ