22-year-old Girl Pledges to Marry Whoever Donates 150,000 YUAN to save her classmate

Discussion in 'Chinese Chat' started by BLR, Sep 26, 2009.

  1. BLR

    BLR Well-Known Member

    Hollyshit! Thats so noble of her. I don't know anyone who would give up their life like this for someone else.

    In ancient China, it is common for a girl to sell herself for the burial of her father, today this girl pledges to marry the one who saves her classmate. Her classmate was suffering from severe brain inflammation in urgent need of 150,000 yuan. If a good-hearted man is willing to donate, she would repay with her body by marrying him.


    “Donate 150,000 to help 22-year-old girl suffering from severe brain inflammation, I would repay with my body, marry the person” was written by a girl named Dandan (丹丹) as the following:

    Name: Zhang Yue (张月)

    Sex: Female

    Age: 22

    Hometown: (德州市平原县王大挂乡张序班村人)

    Illness: Severe brain inflammation

    Current situation: in coma for three days

    Patient sent to Jinan Qilu Hospital on September 13th, 2009. Doctor diagnosed her with severe brain inflammation. Patient is likely to stay in coma for the rest of her life. Her parents are farmers, already could not afford to pay 4, 5 thousand yuan medical expenses a day, everyone please care for the children of the farmers.

    I hope all friends here can give your love, so that this 22 year old girl can recover sooner. Here, I thank you on behalf of the patient and I will thank you in person if I get a chance to!

    Disclaimer: This information is absolutely true, if you do not believe, come to Jinan Qilu Hospital and check out yourself. If anyone willing to contribute 150,000 yuan, I would repay with my body, pledge to marry him.

    Name: Dadan (丹丹)

    Sex: Female

    Age: 22

    Hometown: (德州市平原县)

    Personality: both

    Height: 163 cm

    Personal Description: I am tender, obedient, understanding and know how to do house chores. Good appearance, although I am not an especially pretty girl, but I look cute, with good temperament!

    Contact: Dandan (丹丹)

    (post included the picture above)

    Netizens questioned: should not use life-long happiness as a bargaining chip

    Netizens had mixed views on Dandan’s action. Some netizens thought maybe this was just a made up hype (炒作). Netizen “点子正” said “enough enthusiasm, but with poor method”. Netizen “狂心顿歇” side sarcastically “Not only wants his 150,000! Also wants him to feed you for the rest of your life!”

    The majority of the netizens had the attitude of understanding and compassion. In addition to wishing her classmate a speedy recovery, some also reminded Dandan to raise more awareness on how to protect herself, should not easily put your marriage as a bargaining chip, but to seek a more compromised method.

    One netizen analyzed the post from the social point of view “A weak girl can only use such extreme way to try to save her friend, letting us to see the cold and indifferent relationships of human beings. When she first posted it, there were even some people started to insult her, also reflected the quality of some people still need to be improved. If we do not have the ability to help Dandan and her classmate, we should still also send our most sincere blessing.”

    Head Physician: Surgery may not coast as much as 150,000

    Reporter went to Qilu Hosital in Jinan, Shandong Province. The head physician was surprised when reporter arrived, he stated that he was not aware of the online posting, but currently Yue-Mei’s condition had improved. She already woke up and can make simple movement and dialogue. “She spent over 10,000 yuan, do not need as much as 150,000 yuan.” Then doctor said, Dandan was in the room he could help reporter to talk to her.

    Dandan stated: come up with the idea of selling her body and pledge to marry in desperation

    Reporter had a phone interview with Dandan. Dandan said Yue-Mei and her are classmates with very good relations. When asked about pledging to marry, Dandan’s voices were choked with sobs. “There was no alternative but to make such a decision. Yu-Mei’s brother got kidney disease a few years ago and the family borrowed a lot of money. Now Mei also got sick, her parents really could not afford to pay the medical bills. In fact, in the beginning, I only wanted to call for good-hearted people to help Yue-Mei, but no one cared about it. Maybe everyone thought I was a lair. Therefore out of desperation, I had the idea of repaying with my body and pledge to marry.”

    Dandan finally said, since she could not bear Yue-Mei’s pain, she hoped she can try her hardest to help Yue-Mei. Regarding to the Netizen’s questions, Dandan said “I am also aware of that many people are criticizing me, but I will stick to my plan, because there is really no other alternative.”
  2. Dav

    Dav Well-Known Member

    wow, that is indeed very valiant of her. i don't know what to make of this, but she's one heck of a friend. hope all goes well.
  3. KaY_xD

    KaY_xD 但願人長久,千里共嬋娟

    not surprised, maybe cuz i've seen that enough o___O''

    it might sound redic, but its true, this is how serious we value family and friends. thumbs up for this person, whether its 炒作 or not. (Y)
  4. EvilTofu

    EvilTofu 吃|✿|0(。◕‿◕。)0|✿|吃

    I'll buy her....

    If it's true than her action is very noble but making a decision that will affect her life is kinda crazy as well.
  5. Xib

    Xib Well-Known Member

    Translate: Any rich suckers out there for me to marry ?
  6. Tony

    Tony Well-Known Member

    she's not ugly
  7. tjsye2

    tjsye2 Well-Known Member

    Shes very brave! But, she should not sell herself that way!
  8. binopeda

    binopeda Member

    Yea. you should not sell herself.. It's still not right
  9. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    150,000 in China ain't that much...
    I could actually afford her ^^
  10. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    "Personality: both"

    Hmmm... like WTF? Jekyll and Hyde? -what?
  11. Thisdamngood

    Thisdamngood Well-Known Member

    Afford her for the rest of her life? haha. and also she becomes American citizen after you get married with her.
  12. EvilTofu

    EvilTofu 吃|✿|0(。◕‿◕。)0|✿|吃

    Put her on a lie detector and have a back ground check than do some investigating to see what she really is like. If you do go with it, have her sign a prenuptial agreements.
  13. DragonBuster

    DragonBuster Well-Known Member

    Tony you looks so prettydancey1
  14. JayChou8

    JayChou8 Member

    I thought we only see such story in movies. lol No way, this can't be true, I got to meet this girl to believe it.
  15. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

  16. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    Was she really set out to help her friend or herself? Only time will tell .. these days and age, I can't and won't believe someone would do such a thing anymore. There is no Romeo and Juliet anymore .... if one is to die, I bet the other will move on and enjoy the inheritance ... lol

    Anyway, one would question why she cares so much about a friend yet what about her own family? Kinda silly that reporters didn't ask more questions ..
  17. xhikarux

    xhikarux Guest

    so this is a new way to marry an average-rich guy? these tricks are getting advance
  18. sillybebegal

    sillybebegal Member

    what a smart girl. she gets a triple wamo, if not more. she helps her friend. she finds a kind-hearted man (hopefully he's not helping just to marry her), she finds someone destined to meet her this way, and if the guy's overseas she gets instant citizenship! :)
  19. ericlala

    ericlala Active Member

    sneaky she is
  20. aznxtonyx

    aznxtonyx Member

    that is common it like all over the place where they sell them self. but in this case if she is doing that for a friend that is really something